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المشكلات التي تواجه طلبة كلية التربية/ الجامعة المستنصرية اثناء فترة التطبيقات التدريسية وحلولهم المقترحة لها
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يهدف البحث الحالي إلى التعرف على المشكلات التي تواجه طلبة كلية التربية/ الجامعة المستنصرية أثناء فترة التطبيقات التدريسية ، كما يهدف إلى معرفة حلولهم المقترحة لها.

          وقد شمل عينة عدد أفرادها (293) مطبقاً ومطبقة يتوزعون على ثمانية أقسام . وهي تمثل حوالي (50%) من المجتمع الأصلي للبحث ، وقد جرى اختيارها بالطريقة الطبقية العشوائية .

          وأعد الباحث الاستبيان أداة للبحث ، وقد تضمن (57) فقرة موزعة على ستة مجالات رئيسية ، خصص المجال الاول للإعداد المهني والتربوي للمطبق والثاني للإشراف والتقويم ، والمجال الثالث لطلبة المدرسة ، والمجال الرابع لكفاية التطبيق ، والمجال الخامس للإدارة المدرسية والمدرسين ، والمجال السادس للبناية المدرسية  والوسائل التعليمية . كما تضمن الاستبيان أيضا سؤالا مفتوحا عن الحلول التي يقترحها الطلبة المطبقون لمعالجة مشكلات التطبيقات التدريسية . وقد صمم الاستبيان من خلال دراسة استطلاعية طبقت على (32) مطبق ومطبقة، استخدم الباحث فيها أداتين هما المقابلة الشخصية والاستبيان الاستطلاعي . من الأدبيات والدراسات السابقة التي لها صلة بموضوع البحث ، وأراء الخبراء والمختصين ، والخبرة الشخصية للباحث في مجال التدريس . وقد تحقق الباحث من صدق أداة البحث وثباتها وكان معامل الثبات يساوي (0.87) حسب معادلة بيرسون (Pearson) .

          وفي معالجة البيانات إحصائيا ، استخدمت معادلة الحدة (Degree of power)

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Development of the Suez Canal and Projects Competitors
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The area around the Suez Canal has been chosen particularly  Sinai  to implement the new Suez Canal project parallel to the original 72-km-long channel due to the importance of the commercial site of the Arab Republic of Egypt, competing with shipping lanes, to accommodate the increasing maritime traffic  passing through the Suez canal, and to provide special services for trade world and reduce the economic cost of marine trip. The establishment of six tunnels for automobile and railway transport to Sinai The cost of the establishment of this new channel  and the establishment of the tunnels about (2.8) billion, of which 4 billion cost of the new channel. Project implementation period is one year. The new proj

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Semantic Confusion of the Term in Cultural Pages for Students of College of Arts (University of Baghdad)
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The research is exposed to an important issue, related to communication obstacles that prevent the media message contained in cultural topics published in local newspapers to reach the hands of the readers; or related to lack of awareness of aspects of that media message, Because it contains immersed vocabulary in elitism where, sometime, the average reader of the newspaper of medium-sized educated, and even the academic reader are unable to decode it and understand its significance.

After determining the problem of the study and the tools that the researcher wants to use to accomplish his research, a sample of students of college of Arts at the University of Baghdad was selected. As they are clo

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of leadership patterns on the phenomenon of jop burnout among employees at Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University
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This study deals with the impact of leadership styles in its three main dimensions (democratic, autocratic, lenient) as an independent variable of the dimensions of functional combustion (emotional stress, inhumanity, personal achievement). The research sought to achieve a set of goals, the most prominent of which are: studying the reality of the researched organization to identify the leadership patterns used in its management and its impact on the phenomenon of functional combustion, Moreover, knowing the extent of support for these established patterns and their contribution to mitigating the phenomenon of functional combustion in the organization's environment, and testing the impact of these leadership patte

