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علاقة فاعلية الذات والفرع الأكاديمي بدافع الإنجاز الدراسي لدى طالبات كلية عجلون الجامعية
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هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على علاقة فاعلية الذات والفرع الأكاديمي بدافع الإنجاز الدراسي لدى طالبات كلية عجلون الجامعية. تكونت عينة الدراسة من (200) طالبة ممن درسن في أحد الفرعين العلمي أو الأدبي اختيرت بالطريقة الطبقية العشوائية، وشكلت ما نسبته 10% من مجتمع الدراسة.

ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة تم تطبيق مقياس فاعلية الذات على عينة الدراسة، كما تم تطبيق مقياس دافع الإنجاز الدراسي على العينة نفسها وتم تحليل التباين الثنائي. وقد أشارت نتائج الدراسة إلى أن معظم أفراد عينة الدراسة لديهن مستوى مرتفع من فاعلية الذات. كما أشارت نتائج الدراسة إلى أن هناك تقارباً في المتوسطات الحسابية لمستوى دافعية الإنجاز الدراسي لدى أفراد عينة الدراسة، اذ كان المتوسط الحسابي للطالبات في الفرع الأدبي (3.27) مقابل (3.57) للفرع العلمي. كما أشارت نتائج الدراسة إلى عدم وجود فروق ذات دلالة احصائية في مستوى دافعية الإنجاز الدراسي لدى عينة الدراسة تعزى لمتغيري مستوى فاعلية الذات والفرع الأكاديمي.

كما أشارت النتائج إلى وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند (a <0.05) لأثر التفاعل بين متغير الدراسة فاعلية الذات والفرع الأكاديمي على دافع الإنجاز الدراسي لدى طالبات كلية عجلون الجامعية.

وبعد مناقشة النتائج أوصت الباحثة بإجراء دراسات أخرى تبحث في طبيعة العلاقات بين هذه المتغيرات عند الإناث لمراحل دراسية مختلفة والعمل على تقديم برامج ترفع من مستوى فاعلية الذات لدى طلبة كليات المجتمع والكليات الجامعية.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of the Translation of Poetic Poem Into an Artistic Picture in the Achievement of Retention Among Fifth Grade Students
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The purpose of this research is to identify
the effect of the translation of poetic poem into an artistic picture in the achievement of retention among fifth grade students.
In order to verify the research goal, the first two hypotheses were determined. There are no statistically significant differences between the average scores of the experimental group who study (according to the technical picture) ) And the control group (according to the traditional method of art education) at the level of significance (0,05). The second is that there are no statistically significant differences between the average of the experimental group who study (according to the technical picture) and the control group who study (On According to the trad

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر إستراتيجية التعلم التنافسي في التحصيل لدى طالبات الصف الخامس الأدبي في مادة التربية الإسلامية
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Aim of the research

The current research is aimed to know the effect of competitive education strategy at the fifth-grade students in the preparatory Islamic Education .

Search procedures

To achieve the goal of research researcher Qsidia chose a middle channel of the daughters of the breeding Baghdad Rusafa , The research sample has been reached (69) student -Bois Qa (34) in the control group , And ( 35) in the experimental group , Researcher Strategy competitive education that was applied to the experimental group were used , the traditional way to the control group .

search result

Search result yielded superiority of the expe

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 06 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Following model educational offenders in collection and Alasbaka of fifth grade students preparatory in history
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Following model educational offenders in collection and Alasbaka of fifth grade students preparatory in history A. M. Dr Prepared by: Dr. Bashaer Mawloud Tawfeeq, The Center of Educational and Psychological Studies Baghdad University - There is no difference statistically significant at the 0.05 level of significance between the average scores of the following students studying using model and offenders and who are studying in the usual manner (traditional) in the collection - There is no difference statistically significant at the 0.05 level of significance between the mean scores for the following students studying using model and offenders and who are studying in the usual manner (traditional) in retention Find limits: Current search

