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Under the title "ideas to demonstrate and prove some new insight into the measurement of psychological and educational assessment"Paragraphs of the psychometric analysis between the logical and virtual (for arbitrators experts and specialists) and the sta
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   Thsst researcher problem of delays faced by researchers are all waiting to evaluate their standards by the experts who must take their views to extract the truth Virtual important step first step in building standards whatsoever, then the difference of opinion among experts about the paragraphs Whatever the scope of their functions, leading to confusion in maintaining these paragraphs or delete? Or ignore the views and opinion of the researcher to maintain the same? Or as agreed upon with the supervisor if he was a student? Especially if the concepts of a modern new building.
   Therefore, the researcher sought to try to find a solution to her problem to conduct an experiment to test building steps Kdharurat basic standards are supported in building operations, such as the experience of logical analysis to extract the virtual honesty, and check how to utilize them, and are indispensable as possible in general? Or there may be exceptions to the standards or in the selection of experts? Comparing the results of this step the results of experiments and global statistical analysis as steps again, and then select any of these steps or tests relied upon in the final results for the construction of standards? According to the procedures for each of them and the fact that the results and accuracy in achieving the most important thing required of the building measures concepts which are honesty (Validity), which we are looking for from the outset of the construction process in order to answer the question: Is designed scale to measure really is set up to in order to measure? And to any extent?
   The researcher identified three tools standards for test construction Eventually, she concluded to the following results:
   Despite the different theoretical concepts measured by these tools and the number of paragraphs and samples, they are among the measures of foreign Ptarevadtha and components, construction and samples, and the scale of a local definition and its components and the construction and appointed, they were similar results of experiments logical analysis to extract the truth Virtual them in the fact that experiments were superficial includes amendments to the most grammatical and linguistically, they are not deleted, but two paragraphs only, out of the preparation of the paragraphs of three measures the amount of (58) paragraph to the measure of emotional intelligence, and (24) paragraph to the measure of social cohesion, and (90) a paragraph to measure hardness psychological, respectively, one of them repeatedly to reveal the true response, The second dialectic, despite differences in people submitted to them standards, both in experience or general jurisdiction flour, while the varied results of experiments statistical analysis and global, including the scale retained Pfaqrath all of the standards has reduced its paragraphs by almost half, it is out (58), and (24) , and (90) paragraph, became (44), and (24), and (46) paragraph, respectively, Besagha final. Which makes us pause and reflect on the hopes of these results, especially if we were sure of the validity of statistical procedures used in the construction of these standards, and we have to ask ourselves:
Q / we will rely on any results in the form of the final version of these standards?
Q / Can we rely on the results of logical analysis to extract the virtual honesty? ((It was originally believed superficial virtual shows what appears and what appears externally to the scale that measured, which is believed influenced the verdicts of self for people who depend on them to extract what is built on the self and the subjective opinions away inevitably for objectivity and accuracy, and most modifications grammatical, linguistic, or they just make a The delay of the words, they were not in the meaning and the formulation and the level of the paragraph, and with some careful review them between the researcher and the supervisor and an expert linguist and specialist in measurement corrected with ease the time and effort much less than if presented to several people and all the Laidlaw Bajtahadeh Profile)).
 Q / or rely on the results of statistical analysis and to extract the global structural real truth? ((These results are accurate statistical and experimental shows real roots of the underlying concepts and explain the links strong between the components of the original of the content of the paragraphs of standards of the links weak, however change the number of paragraphs or was reduced, the results did not keep the number of items as it is, which makes the researcher at a loss to act against them. Do you keep the paragraphs prepared by the concept of fatigue and trouble and consulted from able to extract the truth virtual, and all made will intervene? M depends on the results of statistical analysis and global specifically? which is the final step and the most accurate in the detection of links between the paragraphs and their assets and being the measure really is designed so as to measure only and does not nothing else, and settled the final number of paragraphs of standards researched? .... Q / M depends on what?
   Here will stand any scientific researcher in front of these results may say to himself, "So why this delay in the work and procedures, and why all this fatigue and suffering in wasting time, effort and money, is not it better for a statistical work and global, and give him the time and effort and all the money, because its results are more accurate is adopted in the construction, Valbagesan always conducting experiments as steps are all essential building credit, but they take their final results only "
Finally, the researcher recommends that all those involved in this scientific topic, taking these results and the adoption of these measures substitute for the first step in building standards in order to achieve scientific accuracy and save time, effort, money and effort.
The researcher proposes to prepare a brochure special steps to prepare and build paragraphs of psychometric assessment includes all of the observations that can help researchers in the preparation and drafting of the paragraphs of minutes do not require modifications of any kind to measure the concepts that are prepared in order to measure and nothing else.