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of service quality on University services Demand: Applied research at private Dijlah University
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One of the most important problems that would continuously face the Higher  education  organizations is how to  improve the service level  presented by them, and how this can lead to increase demand for services of this organizations.As this issue has exhausted many organizations pushed some of them to withdraw from the market Because of weaknesses in their services. Here lies the importance of this matter to be given more attention in order to maintain the organization competitive position. According to that, The selection of the research title (The Impact of Quality on the Level of the University Service Request) which seeks to measure the impact of service quality on the level of demand, At a time when  world&

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
الجمعية العراقية للدراسات التربوبة والنفسية
مهارات الاشغال اليدوية لتنمية التفكير الابداعي لدى طلبة قسم التربية الفنية
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يهدف البحث الحالي إلى معرفة المهارات الفنية والأشغال اليدوية لتنمية مهارات التفكير الإبداعي لدى طلبة قسم التربية الفنية، تضمن البحث عرضاً لمشكلة البحث وأهميته وحدوده، وتحديد المصطلحات، وفي الفصل الثاني الإطار النظري ، إذ جاء المبحث الأول على المهارات وأنواعها، والمبحث الثاني على الأشغال اليدوية والتفكير الإبداعي، وفي الفصل الثالث إجراءات البحث ومجتمع البحث وعينته، ثم الأداة والصدق والوسائل الإحصائية، و

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Extension of sense of self According to Cognitive style Of Complexity-Simplicity Among University Students
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The current research aims to identify the level of extension of the sense of self and the cognitive style (complexity - simplification) among university students, as well as the significance of the difference according to gender (males - females), as well as the correlation between the two variables, and in order to verify this, the researcher has constructed The measure of the extension of the sense of self based on the theory of Alport 1961, as the number of its final paragraphs reached (28) paragraphs, and the cognitive style scale (complexity - simplification) prepared by (Abdullah 2017) was adopted, as the scale consisted of (32) paragraphs in its final form. To verify their psychometric properties, and the two tools were applied to

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The psychometric Properties of Emotional Stability scale among university students according to the response theory
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The current research aims at extracting the standard characteristics of the emotional balance of the university students according to the response theory. This was accomplished by following accredited scientific steps, to achieve this goal, the researcher followed scientific steps in the procedures of the analysis of the scale. She translated the scale from English to Arabic and then made a reverse translation. it was presented to a committee of experts in English to ensure and verify the validity of the paragraphs logically and prove the face validity of the scale, which consists of (30) paragraphs, it was presented to (6) experts who are specialists in the educational and psychological sciences and in the light of their observations ha

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية
المراقبة الذاتية والوجود النفسي الأفضل لدى طلبة الجامعة مرتفعي ومنخفضي القابلية للاستهواء
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The level of Mental Mindfulness of College of Education Students at Umm Al-Qura University in the light of Corona Pandemic
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The aim of this research is to identify the level of mental mindfulness among female students of the College of Education at Umm Al-Qura University, as well as to identify the statistically significant differences in the level of mental mindfulness according to academic level, specialization, and academic achievement. A mental mindfulness scale was designed to cover five dimensions. The study employed the analytic descriptive approach applied to a random sample of (217) female students from various academic specializations. The findings indicated that the level of mental mindfulness was average among female students. Statistically significant differences were attributable to the academic level, academic specializations, and academic achi

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of re-engineering of human resources in enhancing the morale of employees: Analytical research in Al - Rafidain University College
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This research aims to study the degree to which human resources re-engineering programs contribute to enhancing the morale of employees , as it constitutes re-HR Software Engineering contemporary trend to redesign activities and tasks that can HR do a way that helps their organization to achieve its goals as part of the operating environment including dealing with all activities related variables, and the promotion of workers' morale is one of the selections that have to be addressed so that the senior management helps the organization to invest their human resources best possible way as posing the most valuable and rarest of resources enjoyed by comparison with her competitors.

The research problem has

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