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The Dominant Values of Universities students in the light of some variables
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Current research strives to achieve the following aims:

  1. Develop a scale for dominant values of Tikrit university students.
  2. Measuring the dominant of Tikrit university students.
  3. Identifying the significant differences among dominant values of Tikrit university students according to(sex, specialty, time).
  4. Measuring the dominant values of each one of the six fields of the scale.
  5. Identifying the differences in dominant values of each field according to the sex variables.

The current research has limited to Tikrit university students, the researcher showed several theories that interpret the initiation of values and their development and change The  researcher has adapted Spranger theory. To achieve the research aims, the researcher has developed a scale of values consisting of six fields (scientific values, economical values, social values, religious values, political values and aesthetic values) that are limited in the light of previous literatures and adopted theory.

For each field items have been formulated and answered in the light of tripartite scale. The items have been analyzed in tow ways(two contrasted groups and the relation of item score with aggregate score of the scale). The validity of the scale has achieved by (face validity , factorial validity and construct validity).

The reliability has been calculated by (test- retest, Alpha internal consistency and half split).

The results have indicated that Tikrit university students have a high level of values The sample medium is higher than the hypothetical medium of the scale The results have indicated that female students have higher level of values than male students.

Students of human specialty have higher level of values than scientific specialty.The dominant values of university students during occupation are higher than those before occupation. The results have indicated the dominance of scientific values of university students and there were no differences in scientific values between male and female students. The economic and social value of male and female students were poor. The individuals showed a high level of religious values that dominant among students and they were more dominant at female students. The political values were common and shown a high level at both male and female.

The result has indicated the dominance of aesthetic values at the sample of this research. They were higher at female than at male.

In the light of these results the researchers has presented a set of recommendations and suggestions.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
First record of Myxobolus insignis Eiras, Malta, Varella, Pavanelli, 2005 (Myxozoa: Myxobolidae) in Iraq from gills of the common carp Cyprinus carpio
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First record of Myxobolus insignis Eiras, Malta, Varella, Pavanelli, 2005 (Myxozoa: Myxobolidae) in Iraq from gills of the common carp Cyprinus carpio

Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Chemtech Research
The Effect of Ginger Plant (Zingiber officinale) Aqueous Extract on Function and Histological Structure of Kidney in Mice Treated with Carbon Tetrachloride
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The percent work was designed to determine the effect of ginger plant aqueous extract on function and histological structure of kidney in mice treated with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). Ginger plant caused a protective effect against CCl4 induced kidney damage and improved the kidney weight and biochemical parameters including urea, uric acid and creatinine. The ginger plant has a protective effect against injury in the kidney of mice treated with CCL4, because the ginger plant protects the tissues of kidney from toxic effect of CCL4. The kidney of CCL4 treated mice showed many histological alterations in the kidney included: atrophy, vascular degeneration and hemorrhage, death cell, degeneration of epithelial cells, destruction of basement

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Clinical And Experimental Dentistry
Preventive effect of combined Er, Cr: YSGG and fluoride gel on acid resistance of the permanent tooth enamel: An in vitro study
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparative morphological and histological study of the pecten oculi in two species of Iraqi birds (Falco tinnunculus L. and Streptopelia decaocto F.)
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Study showed structure of pecten oculi in the Kestrel Falco tinnunculus L.was
Pleated type and consisted of 17 folds which were thick. While in the Collared Dove
Streptopelia decaocto F. was Vaned type and consisted of 13 folds and it described
thin. The illustrated histological study of pecten oculi folds in the Kestrel and the
Collared Dove was composed of large number of capillaries, large blood vessels and
pigment cells which were few in Kestrel compare with the Collared Dove. The bridge
in the Kestrel and the Collared Dove pecten oculi was consisted of connective tissue,
many pigment cells, and contains on little capillaries and it linked the membrane to
the internal limiting membrane of the retina in the Kes