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Das Verhaltnis des assimilierten arabischen VIII Stammes zum akkadischen
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Das Verhaltnis des assimilierten arabischen VIII Stammes zum akkadischen

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Relationship of Noise Pollution to the Mental Health of Among University Students
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The present study deals with the relationship of noise pollution to the mental health of university students, through the researcher field study with the use of descriptive Correlative approach to investigate this relationship. Noise is one of the elements of environmental pollution that people often expose to in their environment. The problem of noise has been exacerbated now because of cultural and technological progress in crowded cities. As a result, the researchers studied noise as an environmental stimulus that affects the mental health of the human being.The researchers, through their current research try to study a very serious problem, which is the problem of noise pollution on the health side of university students as a

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
علاقة مكة بالقبائل والحواضر العربیة قبل الاسلام
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The Jarajima were drive away from Mecca at the beginning of third century A.D
Khuza"a was settled in Mecca with the help of kinana . Mecca had a lot of relations
with other Arab tribes by trade and marriage . Quais Ailan tried to role Mecca but
she disappointed .
Khuza"a tried to extend outside of Mecca but she failed . then this tribe
managed to increase security and stability in Mecca . That encouraged the
merchants to come to Mecca.
At the beginning of fifth century A.D. Quraish began to get rid of Khuza"a in
order to have the mastery of Mecca. In spite of that Khuza"a remained in her
houses and wrote many peace treaties and intermarriage with Quraish .
Quraish managed to control at Mecca in the middle of

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Strategic relationship training to promote self-growth of the individual
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The main objective of the research is to identify the role of strategic training and its effect on enhancing the self-growth of the individual. Stratigic training represents a contemporary tendency. that is adopted by business organizations in carrying out their activities and tasks.

It is worth to mention, that self-growth of the individual is one of the indictors used to determine the ability of organization to a achieve its goals. 

The problem of the research has pointed out to the minimum awareness of the important role played by training strategy in enhancing the self-growth of the individual. The researcher has adopted an analytical approach, in collecting and analyses

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of leadership patterns on the phenomenon of jop burnout among employees at Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University
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This study deals with the impact of leadership styles in its three main dimensions (democratic, autocratic, lenient) as an independent variable of the dimensions of functional combustion (emotional stress, inhumanity, personal achievement). The research sought to achieve a set of goals, the most prominent of which are: studying the reality of the researched organization to identify the leadership patterns used in its management and its impact on the phenomenon of functional combustion, Moreover, knowing the extent of support for these established patterns and their contribution to mitigating the phenomenon of functional combustion in the organization's environment, and testing the impact of these leadership patte

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of Using the Fear of Failure Motivation Teaching Technique on the Achievement of Students from the Department of the Holy Quran and Its Sciences at Khawlan Faculty of Education in Sana'a University: عبدالغني علي المقبلي
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Nowadays, university education stands in front of both students who feel they are weak and teachers who are addicted to using traditional and dependent teaching. This has led to have negative repercussions on the learner from different aspects, including the mental aspect and the academic achievement process. Therefore, the present research is concerned with finding a new teaching method that adopts the motivation by the fear of failure technique. Thus, the study aims to examine the effect of adopting this method on students’ academic achievement. To achieve this aim, an experimental method was used, and an achievement test was built for the curriculum material of level two students. The pretest test was applied on 17 male and female s

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effective of utilization Blending learning on academic achievement in Biology course of second class students in secondary special schools in Omdurman Locality and attitudes towards it.
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This research aimed to definite Blending learning (BL) technique, and to know the impact of its use onacademic achievement in Biology course of second class students in secondary special schools in Omdurman Locality and attitudes towards it, to achieve this; researcher adopted the experimental method. The sample was selected of (41) students, chosen from Atabiyah school, were divided into two equals groups: one experimental group reached (26) students studied by using the  BL technique, and the second control group (25) students have been taught in the traditional method.

   Data has collected by using two tools: achievement test and a questionnaire for measuring the attitudes towards Blend

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