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Publication Date
Sat Mar 04 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Generalised Henstock - Kurzweil Integral with Multiple Point
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This paper deals with a new Henstock-Kurzweil integral in Banach Space with Bilinear triple n-tuple and integrator function Ψ which depends on multiple points in partition. Finally, exhibit standard results of Generalized Henstock - Kurzweil integral in the theory of integration.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Fuzzy Soc-Semi-Prime Sub-Modules
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     In this paper, we study a new concept of fuzzy sub-module, called  fuzzy socle semi-prime sub-module that is a generalization the concept of semi-prime fuzzy sub-module and fuzzy of approximately semi-prime sub-module in the ordinary sense.  This leads us to introduce level property which studies the relation between the ordinary and fuzzy sense of approximately semi-prime sub-module. Also, some of its characteristics and notions such as the intersection, image and external direct sum of fuzzy socle semi-prime sub-modules are introduced. Furthermore, the relation between the fuzzy socle semi-prime sub-module and other types of fuzzy sub-module presented.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 23 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) by Statistical Methods
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            An image retrieval system is a computer system for browsing, looking and recovering pictures from a huge database of advanced pictures. The objective of Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) methods is essentially to extract, from large (image) databases, a specified number of images similar in visual and semantic content to a so-called query image. The researchers were developing a new mechanism to retrieval systems which is mainly based on two procedures. The first procedure relies on extract the statistical feature of both original, traditional image by using the histogram and statistical characteristics (mean, standard deviation). The second procedure relies on the T-

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Direction Finding Using GHA Neural Networks
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 This paper adapted the neural network for the estimating of the direction of arrival (DOA). It uses an unsupervised adaptive neural network with GHA algorithm to extract the principal components that in turn, are used by Capon method to estimate the DOA, where by the PCA neural network we take signal subspace only and use it in Capon (i.e. we will ignore the noise subspace, and take the signal subspace only).



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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Identifying Average Reservoir Pressure in Multilayered Oil Wells Using Selective Inflow Performance (SIP) Method
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The downhole flow profiles of the wells with single production tubes and mixed flow from more than one layer can be complicated, making it challenging to obtain the average pressure of each layer independently.  Production log data can be used to monitor the impacts of pressure depletion over time and to determine average pressure with the use of Selective Inflow Performance (SIP). The SIP technique provides a method of determining the steady state of inflow relationship for each individual layer. The well flows at different stabilized surface rates, and for each rate, a production log is run throughout the producing interval to record both downhole flow rates and flowing pressure. PVT data can be used to convert measured in-situ rates

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Free Head Shear Test on Decomposed Granite Soil
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The study presents the test results of Completely Decomposed Granite (CDG) soil tested under drained triaxial compression, direct shear and simple shear tests. Special attention was focused on the modification of the upper halve of conventional Direct Shear Test (DST) to behave as free
head in movement along with vertical strain control during shear stage by using Geotechnical Digital System (GDS). The results show that Free Direct Shear Test (FDST) has clear effect on the measured shear stress and vertical strain during the test. It has been found that shear strength
parameters measured from FDST were closer to those measured from simple shear and drained triaxial compression test. This study also provides an independent check on

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Basrah Journal Of Science
Nearly Maximal Submodules
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Minimally invasive access cavities in endodontics
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Background: The access cavity is a critical stage in root canal therapy and it may influence the subsequent steps of the treatment. The new minimally invasive endodontic access cavity preparation concept aims to preserve sound tooth structure by conserving as much intact dentine as possible including the pulp chamber's roof, to keep the teeth from fracturing during and after endodontic treatment. While there is great interest in such access opening designs in numerous publications, still there is a lack of scientific evidence to support the application of such modern access cavity designs in clinical practice. This review aims to critically examine the literature on minimal access cavity preparations, explain the effect of minimally inva

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Identifying Average Reservoir Pressure in Multilayered Oil Wells Using Selective Inflow Performance (SIP) Method
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The downhole flow profiles of the wells with single production tubes and mixed flow from more than one layer can be complicated, making it challenging to obtain the average pressure of each layer independently.  Production log data can be used to monitor the impacts of pressure depletion over time and to determine average pressure with the use of Selective Inflow Performance (SIP). The SIP technique provides a method of determining the steady state of inflow relationship for each individual layer. The well flows at different stabilized surface rates, and for each rate, a production log is run throughout the producing interval to record both downhole flow rates and flowing pressure. PVT data can be used to convert measured in-situ r

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Weakly Nearly Prime Submodules
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        In this article, unless otherwise established, all rings are commutative with identity and all modules are unitary left R-module. We offer this concept of WN-prime as new generalization of weakly prime submodules. Some basic properties of weakly nearly prime submodules are given. Many characterizations, examples of this concept are stablished.

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