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قلق المستقبل عند الشباب وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات
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At the present time, human lives in a changable world. Complexity of life effects human who became unable to achieve his goals. For him, goals are no longer able to provide him with calm and psychological safty. Anxiety about indefinite future and any changes which transend his ablity to cooperate with affeets his life in general aspeets.

     All these things bring him a very sever tention, then he becomes extremace in his cooperation with these situations. He tends to live a lone in order to be a way from sequenees of changes. Starting from this urgent point, future compnses the core in youth's life, then so many theories and studies affirm this point, and the necessity for mahing scientific studies appear to in cover the effect of these changes on the most important Layer in society which is young people .

     The research aimes at:

  1. Measuring the level of anxiety towards future in young people .
  2. Measuring the level of anxiety towards future in young people allording to sort (female, male), social status (married, single), job (student, employer) and age (18-24) and (25-30).

For practical side, the research is limted to a sample of young people whose age (18-30) years old.

For theoritical side, the researcher presents theories that are related to the present study are the earilier studies.

To achieve the goals of this research, the researcher depends on anxiety toward future scale which is presented by (Masu'd,2006).

This scale shows high validity and stability  has got a constant (97.0) by using retesting and (71.0) by using the method of alpha and (78.0) by using split-half.

The high stability of the scale proves its applicability for use. The  sample  of the theortical research consists of (151 young) female and male. The  tools of the present research are represented by anxity future scale which is applied on the members of the sample.

The data is treated satistically by using T-test for one specimen and T.test foe two specimen.

         The findings of the invistigation show that:

  1. The sample shows anxity towards future.
  2. There are statistical differences allording to social status (married, single) at single young.
  3. There are no notable statistical diffrences allording to jobs (students, employers).


          In the light of the findings, the researcher present the following recommendations, provide young people with full a wareness about their future throughout letting them be a ware of their real ablities and helping them with planning skills.

      The researcher suggests applying another types of research about other psychological variables such as psychological pressure, in conscious ideas, psychological health.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Family Violence Directed Against the Kindergarten Child and Its Relationship to Some Variables
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The research aims at identifying the level of family violence directed against the kindergarten child, as well as to identify the significance of the difference in family violence directed against the kindergarten child according to the gender variable

(male-female). It aims also to identify the significance of the difference in family violence directed against the kindergarten child according to the Stage variable (kindergarten-pre-primary). The researcher employed the descriptive correlative approach to conduct the study. The research sample was chosen in a simple random way, as the number of the participants was (130) boys and girls, with (70) males and (60) females, distributed according to the stage with (66) participants in

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الوعي الغذائي لدى أمهات أطفال الرياض وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات
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Lack of awareness of food for mothers of children Riyadh of the factors affecting the nutritional status of the child, and that child health is closely linked to the nature of the child as much as the quality and quantity of food, so current research aims to identify:

- Food awareness among mothers of children Riyadh.

- Statistically significant differences in nutritional awareness depending on the collection of the mother.

- Statistically significant differences in nutritional awareness depending on the age of the mother.

- With statistical significance in food awareness of the mother differences being an employee or non-employee.

So researchers randomly chosen sample of (200) or from mothers chil

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الرضا الوظيفي لدى معلمات رياض الأطفال وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات
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لما كان احد الأهداف الأساسية لرياض الأطفال هو المساهمة في إعداد الطفل وتنشئته تنشئة سليمة ، تحقق له النمو المتكامل ، من خلال توفير البيئة الملائمة له التي تحفز شخصيته على النمو في جميع جوانبها العقلية والاجتماعية والوجدانية والحركية ، وتلعب معلمة الروضة الدور الواضح والمتميز من خلال نقل الخبرات للأطفال والتي ترمي إلى تنمية قدراتهم واستعداداتهم وتشكيل الاتجاهات والسمات الايجابية في شخصياتهم  لذا ي

