ناولت هذه الدراسة إحدى الشخصيات الأمريكية التي تأثرت بواقع السود. كان بوكر تاليافيرو واشنطن أحد الأمريكيين السود ، الذين ولدوا في ظل العبودية وتعرضوا للاضطهاد بعد إلغاء حقوق التصويت وإطلاق قوانين جيم كرو من قبل الولايات الجنوبية. ورأى واشنطن خلال عمليات إعادة الإعمار أحوال السود وكيف كانت معاناتهم قبل الحرب الأهلية في ظل ظروف العبودية التي شملت الإذلال ، والحرمان من حقوقهم المدنية والسياسية، فيما لم يختلف الأمر عندما تحرروا من العبودية. ورغم التعديلات التي صدرت، ظل السود في حالة من الجهل والحرمان من حقوقهم المدنية والسياسية. ورأى واشنطن ضرورة تغيير الاتجاه نحو التعليم كوسيلة للنهوض وتغيير واقع السود.
The research aims at the scholars’attention to the importance and role of Arab Muslim women through books and historical studies that historians and scholars have taken up like Ibn Al-Jawzi (597 AH) and his book Safwat Al-Safwa, where he presented the conduct of worship and their words and deeds, and explained to women worshipers other aspects of their lives, such as the scientific aspect Crafts and works as well as their prominent role in preaching and religious guidance, and the impact of this on their morals and qualities. This study showed the strength of the personality of women and their high interest in worship. The importance of the study lies in knowledge.The research followed the role of Muslim women to carry t
... Show MoreThe harsh human suffering experienced by the Andalusians were a religious conflict and racist impact on all aspects of public life. The religious factor most important factors that determined the nature of the hostile relationship between the Andalusian and Castilian, Castile has sought to make them Christians by force through laws that deprived them of all their rights. In spite of the large number of those laws, the authority admitted inability to subdue the Andalusians to its will through the issuance of the final decree of expulsion.
The international system that established the United Nations after the end of the Second World War witnessed many changes. These changes overshadowed the nature of the work of the international organization, especially its first and most important executive organ (the Security Council). This has sometimes weakened and dulled the Security Council's role in performing the tasks stipulated in the Charter of the Organization, which has led the Organization itself to work on reforms within it in general and to seek reforms in the Security Council in particular. Academic and advisory efforts were made to submit proposals for amendment to be reflected on the Council's performance effectiveness.
Praise be to God, prayer and peace upon our master Muhammad the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him mercy, gift, and grace, and rendered his family and the good righteous is followed until the Day of Judgment. After: The Koran
الفنون السمعية والمرئية اصلاح ام تغيير كامل
This research deals with the ideas of Imam Muhammad bin Al-Waleed bin Khalaf bin Sulaiman bin Ayyub , Al -Qurashi, The Moroccan, The Andalusian, Al-Maliki. He was known as Abu Bakr Al-Tartoushey , where thesis deals with the details of his personal life and as well as his scientific path as well as his works, and also covered the views of jurisprudence in the personal status and especially on the subject of divorce and inheritance,
The imbalances and economic problems which it face the countries, it is a result of international economic developments or changes or global crises such as deterioration in trade, sharp changes in oil prices, increasing global indebtedness, sharp changes in foreign exchange rates and other changes, all that, they affect the economic features of any country. and These influences vary from one country to another according to the rigidity of its economy and its potential in maneuvering with economic plans and actions that would reduce the impact or avoidance with minimal damage. Therefore, the countries that suffer from accumulated economic problems as a result of mismanagement and poor planning or suffe
... Show Moreبسبب محدودية الموارد الطبيعية، فأن سكان الخليج ومنذ القدم وجهوا جلّ نشاطاتهم توجهاً بحرياً: صيد الاسماك وصناعة اللؤلؤ العنصر الرئيس في حجم التشغيل، وتكوين الفائض الاقتصادي في المنطقة آنذاك.
لقد تزايدت أهمية هذا النشاط بخاصة بعد النصف الثاني من القرن التاسع عشر، لرواج تجارة اللؤلؤ عالمياً، وأنفتاح الخليج على الدول الاوروبية التي شهدت نهضة صناعية متسارعة، وحيث وصلت الخليج العديد من بضائع
... Show MoreThe philosophy of punishment in Islam-oriented values and moral, educational and deterrent punishment is not marked by repressive means of punishment for her contemporary was not very objective but a means to an end and a means of reform is the individual and society.
The reason behind choosing this topic " internal marketing (IM) of human resource management (HRM)" is to highlight the advantages of using IM in the organization framework. The problem of the research paper lies in not paying enough attention to employees genuine needs as they interact with each other in the sake of organization prosper. This research paper can be used as indictor to expose the weaknesses that the organization encounters daily. The current research paper attempts at examining the possibility of developing philosophy of internal marketing of human resources and its most practices, empowering staff, training courses, motivations and recognitions, and within departments communication, in order to reach targeted res
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