Vocational stresses and their relation with the level of ambition among the lecturers of the university In general , vocational stresses affect the attention and the process of focusing making individual busy with solving of his daily problems instead of his job. The vocational stresses , anxiety and tension are factors effecting the physical and psychological ability of the individual. This study aims to measure the vocational stresses among the lecturers of the university , to measure the level of ambition among them, to identify the statistical differences significant among them according to sex variable, to identify the differences significant in level of ambition among them according to sex variable and to identify the correlation relation between vocational stresses and the level of ambition among the lecturers . the sample consists of tow subsample the differences significance of the psychological assurance among them according to sex variable and to identify the correlation relation between control center and psychological assurance among the lecturers. The sample consists of tow samples the 1st is for building the measure consisting of (20) male and females lecturers and the 2nd is the main application one consisting of (120) male and female lecturers , where there are (60) males and (60) females . the sample has been selected randomly to help the researcher to distribute it equally according to sex variable. The researcher finds some of the following important results:- a-the sample have control center and psychological assurance at (0,001) significance level. b-there are no statistical difference significance in the measurement of control center and psychological assurance according to sex variable at (0,001) significance level. c-there is a positive correlation relation which is (0,008) between control center and psychological assurance among the lecturers of Baghdad university at (0,001) significance level.
لكل دولة في هذا العالم خطابها السياسي والذي يحدد سياستها الداخلية والخارجية، وهي سياسة ثابتة تنطلق من مفاهيم وبرامج وثوابت تخدم مصالحها الحيوية، لكون الخطاب السياسي ليس مجرد كلام عابر في عالم السياسة الدولية وانما هو ثوابت مهمة يحدد توجهات هذه الدولة او تلك ويحدد دورها الدولي وطبيعة العلاقة مع البلدان الاخرى ومنها الدول المجاورة لها. شهد العراق بعد العام 2003 تحديات جديدة تمثلت بتغليب خطابات الطائفية والكراه
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المستخلص يهدف هذا البحث الى تجاوز مشكلة البعدية من خلال طرائق الانحدار اللامعلمي والتي تعمل على تقليل جذر متوسط الخطأ التربيعي (RMSE) , أذ تم استعمال طريقة انحدار الاسقاطات المتلاحقة (PPR) ,والتي تعتبر احدى طرائق اختزال الابعاد التي تعمل على تجاوز مشكلة البعدية (curse of dimensionality) , وان طريقة (PPR) من التقنيات الاحصائية التي تهتم بأيجاد الاسقاطات الاكثر أهمية في البيانات المتعددة الابعاد , ومع ايجاد كل اسقاط
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