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أثر برنامج مقترح لتنمية بعض المفاهيم العلمية لدى اطفال الرياض
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The childhood period includes nursery period is the most period that the child wants to discover and knowledge and that we see it in daily and normal activity that he does it. And after creating  the science aspects  and growth it by children and that is one of goals the Education and this goal is requested a style education includes a corrective scientific aspects and creating them and getting them by experience that getting it by visits many places of nurseries and meeting some of teachers and search about the program working and application it and notes a problem  that summarized that is not found a science program used by teacher to teach the science aspects for children that realized her goals and needs to grow. The problem of search is limited by answer the following question (the experimental program suggestion is influenced in development some of scientific aspects at nursery's children?     proposed program have an impact in developing kindergarten kids' some scientific concepts?                                                                                                

The following Research targets:

  1. Building up a tool for detecting the kindergarten kids' scientific concepts level within the (Research perimeters) .
  2. Establishing a program aiming to developing kindergarten children's some scientific concepts
  3. Identifying the impact of the program in developing kindergarten children's some scientific concepts by considering the following hypotheses:

a- There are no statistical reference differences between the children's empirical group average marks on the scientific concepts scale in the pre-and post test, b- There are no statistical reference differences between the children's control group average marks on the scientific concepts scale in the pre- and post test, c- There are no statistical, reference differences between the children's empirical and control groups average marks on the scientific concepts scale after applying the program.

Developing the following scientific concepts:

  1. The Air

The research specimen has included the following:

Specimen of identifying the kindergarten children

  1. The Sounds
  2. The Heat
  3. The Colors
  • Preliminary at age of (5-6) years old, (400) kids have been randomly selected from (16) kindergarten in the city of Baghdad- Al- Karkh and Al- Resafa
  • The sample of applying the program was taken from the sample of identifying as it includes the low marks kids on the scientific concepts scale and they were selected intentionally from the identifying sample.

Total of (40) kids from Al Faris and Al- Narjis. .

They were divided into two empirical groups consisting of two groups consisting of (20) kids and a control group consisting of (20) kids after the equivalence between both the empirical and control groups has been made of (children's marks on the scientific concepts scale in the pre- and post test, the age, the gender, father's academic qualification, mother's academic qualification, father's occupation, mother's                               occupation, number of family members, child's order in birth                               

dear to achieve the Research objectives, the researcher made two pints:


  1. Establishing a scale, for measuring kindergarten kids' scientific concepts,, as the researcher has defined general concepts included in the Research; they are: (air, sounds, heat, colors), then, she broke down each general concept into sub- concepts and she formulated (133) items, they represent a set of behavioral

goals. Each one of the general concepts and its sub- concept contents initiated with behavioral observable and measurable action as follows:

The first concept is the air which includes 41 behavioral goals. 

The second concept is the sounds which includes 30 behavioral goals.

The third concept is the heat which includes 30 behavioral goals. The fourth concept is the colors which includes 33 behavioral goals.

  1. Establishing a program for developing the scientific concepts which have been defined and the credibility and firmness of the scale and the program have been verified by presenting it to a group of experts in the field f the educational sciences and psychology and kindergartens.

The researcher has used the statistical approaches in accordance with the Research objectives and requirements, as follows:

  • Man Whtney's test, the following test, , Welkoksin's test. Berson correlation coefficient
  • Al Fakir Witbakh formulation.

Research has concluded a set of findings, the most important of h are:

  1. There are statistical reference differences between the two averages of the pre- test of both empirical and control groups.
  2. There are statistical reference differences between the two averages of the post- test of both empirical and control groups.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثرالتعلم باللعب في السلوك العدواني لدى اطفال الروضه
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يستهدف البحث التعرف على اهمية التعلم باللعب لاطفال رياض الاطفال وانعكاساتها على تعديل سلوكهم، حيث ان اللعب هو دنيا الطفل المليئة بالمتعة والاستطلاع والاستكشاف، كما ان اللعب بالنسبة للاطفال يمثل لهم الحياة بكل ما فيها من معنى.

وفي الوقت نفسه اللعب هو وسيلة من وسائل الضبط والتوجيه للتعامل مع سلوك الاطفال، فمن خلال اللعب نستكشف النبوغ والتفوق منذ وقت مبكر، حيث ان التعلم باللعب يمثل حاجة حيو

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Pre-Writing Skills of Kindergarten Children Preparation
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The study aimed to design a test of pre-writing skills for public kindergartens in Baghdad city. The test consisted of (25) items applied on a sample of (150) kindergarteners to identify these skills as well as to identify the significant difference between male and female children and if there is a difference between pre-school children and kindergarteners. The results showed the presence of pre-writing skills with a high degree in kindergarten children. The differences were clear in these skills between male and female children and those in pre-school than those in kindergartens. The researcher suggested a number of recommendations and proposals.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Form a proposal to audit the mutual operations with related parties program in accordance with international standards: Proposal pattern
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The relationships between the related parties constitute a normal feature of trading and business processes. Entities may perform parts of their activities through subsidiary entities, joint ventures and associate entities. In these cases, the entity has the ability to influence the financial and operating policies of the investee through control, joint control or significant influence,  So could affect established knowledge of transactions and balances outstanding, including commitments, and relationships with related to the evaluation of its operations by users of financial statements, including the risks and opportunities facing the entity assess the parties. So research has gained importance of the importance of the availability

