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التأثيرات النفسية للعنف المسلح على الاطفال من خلال التعبير الفن في رسومهم

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يبقى الفن ولا زال في جميع حالات التعاقب البشري ومراحل التطور الانساني الاكثر انطلاقة وتميزاً في التعبير عن واقع الانسان وعن مشاعره وانفعالاته وافكاره ذات الصلة بتأثيرات البيئة المحيطة به.

والفن ولاسيما (الرسم) يمثل وسيلة من وسائل التعبير الفني بل يكاد يكون الرسم وسيلة الانسان الاولى التي عبر فيها بخطوط مرئية عن مجالات حياته وعلاقته بالبيئة التي عاش فيها، ويقيناً ان الخطوط هذه وكما شكلتها يد الانسان وظهرت بصيغة رموز وصور ذات دلالات او معانٍ عبرت عن انفعالاته واهتماماته وحالته النفسية الداخلية من جهة، وعلاقته بالبيئة التي يعشيها بجميع ظواهرها الاجتماعية والطبيعية من جهة اخرى، في اشكال ظهرت في البداية على جدران الكهوف والقصور والمعابد والمنازل التي استخدمها كاوراق للرسم عليها وفيما تركه ذلك من ادلة على التعبير الفني لمكونات بيئته.

ومع ان وسائل الرسم وطرائق التعبير عنه قد تعددت وتنوعت عبر الاف السنين الا ان ميزة التفرد الرئيسة للرسم ظلت وستبقى تمثل حاجة نفسية يلجأ اليها الانسان بوصفها الوسيلة الاقرب وضوحاً الى نفسه والاعمق اثراً في وجدانه، كون ان الرسم من اكثر الفنون تماساً بملامح حياته ومن اشدها تأثيراً بشعوره وادراكه بدليل ان الحضارات الانسانية سعت ولقرون عديدة الى ان تعبر عن تجربتها الانسانية بالرسوم التي ينجزها ابناؤها.

ان هذا التوجه يعزز القناعة بفاعلية تلك الرسوم وفي تهيئة ذلك الترابط بين الانسان وما يعتمل في نفسه وفي كل ما في بيئته من مظاهر واشكال وما تحتويه من مشاهد تتمثل في رسومه وفي رؤيته ونظراته الى البيئة وتذوق مظاهرها وما يحسه من اشكال الشخوص والكائنات الحيوانية والنباتية والحوادث التي يريد التعبير عنها.

ويشير (هربرت ريد – 1975) بهذا الصدد الى ان "الفن استعداد متوافر لدى الافراد بدرجات متفاوتة ويطبقونه في كل ما يقع تحت احاسيسهم وعواطفهم ومشاعرهم في حياتهم اليومية، وهو يكشف القيم الجمالية، فبواسطته نستطيع ان نتعرف على مكامن الجمال والقبح والتمييز بينهما في الاشياء التي تقع بالبيئة المحيطة بنا، وكذلك فانه ينمي الذوق والاحساس بالجمال وينمي الوجدان كونه متغلغل في حياة الانسان منذ القدم اذ اصبحت كل الاشياء التي يصنفها الانسان خاضعة الى حد كبير للتشكيل الفني.



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Publication Date
Wed Oct 04 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المدراس الثانوية في الاعظمية ( ثانوية كلية بغداد- ثانوية الأعظمية للبنين – ثانوية الأعظمية للبنات - ثانوية الحريري للبنات) أنموذجاً

Education received the attention of the monarchy in Iraq, especially after the developments that the country witnessed after Iraq gained independence and joined the League of Nations in 1932 AD in all political, economic and cultural aspects.  In this regard, due to its distinguished geographical location, where the atmosphere, the natural environment and the religious and political standing were available, which made it a center of attraction for most Iraqi families and political figures.  Learning and pioneering the path of knowledge, so it witnessed a great prosperity in secondary education, so several important schools appeared that contributed to advancing the wheel of learning forward, including Baghdad College High Schoo

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر استخدام استراتيجيتي جانيه وميرل تينسون في اكتساب المفاهيم الجغرافية والاحتفاظ بها لدى طالبات الصف الرابع العام

مشكلة البحث :-

     ظلت رغبة الانسان في المعرفة وفهم الكون الذي يعيش فيه ، ملازمة له منذ المراحل الاولى لتطور البشرية ، فالانسان بما يتمتع به من امكانات وقدرات وطاقات كامنة استطاع عن طريق تفاعله واحتكاكه الدائم والمستمر والخلاق مع البيئة المحيطة به ان يلاحظ ، ويتخيل ويتذكر ويفكر ويخطط ويبتكر ، مستفيداً من اخطائه في التعرف عليها ، وفي زيادة قدرته على التحكم فيها وتحسينها وتطويره

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimation & Analysis Relationship between Growth rate GDP and Unemployment Rate In Iraqi Economic in Period (1990-2014)

