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صورة الذات وعلاقتها بالاكتئاب لدى كبار السن
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The research aims at:- 1- Measuring the self-image of the elderly. 2- Measuring the depression of the elderly. 3- Knowing the statistically difference of the self-image to the elderly due to variables like (the gender , martial status and place of residency). 4- Knowing the statistically difference of the depression of the elderly due to (the gender , martial status and place of residency). 5- Knowing the relationship between the self-image and depression of the elderly. To reach to the aims of the research , the researcher built a tool to measure self-image and other to measure the psychological disorders for elderly , and after investigation of their validity and reliability he applied them on a random sample of elderly (their number was 225). After collecting the data and treating them statistically by using t-test for one sample and three way Anova and Pearson correlation coefficient the researcher concluded the follows :- 1- It sounds that the elderly have a positive self-image. 2- It sounds that the elderly do not suffer from depression. 3- There is statistically significant in self-image due to genders variable for males ,and martial status for married ,and residency variable for the resident in their homes , also there is interaction between gender and martial status. 4- There is statistically significant in depression due to martial status variable for the bachelors and others in comparison with the married , and residency variable, for the residents in Institutions caring, whereas there no difference in depression due to the elderly gender. 5- There is an opposionsl and strong relationship between self-image and depression . 

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أساليب التربية الأسرية وعلاقتها بالسلوك العدواني لدى المراهقات
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& مشكلة  البحث:

           إن اعتبار الأسرة كوحدة أساسية في المجتمع يجعل دورها كبير في مهمة تربية أفرادها وبناء شخصياتهم وتوجيه سلوكهم ووقايتهم من انحرافه ،في جميع مراحل حياتهم ولاسيما مرحلة المراهقة .

          وتبدو قدسيتها ممثلة بركنيها للذين أمر الله عز وجل بأن يخفض لهما جناح الذل من الرحمة لخطورة

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Personal Efficacy And Its Relationship With Mindfulness Among University Students
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The study seeks to examine the level of personal efficacy and its relation to mental alertness among university students. Besides, the statistically significant differences in regard of students' gender, and the correlation between male and female. To do this, the researcher adopted two scales: one to measure the personal efficacy which was made up by (abed al-jabaar, 2010) included (26) items, and the other to measure the mental alertness that designed by (abed Allah, 2012) included (36) items. A total of (120) student were selected randomly from three-different colleges at the Al-Mustansiriyah University for the academic year 2016-2017. The findings revealed there are no significant differences among students in regard of the personal

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Leadership qualities among kindergarten children and its relationship to some variables
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There is no doubt that leadership is a social phenomenon , and human activity does not take place , but remained in the family cohesive have a common goal Alaho instil confidence in the same of her sons to be better , and the importance of this subject Arta researchers to identify the extent to which children in this phenomenon and to identify the causes and extent of its spread in the community , has been directing an open question (Appendix 1) to a group of kindergarten teachers , to learn about the characteristics of leadership that can be enjoyed by kindergarten children . The current research aims to:
1. Detect levels of leadership qualities among kindergarten children in the light of the characteristics of leadership skills

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Ulma with feeling of freedom at student of secondary stage
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The ulma is one of the most spread social phenomenon.It occupies people in their different tendencies,the ulma imposes itself strongly in their social ,economic and politic sidies.

The   problem of freedom quarrel is the older problem in creation .The groups as well as the individuals look for their liberty and it is restricted, they isolate themselves from others for a achieving it. Isolation phenomenon is one of common humanity phenomenon among individuals for looking  of individuals psychological and social compatibility with other and society so they feel anxiety and tension and restriction of will and freedom. IT is known that college student from the major never in development and ren

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الألعاب الالكترونية وعلاقتها بالعزلة الاجتماعية لدى أطفال الرياض
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The past few years have seen the development of the quantity and quality in the field of software, as it has become the word of electronic games of common terms used in the modern era.

And the effects of this software it is working on a low ability to exercise social activities and the ability to perform the duties and turn away from physical exercise level and lead to the neglect of the child to develop friendships and social relations as a result of his over-zealous in use for a long time .olhz a stated research to achieve Ahavh which are:

- Learn about social isolation among children Riyadh.

- Identify statistically sig

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of A cognitive Behavioral Counseling Program in Enhancing Self-Management in Reducing the Academic Procrastination of Tenth grade male Students
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This study aims to find out the effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral counseling program in enhancing self-management in reducing the academic procrastination of tenth-grade male students. The sample consisted of (26) male students divided into an experimental group of (13) students and a control group of (13) students. Two scales of self-management and academic procrastination were used, prepared by the researcher. The counseling program was prepared by the researcher. The results showed the program's effectiveness in enhancing self-management and reducing academic procrastination in the posttest, as it showed the continuation of this enhancement in self-management and the increase in the reduction of procrastination in the follow-up

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Self -affirmation and its relation of tendency toward perfection and the awareness of creativity among fine arts institutions students
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The study aimed to identify self –affirmation degree, tendency degree toward perfection, awareness degree of creativity among fine arts institutions students, and the significant correlation between self -affirmation and its tendency toward perfection, and the awareness of creativity among fine arts institutions students. To achieve these objectives, the author had constructed two scales: one to measure self –affirmation among the sample based on “Lang& Jakobowski theory” (Lang& Jakobowski, 1973) that consisted of (54) item divided into two parts: qualitative and situational. The other scale is to measure the tendency toward perfection depend on (flett & Hewitt, 1991) that composed of (46) item divided into two sectio

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
The image of the soldier in contemporary Iraqi painting
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The research tagged (the image of the soldier in contemporary Iraqi painting) dealt with the concept of the image as one of the basic concepts in the creative achievement, whether it is in the field of art, literature or beauty. Therefore, the concept of the image expanded to express the various aspects of human creativity, including the field of painting. To know the image of the soldier in contemporary Iraqi painting, the research included four chapters. The first chapter focused on the methodological framework of the research, while the second chapter included three sections. The first topic dealt with the philosophical and artistic concept of the image. The second topic was concerned with the representations of the soldier's image in

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Conference: Rcsh-21at: Egitim Fakultesi, Akdeniz University- Turky
Mathematical Ability and its Relationship to Academic Resilience among Secondary School Students
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The research aims to identify the relationship between mathematical ability and academic resilience among secondary school students. The research sample consisted of (280) students of the fourth scientific grade in secondary and preparatory schools of the General Directorate of Education in Baghdad / Karkh 2. The researchers built - based on previous studies and literature - a test of mathematical ability and a measure of academic resilience. The researchers used the T-test and Pearson's correlation coefficient to compare the results. The results revealed that fourth-grade students possessed mathematical ability and academic resilience. The research proved the existence of a positive correlation between mathematical ability and academic

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الوحدة النفسية وعلاقتها بالأفكار اللاعقلانية لدى طلبة الجامعة المستنصرية
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Suffering of modern man in all societies of psychological problems, social, economic and professional as a result of the evolution of massive technological and rapid disable individual from pursuing it as well as changes caused to human values​​, and these problems psychological problem of loneliness, the loneliness psychological state unique to the human from other organisms because of having social system, affected by and affects it, any defect may occur in the ties that bind man to other children of sex or any change occurs in the social system, reflected on the individual, and the resulting disruption in the social nature syndrome among individuals, what breeds they have the feeling of is

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