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Detection of antibiotic resistance of the phylogenetic group E among E. coli bacteria isolated from diarrheal cases in children under five years
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From 50 stool samples collected from children with diarrhea of both sexes who visited various hospitals in Baghdad, 26 isolates of E.coli were found to belong to the phylogenetic group E. The findings revealed that the percentage of E.coli for thephylogenetic group E is (52%) , making it the dominant group among the other phylogenetic groups. The findings demonstrated that 100% of the E.coli isolates from phylogenetic group E are resistant to penicillin, and only 15% are resistant to imipenem. Multi-drug resistance (MDR) was found to be 15%, while XDR reached 85%. The results of thephylogenetic group for the remaining species of isolates in this study were group A (2/50 and by 4%), gr

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Thickness of Buccal Bone at Various Sites of the Mandible and Its Clinical Significance in MonocorticalScrews Placement Using Multi-Slice Computed Tomography
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Background:Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of using miniplates and screws is the treatment of choice of mandibular fractures. It is important to know both: the region where the bone providesafirm anchorage, andthe topography of the dental apices and inferior alveolar nerve to avoiddamaging them when inserting the screw. The aim of this study is to determine the thickness of buccal cortical plate and that of buccal bone at the parasymphysis and mandibular body, thereby determining the area that provide afirm anchorage and the maximum length of mono-cortical screws that can be safely placed in these regions without injuring the tooth roots or mandibular nerve. Materials and Methods:The sample of the present study was 110 Iraqi sub

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Experimental Parasitology
The association of IL-3, IL-17A, and IL 27 serum levels with susceptibility to toxoplasmosis in recurrent abortion of Iraqi women
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Cytokines are a group of immunomodulatory proteins leading to a variety of immune reactions in the human; these cytokines play a significant role in the development of appropriate immune responses against T. gondii. This study aims to reveal the association of toxoplasmosis with serum levels of IL-3, IL-17A, and IL-27 in aborted women. The blood samples of patients and controls were collected from Al-Alawiya Maternity Teaching Hospital/Baghdad/Iraq from 2019 to 2020 for detecting anti-T. gondii antibodies (IgG and IgM) and the level of interleukins by ELISA. The results of TORCH by rapid test for recurrent abortion recorded 25.3% seropositive for anti-Toxoplasma antibodies, and 31.5% seropositive for one or more cases of TORCH test (Cytomeg

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Effect of Acidity Level on Ions Released and Corrosion of Metal Orthodontic Appliances at Different Time Intervals (An In vitro Study)
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ABSTRACT Background: This study measured the effects of three parameters pH value, length of immersion and type of archwire on metal ions released from orthodontic appliances. Materials and Methods: Ninety maxillary halves simulated fixed orthodontic appliances that were immersed in artificial saliva of different pH values (6.75, 5 and 3.5) during 28 day period. Three types of archwires were used: stainless steel, nickel titanium and thermal activated nickel titanium. The quantity of nickel and chromium ions was determined with the use of atomic force spectrophotometer while iron ions by spectrophotometer. Each orthodontic set was weighted two times, before the ligation and immersion in the artificial saliva and after 28 days at the end of

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Design and standardization of two scoring tests for the initial selection of people with simple mental disabilities in five-a- Side Soccer
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The five-a- Side Soccer for simple mental disability is as interesting and caring as many other sporting events. Therefore, the researchers believe that their basic skills tests are compatible with then level of the tested individuals in terms of age and mental ability. As a means of selecting those who are qualified to practice this game in a simple way, the problem of research has been identified in the design and standardization of two scoring skills that belong to this category and are approved by the training staff during the initial selection process. The research community is determined by people with mental disabilities who belong to the governmental and private institutes and the Special Olympics Union in Baghdad and for the year 2

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of the functional response of Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera:Chrysopidae) larvae feeding on cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae (L.)(Homoptera: Aphididae) in laboratory
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This study evaluated the functional response of the larva of the predator Chrysoperla carnea by offering varying densities of cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) . Results showed conformity with type–II functional response, where the number of prey killed approaches asymptote hyperbolically as prey density increases (declining proportion of prey killed or the inverse density dependent) till it reached the stability stage determined by handling time and predator satiation. Also, the values of attack rate and handling time changed with age progress for both predator and prey. It has been observed an increase in the attack rate and reduction in handling time with the progress of the predator age when feeding on a particular nymphal in

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