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Autism is considered as one of the most developmental  problems  in the world that interfere with children growth and affect their social ,emotional and cognitive development child with autism used to be normal in his growth but in his development parents started to notice that their child characterize by loneliness and withdrawal himself from the surrounding world with some mannerism behaviors these characteristics used to be manifested children during the 1st  three year of their life .  It appears, one in every 500 birth (The American International Institution for child health 1997. and it would be less in females than makes at 1/4 percent .

    Aim is to build the autism scale     for children   , and the total population of (Rami,AL-amal,AL-saadah) institutes for handicapped in Baghdad were 447 children (boys and girls) (400)children (boys and girls ) were chosen randomly to fulfill the requirement of the study, children were from3-13 years old at academic year 2006/2007 .  210 of them Males and 237 females. (18) teachers from the above  institutes chosen    to apply ,.                                                                                                       

   The scale to be applied for autistic children is consist of  five elements ,1st element is (language and communication is weighted 27% , 2nd element is visual understanding of the child weight  13% ,3rd element is social adaptation of the child that weight 20%,4th is  effervescence behavior weight  20% , and finally the 5th element which is gross and fine motor skill  assessment that weight 20%, ).                                                             and it has been (90) items were formulated and then  (10) of the formulated items were omitted and only (80)  items were discovered to be reliability  and validity , Pearson correlation coefficient while the scale reliability has been done in two  ways  ( test Re test , Alfa Cronbach) were used to analyze the result. and the standard error of the scale has been extracted which leads for some recommendation and suggestions of them is to benefit of the research indigenizing autism children in primary schools .                                                                                               


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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Appropriateness of the Multi-Attitude Suicide Tendency (MAST) scale using a saudi adolescent sample
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The current study aimed to standardize the multi-position suicidal tendency scale MAST in the Saudi environment as well as to assess suicidal tendencies in adolescents. Moreover, the study aimed to test the psychometric characteristics of the scale among a sample of (490) high school and undergraduate students, in the adolescence who ranging in age from (16-21) years. The scale demonstrated satisfactory internal consistency in terms of validity and reliability tests. as the results showed of exploratory factor analysis to the four dimensions of suicidal tendencies loading on two factors that accommodate 74.60% of the overall variance of the scale (1) the attitude toward life,  and absorbs 43, 20% of the total variance of the scale,

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 17 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Digital addiction and its Relationship to social isolation among children in the autism Spectrum frome the viewpoint of their parents
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 This study titled “digital addiction and its relationship to social isolation among children in the autism spectrum from the point of view of their parents” in which the
researcher addressed an important topic which is knowledge of digital addiction in a
child with autism spectrum and its relationship to social isolation in them.
The study aimed to dhed the light on the digital addiction in a spectrum child Autism
from the point of view of their parents، by knowing the extent of addiction of children
in the autism spectrum، and identifying the relationship between electronic addiction and the social isolation of children in the autism spectrum.The study presented
several hypotheses،

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 13 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Oral health status in relation to nutritional status among institutionalized autistic children and adolescents in Baghdad city, Iraq
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Background: The autism spectrum disorder (ASD) describes a wide range of symptoms, including difficulty with social interaction and communication skills. Controversial thinking about oral health of children with ASD, in general may have a lower hygiene level than healthy individuals, low caries rate and high body weight in comparison to healthy children. This study was conducted to assess the oral health status in relation to nutritional status among institutionalized autistic children and adolescents. Materials and methods: From 12 institutes in Baghdad, the study group contained 364 child and adolescent with ASD (Male= 294, Female=70), while control group included 441 normal child and adolescent (Male=357, Female=84) from primary and seco

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Quality of Life for Parents of Autistic Child
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Objectives: The study aims to assess the QOL for parents of a child with autism Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted on parents of autistic child in Baghdad city. A purposive (non-probability) sample of (156) parents, (78) mothers and (78) fathers of (78) autistic children who are clients and receive care in the private specialization centers for autism were selected to participated in the current study. The study used a self- administrative questionnaire for data collection. Results: The findings indicated that both parents (mothers and fathers) were participated in this study, and they comprised