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
قياس الخوف الاجتماعي لدى أطفال الرياض
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The research seeks to measure stigma on the children of kindergarten and get to know the differences between males and females and between kindergarten and preschool in social fear. Has been verified by the researcher was true scale of social fear after the drafting of paragraphs (43) items, and display it on a group of experts , has proven its validity after some amendments , bringing the number of paragraphs in its final form (29) items . was statistical analysis of the paragraphs of the brokered power-discriminatory , it is clear that all paragraphs distinct and statistically significant, as well as to find a relationship degree of para-class items consistency . was to ensure the stability of the scale in a re-test , as the stability

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر برنامج تنموي في الاستعداد الكتابي لطفل الروضة
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مشكلة البحث وآهميته :

تعد مرحلة ما قبل المدرسة من المراحل شديدة الأهمية في نمو الأطفال في هذه المرحلة تمتد رغبة الطفل في التعرف على العالم المحيط به ثم تتطور أنشطته لتصبح أكثر عمقا وأتساعا فتتضمن البيئة البعيدة عنه ، هذا فضلا على أن 50% من التنمية الذهنية للطفل تتشكل في السنوات الأربع الأولى من العمر وأن القراءة هي إحدى المكونات الأساسية التي تعززهذا الجانب من التنمية .

( أبو

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Leadership qualities among kindergarten children and its relationship to some variables
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There is no doubt that leadership is a social phenomenon , and human activity does not take place , but remained in the family cohesive have a common goal Alaho instil confidence in the same of her sons to be better , and the importance of this subject Arta researchers to identify the extent to which children in this phenomenon and to identify the causes and extent of its spread in the community , has been directing an open question (Appendix 1) to a group of kindergarten teachers , to learn about the characteristics of leadership that can be enjoyed by kindergarten children . The current research aims to:
1. Detect levels of leadership qualities among kindergarten children in the light of the characteristics of leadership skills

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Impact of a Counseling Program with a Cognitive Reconstruction Method on the Development of the Psychological Hardness among Middle School Students
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The current research aims to determine the impact of the cognitive reconstruction program on the development of psychological hardness among middle school students through the experimental verification of three hypotheses. The research sample consisted of (16) out of (450) students selected from Ibn Rushud preparatory school- Al-Rusafa 2. These participants have been randomly distributed into two equal groups. The researcher has used the method of cognitive reconstruction with the experimental group, whereas with the controlling group, he used nothing. The researcher has further used the scale of psychological hardness of Kobassa with the participants; the scale has been built in a way that suits the sample of the study, which consisted

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 21 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Reading Readiness Skills in Preschool Children
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This research aims to identify the following :

  • The reading willingness skill to kindergarten children.
  • There is no statistical significance difference between average scores of reading willingness skill of the sample individuals as a whole, and the hypothetical average of the scale.
  • The difference in reading willingness skill to kindergarten children according to gender variable (male & female).
  • There is no statistical significance difference between average scores of reading willingness skill for kindergarten children according to gender variable (male & female).

   To achieve the research goals, the researc

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 02 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of College Of Education
أثر استعمال دورة التعلم في اكتساب المفاهيم الصرفية واستبقائها لدى طالبات قسم اللغة العربية في كلية التربية للبنات
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يهدف هذا البحث إلى معرفة أثر استخدام دورة التعلم في اكتساب المفاهيم الصرفية واستخلاصها لدى طالبات قسم اللغة العربية بكلية التربية للبنات وقد صيغت فرضيتان مفادهما أن ؛ 1- لا توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين متوسط ​​درجات طالبات المجموعة التجريبية اللاتي يدرسن المادة الصرفية في دورة التعلم ومتوسط ​​درجات طالبات المجموعة الضابطة اللاتي يدرسن المادة الصرفية بالطريقة القياسية لاكتساب المفاهيم. 2- لا توجد فروق ذ

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الوعي الغذائي لدى أمهات أطفال الرياض وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات
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Lack of awareness of food for mothers of children Riyadh of the factors affecting the nutritional status of the child, and that child health is closely linked to the nature of the child as much as the quality and quantity of food, so current research aims to identify:

- Food awareness among mothers of children Riyadh.

- Statistically significant differences in nutritional awareness depending on the collection of the mother.

- Statistically significant differences in nutritional awareness depending on the age of the mother.

- With statistical significance in food awareness of the mother differences being an employee or non-employee.

So researchers randomly chosen sample of (200) or from mothers chil

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