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In the spreading of the Internet, mobile smart devices, and interactive websites such as YouTube, the educational video becomes more widespread and deliberative among users. The reasons for its spread are the prevalence of technologies, cheap cost, and easy to use. However, these products often lack to the distinction in video production. By following videos of an educational channel on YouTube, some comments found to discuss the lack of the content presented to motivate the learners, which lead to reduce the viewers of the videos. Therefore, there is an important decision to find general standards for the design and production of educational videos. A list of standards has been drawn up to help those interested in producing educational videos to stimulate learner motivation, after reviewing 65 documents related to the field of educational video design and multimedia. The list contained three main fields:  educational, authentication, and technical. The educational field contained the following standards: (Work Title, Goals, Content Presentation, Content Elements, and Motivational Activities). While the authentication field contained the following standards: (Intellectual Rights and Personality Traits). Finally, the technical field contained the following standards: (Shooting Footage, Lighting, Sound, Texts, final product, and Time/Duration).

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of thermocycling on microleakage analysis of bulk filled base composite in comparison to incrementally placed nanohybrid composite in class II MOD restorations (An in vitro study)
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Background: The study aim was to evaluate thermocycling effect on microleakage of occlusal and cervical margins of MOD cavity filled with bulk filled composites in comparison to incrementally placed nanohybrid composite and to evaluate the difference in microleakage between enamel and dentin margins for the three materials groups. Materials and method: Forty eight maxillary first premolars were prepared with MOD cavities. Samples were divided into three groups of sixteen teeth according to material used: Grandio: Grandio. SDR: SDR +Grandio. X-tra: X-tra base + Grandio. Each group was subdivided into two according to be thermocycled or not. After 24 hrs immersion in 2% methylene blue, samples weresectioned and microleakage was estimated. Res

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 17 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Effect of Sodium Chloride on Ion Association of Lysine and Arginine Ionizable Side Chains Amino Acids with Dehydro-L-ascorbic Acid in Aqueous Solution at Different Temperatures
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Molar conductance (Λ) of ionizable side chains amino acids, lysine (Lys) and arginine (Arg) with dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) in water and in NaCl solutions was measured at temperatures range 298 K to 313 K. The limited molar conductance (Λo) and the constant of the ions association (KA) are calculated using the Shedlovsky techniques. The dynamic radius of the concerned ion (R) is calculated by used Stokes–Einstein relation. The heat of association, the Gibbs free energy, the change of entropy and activation energy (ΔHo/ kJ mol-1, ΔGo/ kJ mol-1, ΔSo/J K-1 mol-1, and ΔES/ kJ mol-1) respectively), also calculated. The data show increases the molar conductance with increas

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jun 07 2024
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Impact of TYMS gene polymorphism on the outcome of methotrexate treatment in a sample of Iraqi rheumatoid arthritis patients – identification of novel single nucleotide polymorphism: Cross-sectional study
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The current work aims to evaluate the association between genetic mutations in thymidylate synthetase (TYMS gene in exon1 and partial regions of promotor and intron 1 [877 bp, 657,220–658,096 bp]) and the therapeutic outcomes for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) Iraqi patients. An observational cross-sectional study involving 95 RA patients with established RA patients based on their methotrexate treatment responsiveness. Genetic sequencing of the TYMS gene was performed for all patients according to the instruction manuals of the sequencing company (Macrogen Inc. Geumchen, South Korea). Four polymorphisms were identified by sequencing 95 randomly selected patients in the noncoding region of TYMS

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Computer And Information Science 2009
The Stochastic Network Calculus Methodology
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Home Computer and Information Science 2009 Chapter The Stochastic Network Calculus Methodology Deah J. Kadhim, Saba Q. Jobbar, Wei Liu & Wenqing Cheng Chapter 568 Accesses 1 Citations Part of the Studies in Computational Intelligence book series (SCI,volume 208) Abstract The stochastic network calculus is an evolving new methodology for backlog and delay analysis of networks that can account for statistical multiplexing gain. This paper advances the stochastic network calculus by deriving a network service curve, which expresses the service given to a flow by the network as a whole in terms of a probabilistic bound. The presented network service curve permits the calculation of statistical end-to-end delay and backlog bounds for broad

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Altruism in the Noble Qur’an
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions as follows:
     This research examines altruism in the Noble Qur’an objectively. The altruism is a word that permeates selection, preference, presentation, types of gifts, and all other material and moral virtues. It is the highest level of generosity and generosity, provided that the consent of God Almighty is enriched on the consent of others, and that greatness arises in it, and that creation affects On yourself in what does not deprive you of a religion, and it does not cut you off on a path, because the praiseworthy altruism is only in relation to souls, not the disgraced altruism tha

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Assess the level of achievement
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This work, in fact, is an English language teaching study (henceforth, ELT) which may provide the inspiration for much –needed research on issues such as testing students' level of achievement in articulatory phonetics at the university level. It attempts to answer two questions: 1)What is college students' level of achievement in articulatory phonetics? 2- Are there any statistical significant differences in the achievement of college students in articulatory phonetics between the production and recognition testing techniques? This research falls into three sections: Section one indicates the problem, the aims, the hypotheses, the procedures, the limits and the value of the study. Section two provides a general overview of the articul

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Publication Date
Thu May 14 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Dialogue bridges in the city
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Since its establishment, cities have been looking for a special urban architectural language that distinguishes them from other cities and expresses their distinctive identity through continuous products through time and controls the totality of temporal and spatial changes through a bridging dialogue that manages the language of the city correctly, Which gives the stability of that language and its ability to adapt to the total changes that occur in the city over time, and thus the possibility of producing ideas integrated series and ideas are renewed overlapping with the legacy and bear multiple layers of meaning and signals and symbols create a total of two meanings The problem of research (not comprehensive studies to create a contem

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 30 2014
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‘Sex’ in the cancer cell
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The development of better tools for diagnosis and more accurate prognosis of cancer includes the search for biomarkers; molecules whose presence, absence or change in quantity or structure is associated with a particular tumour or prognosis/therapeutic outcome. While biomarkers need not be functionally relevant, if cell survival, then they could also provide new targets for therapeutic drugs. In recent years attention has been applied to a group of proteins known as cancer testis antigens (CT antigens) [1]. These proteins are products of genes whose expression was normally confined to the testis, yet they are expressed in tumour cells. CT genes are bound to serve a wide array of roles in the testes, which have many highly differentiated cel

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Components of Public Expenditures
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The State shall comply with the requirements of its members and their general, it cannot be without the state spending Multiple expenses and images formats Affect the interests of society, but it should not ignore the administration

This spending must be surrounded by all legitimate formulas and methods, approved by the legislature, according to the regulations and specific instructions, counting the expenditure is illegal and contrary to laws and regulations the executive branch has assumed responsibility and liability has legal consequences.

In addition, spending must be properly, and corresponds to the economic situation of the country, achieve maximum benefit to all members of society, and not waste public funds in ad

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 20 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Weighted Index Number Method
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The process of identifying the region is not an easy process when compared with other operations within the attribute or similarity. It is also not difficult if the process of identifying the region is based on the standard and standard indicators in its calculation. The latter requires the availability of numerical and relative data for the data of each case Any indicator or measure is included in the legal process

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