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Physical Growth Retardation Among Kindergartens And Its Relation With Some Variables
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    Which children infected with physical growth retardation at childhood it will be the largest problems effecting the child and his parents together. So , at the period of early childhood, there must be a state of satisfactions of need because if they didn’t satisfied it will be very hard to be satisfied or replaced at another period because it will be busy with satisfaction of another need of new period, and even it will be satisfactions it still weak and didn’t be am efficient as the matter of if it be satisfied at the exact time      Looking at physical growth and its indicators as length and weight and making a comparison with world indicators at peer  age phases helps in spe

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Poverty and its Relations to Some Social Variables (Children in the Primary Stage as a Model)
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The phenomenon of poverty is one of the most important phenomena facing the world at large. Despite the tremendous technological progress witnessed by mankind and despite the unprecedented high levels of world economic production, poverty remains the greatest challenge facing the world. Statistics and studies have shown that poverty is caused by several problems: (health, social, economic, educational, etc.) These problems are obstacles to the ability to obtain employment opportunities, which leads in the beginning to the growth phenomenon of unemployment, and ultimately to the growth of poverty.

The results of a range of research in the field of psychology have confirmed that children from poor homes suffer from a high level of

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Enlightenment of scientific knowledge at the kindergarten teachers and its relationship with some variables
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A kindergarten teacher is one of the most important elements in the educational process, since she is totally relied upon in kindergartens. Therefore, she could have basic and healthy characteristics to improve the educational process by directing the child towards a perfect growing upEducating and raising up a child should be an organized process that makes desirable changes in the child’s behavior in order to improve different sides of his personality, such as his appearance side, his mental side, and his social side.
This research aims at:
1- Measuring the scientific brilliance in kindergarten teachers.
2- Investigating the statistical significant differences of the scientific brilliance among kindergarten teachers in accor

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
Journal Name
Representations and perceptions of anxiety about the future of artistic expression for students in middle school
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The tensions and crises and the psychological pressure as well as the rapid changes and great development which is taking place in the present time. And  witnessing community of wars and conflicts that give rise to future concern among members of the community in general and students in particular, as it included the current research a number of chapters, the First chapter contains the research problem, the important goal, then set researcher terminology that has defined and contained in the title of research in the form (concern the future, artistic expression, middle school). The Second chapter included three sections, the first included the nature of adolescence and traits, characteristics and pr

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Job satisfaction in motivating potential energy of youth charged and non-enforcement officials' relationship newly administrative work
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The good preparation for a class of young people is the great importance requirement.
This case on the state role to put exceptional philosophy bench form which the entire category
through group of experienced educators to prepare different and distinct programs to suit
every specialty of this class. This base of this role can draw upon, including state institutions
need of young people add urges the mental and physical abilities, scientific and cognitive
specialties and carry it from the levee in the academic certification .And we must not lose the
lose sight of the link that pilot projects in which to invest the energies of youth programs and
curricula attractions including incentives .It's become the subject of jo

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The use of the husband of violence against his wife who is a kindergarten teacher
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Wives generally and working wives especially may encounter in some
families forms of physical or psychological violence through all the
levels or whether it was a psychological intimidation or cursing and
insolence and detracting her human . value and the husband marries
another woman or uses physical abuse against her and beating and
sexual abuse of the wife are also included in this from . it is noticed that
the violent attitude of the husband may take one from or it may change
and alter with time for it might lead to the increase of the possibility of
violence to occur in different ways
The importance of this study comes out from the step that on which in
folds the problem of the use of the husband of vio

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
قلق الامتحان وعلاقته بالتفكير العلمي لدى طلبة الجامعة
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مشكلة البحث والحاجة إليه.

     من المشاكل الشائعة والمألوفة بين طلبتنا هي قلق الامتحان، ذلك القلق الذي يبقى طبيعيا مادام في مستواه الطبيعي وهو يختلف من طالب الى آخر في صور ظهوره المختلفة فقد يبدو واضح الأعراض لدى بعض الطلبة؛ فقد يؤثر على تذكرهم للمادة العلمية أو الإجابة على بعض الأسئلة أو يؤثر على تركيزهم وتشتت انتباههم وتفكيرهم والتوتر وسرعة الانفعال. (11: بلا)


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