It reflects the gross domestic product in any country total output of goods and services by the size of the country's citizens and foreign residents during the period of the year and reflect the contribution of the commodity sectors of the economy and the distribution and service in the composition of output. And gross domestic product in Iraq as an indicator dominated in the composition of oil output, along with the contribution of the service sector, as the gross domestic product is the output of a yield lien   and subjected GDP in Iraq to a series of declines succession due to vibrations of the oil market during the economic blockade on the one hand and stop imported production inputs, lack of arriving in commodity s

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)

The paper deals with the language of Russian folklore. Folklore is a unique sphere of existence of the language, the most vivid expression of the national mentality. The folklore word embodied the perception and evaluation of the surrounding world. “What did the word in general mean for the life of the people? The word was equated ... with life itself. The word generated and explained life, it was ... the keeper of memory and the guarantee of the infinity of the future. The folklore text is studied by literary critics, ethnographers, historians, culturologists, and art historians. In the twentieth century, a new science emerged - linguo-folkloristics, the goals and objectives of which were formulated by A.T. Khrolenko only in the seven

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Comparison of Parameters Estimation Methods for the Negative Binomial Regression Model under Multicollinearity Problem by Using Simulation

This study discussed a biased estimator of the Negative Binomial Regression model known as (Liu Estimator), This estimate was used to reduce variance and overcome the problem Multicollinearity between explanatory variables, Some estimates were used such as Ridge Regression and Maximum Likelihood Estimators, This research aims at the theoretical comparisons between the new estimator (Liu Estimator) and the estimators

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Feminist Lament and its Representations in Contemporary Arab Theatrical Text " Al-Khansaa' Play- A Model": نزار شبيب كريم-زينب نوري هاشم

  The research addresses the feminist lament and its representations in the contemporary Arab theatrical text as one of the purposes of the Arabic poetry and its images, samples, and reasons developed and its incentives multiplied through different time periods in which a dramatic image and representations have been manifested that harmonized with the art of theatre. In order to shed light on these representations, this study has come to look for the representations of lament phenomenon in the Arab theatre texts.
The study consists of an introduction in which the two researchers put forward the research problem, significance and objectives, and a theoretical framework which tackles a theoretical foundation for the research consi

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use the path analysis method to diagnoseFactors influencing the intentions of the employees of the University of Dhi Qar To introduce Internet behavior

The purpose of this study is to diagnose factors that effect Thi-Qar behavioral intention to use internet. A sample of (127) internet users of university staff was taken in the study and were analyzed by using path analyze . The study concluded that there is a set of affecting correlation. It was founded that exogenous variables (gender, income, perceived fun, perceived usefulness, Image, and ease of use) has significant effect on endogenous (behavioral intention) . The result of analysis indicated that image hopeful gained users comes first, ease of use secondly, perceived fan and perceived usefulness on (dependent variables (daily internet usage and diversity of internet usage. Implication of these result are discussed . the st

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 18 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Research on the book observatories walls in doctrinal issues Written by Imam Sana Allah bin Ali bin Khalil (1137 AH)

The topic of the research on the Observatory of the Walls on Jurisprudential Matters in the Hanafi Fiqh, by Imam San’a Allah bin Ali bin Khalil Al-Ala’iyya Wai al-Naqshbandi, al-Rumi, who died in 1137 AH, which includes seven chapters, the first section of it concerning division and related matters, and the second section in the adaptation It is the apportionment of benefits in common objects, the third section, which pertains to lines, surfaces, and bodies, the fourth section, which concerns the inclined wall and certification, and the fifth section, which concerns the provisions of the walls and its claims, and the sixth section, which concerns the door of roads and doors, the opening of the skylight, the sails of the wing, the can

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The proportionality of decision taken to sign the AL-Ayadi residential investment project within the Hittin neighborhood in Baghdad by Urban filling style

This research will deal in a simple way with the concept of urban expansion and taking the decision to sign the spatial signature of residential investment projects in order to reach through them in a real way to the extent of the proportionality of the decision taken, in light of the fulfillment of the conditions that must be met in the matter of making the decision of the spatial signature of the residential investment project and the extent of commitment to them, in which the conditions are: (Ease of access to services and transportation, adequacy of services, commitment to urban land uses) when establishing the investment project represented by the Al-Ayad residential project in the Hittin neighborhood of Al

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison between method penalized quasi- likelihood and Marginal quasi-likelihood in estimating parameters of the multilevel binary model

Multilevel models are among the most important models widely used in the application and analysis of data that are characterized by the fact that observations take a hierarchical form, In our research we examined the multilevel logistic regression model (intercept random and slope random model) , here the importance of the research highlights that the usual regression models calculate the total variance of the model and its inability to read variance and variations between levels ,however in the case of multi-level regression models, the calculation of  the total variance is inaccurate and therefore these models calculate the variations for each level of the model, Where the research aims to estimate the parameters of this m

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