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Coping Strategies for Parents of Autistic Child and their relation to educational level
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Objectives: To assess the coping strategies of parents of children with autism and the relationship of
different strategies with their educational level.
Methodology: A descriptive analytical study was carried out from Feb. 14th, 2013 through April, 10th
, 2013 in
several private rehabilitation centers of autism in Baghdad city. A non- probability (purposive) sample of 100
autistic children and 100 of their parents (father or mother) was assessed by a questionnaire which consisted of
two parts; the first part is concerned with the demographic characteristics of the child and demographic
characteristics of the parents; the second part consisted of 50 questions about coping strategies that were
distributed on 8 doma

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effectiveness of an Educational Program For Early Intervention depending on Illustrative Pictures to Acquire some concepts For Children with Hearing impairment
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“Child of today is a man of the future" this slogan is one of the most popular logos of international organizations and institutions that dealing with human beings needs in general and children needs in particular, whether these needs are educational, health, social, or economic. Children require special care and extra legal protection, since the child-raising is not the Child’s own issue, but it's the issue of the society in which he/she would integrate.

As the education and language skillsacquisition primarily associated with hearing, because human being receives most of the skills and knowledge through the hearing; that imitate sounds and learn how to speak isacquired only by hearing, so therefore the hearing - impairedchi

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 04 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
بناء مقياس معنى الحياة كما تدركه طالبة الجامعة على وفق Multidimensional Item Response Model
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The undimensionality hypothesis which is item response theory depend it is unable in some of measurement situations because there are many dimensions which are affect of the response, so as the researches reached to expand this hypothesis to construct a new one which is multidimensional, and many of theories are pointed to the concept of meaning of life is multidimensionality, so this research aimed to construct the scale of meaning of life as the student's perception according with Multidimensional Item Response Model and this research adopt Wong's theory 1998 which point to the meaning of life consist of (7) dimensions. The research tool contains (49) items distributed at dimensions of meaning of life. Sample of statistical ana

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 28 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Setting standards for the quality of the performance scale school Aariyadah from the viewpoint of supervisors (specialists and technicians) in the districts of Baghdad breeding
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To achieve excellence in the quality of performance in school sports administration, which has suffered a lot of problems and constraints on the administrative system, supervision and education level as well as the regulatory environment and available resources available and contribute to the provision of some processors and overcome difficulties to participate in the formation of the individual good of itself and society through sports activities. Hence the importance came this study to create a reference to the quality of the performance criteria school sports from the perspective of supervisors (specialists and technicians) in the districts of breeding Baghdad, to be of help to all those involved in school sports and maintaining an excep

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of Applying Social Stories in Developing Social Interaction Skills among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
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The current research aims to identify the effectiveness of social stories in increasing social interaction among children with an autism spectrum disorder. The researcher used the single-subject design methodology (Single Subject Designs, SSD) with

 (A-B) design to answer the research questions. The study sample consisted of (3) children with autism spectrum disorder enrolled in a transit daycare center in the Asir region, Saudi Arabia. The results of the study showed that there is a positive functional relationship between social stories and play to increase social interaction among children with autism spectrum disorder, which contributed to the acquisition and generalization of this behav

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The added value of the knowledge assets using a scale (VAIC) in a sample of the industrial sector companies
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The sustainable competitive advantage for organizations is one of the requirements for value creation, which centered on the possession of scarce resources that achieve maximum flows to invest in intellectual capital, if what has been interest in them, measured and employed the way properly and style, so I figured the need for new technologies to enable organizations to measure the intellectual and physical assets and to assess its performance accordingly, so it sheds search light on the measurement of the added value of existing knowledge using the standard value-added factor is the intellectual (value added intellectual coefficient) (VAIC) and to develop a set of assumptions about the extent of the difference between the sample

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