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صورة الذات وعلاقتها بالاكتئاب لدى كبار السن
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The research aims at:- 1- Measuring the self-image of the elderly. 2- Measuring the depression of the elderly. 3- Knowing the statistically difference of the self-image to the elderly due to variables like (the gender , martial status and place of residency). 4- Knowing the statistically difference of the depression of the elderly due to (the gender , martial status and place of residency). 5- Knowing the relationship between the self-image and depression of the elderly. To reach to the aims of the research , the researcher built a tool to measure self-image and other to measure the psychological disorders for elderly , and after investigation of their validity and reliability he applied them on a random sample of elderly (their number was 225). After collecting the data and treating them statistically by using t-test for one sample and three way Anova and Pearson correlation coefficient the researcher concluded the follows :- 1- It sounds that the elderly have a positive self-image. 2- It sounds that the elderly do not suffer from depression. 3- There is statistically significant in self-image due to genders variable for males ,and martial status for married ,and residency variable for the resident in their homes , also there is interaction between gender and martial status. 4- There is statistically significant in depression due to martial status variable for the bachelors and others in comparison with the married , and residency variable, for the residents in Institutions caring, whereas there no difference in depression due to the elderly gender. 5- There is an opposionsl and strong relationship between self-image and depression . 

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Complex thinking among secondary school student in accordance with the views of lipman
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The current study has sought to identify the levels of the compound thinking among secondary school students basing and relying on the opinions of Lipman who sees that the compound thinking consists of creative thinking and critical thinking, In accordance with this point of view, researchers have resorted to build scale of the critical thinking in its final form of (28) item additionally to the adoption of Torrance for the creative thinking which was translated by sayed. Khairallah in 1981 after confirming psychometric Properties Of both scales and then collect scores of both scales and be the final score represented the level of the compound thinking that has been shown by the results of secondary school students they have no skill of

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Existential frustration and its relation with recrimination among university students
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The study aims to identify the level of existential frustration and the level of recrimination among the students of universities, identify the statistical differences between the existential frustration and recrimination based on gender, and finally, identify the correlation between the existential frustration and recrimination. To do this, the researcher adopted the existential frustration scale of ( al-saaedi, 2009) that consisted of (43) item, he also adopted the recrimination scale of ( al-zugeibi,2008) which composed of (31) item. The total sample was (120) male and female student were chosen randomly from four colleges within the university of Baghdad for the academic year ( 2015-2016). The results revealed that the targeted sampl

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Separation Worry and its Correlation with Working Memory of the Primary School Pupils
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The concept of the separation worry is considered one of the common disorders in children. The causes and effects of this worry influence the child mental and cognitive ability and the child ability to communicate with others, has friendship and the ability of adaptive with the environment, peers and teachers and it also influences the child's academic and social performance.
The importance of this study is represented in handling the working memory, one of important subject in cognitive psychology. Many universal studies show that the working memory is very important in several daily functions such as continuous attention, followinstructions, implement instructions of many steps, the moment of information remembering and keep focusin

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الخواء الفكري لدى بعض طلبة الجامعة الاسباب والحلول المقترحة
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    تعد مرحلة الشباب من المرحلة المهمة التي يبدأ خلالها الاستقرار الانفعالي للفرد. ويعكس ماهو ايجابي في اساليب التربية التي تلقاها في مرحلتي الطفولة والمراهقة على سلوكه ومما نلاحظه ان هذه المرحلة فيها الكثير من المشكلات السلوكية لدى الشباب بصورة عامة وطلبة الجامعة بصورة خاصة، فهناك عوامل واسباب عامة اذا اجتمعت كلها او بعضها فقد تؤدي الى مشكلات وظواهر سلبية، ومن هذه العوامل اضطراب الشخصية ، والف

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 09 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Nutrition Awareness among Middle School Students and its relation to some Variables
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    The aim of the study was to identify the nutritional awareness of middle school students and its relation to some variables of the sample of the research according to the gender variable (male and female), the variable type of family and the variable achievement of the parents.       

      The descriptive approach was adopted and the sample of the study consisted of (795) male and female students who were selected by the random stratified method. The research tool was prepared based on the literature and previous studies. The food awareness measure in its final form was (25) after the data collection was processed using the appropriate statistical met

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The relationship of the guilty conscience with the psychological health among the students of the University of Baghdad
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On of the psychological disorders that the human encounters is guilty conscience, this feeling is negative and affects on the individual and on those around him and harms the psychological health of the individual.

      since the university students slice is one of the important slices in the community which the country dependes on their abilities , their energies and their faculties in the construction and development, the university professors and specialists in the field of education and psychology who are around them should help them in achieving psychological balance and adjustment with themselves and with others, the following research objectives have been set : 

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الأسلوب المعرفي (الاندفاع-التروي) لدى طلاب المدارس الثانوية للمتميزين
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What we observe from the weakness of the students in some of different subjects may be due to that students are learning these traditional methods and competing to acquire the mark, and attain their teachers' interest ,then their only aim becomes the academicsuccess, and this is whatcontradicts the modern educational philosophy.

          Education needs to be providing it with new ideas and methodologies toprepare an emerging demonstrated scientific reason to distance them from the tradition and indoctrination that do not create generations able to address theexpected problems.

The cognitive behavior of reflectiveincludes planning skil

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Occupational Stress among Doctors Work in Governmental Hospitals
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The current research aims to identify the occupational stresses of doctors who are working in governmental hospitals according to the variables of gender and career ranking. The researcher adopted a scale to measure the occupational stress of (1088) doctors (561 males and 527 females) working in governmental hospitals. The results have shown that doctors have a high level of professional stress, but there is no significant difference between doctors in terms of gender. However, there were significant differences in favor of novice residents.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The role of kindergarten teachers in developing children's emotional intelligence
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The study aimed to get acquainted with kindergarten teachers in the development of
emotional intelligence in children, To achieve this a study too, which consisted of 40 items,
within four areas was condncted: (managing emotions, emotional knowledge, empathy, social
networking) The study tool was applied to the sample amounting (200) teachers of the
kindergarten teachers in the province of Jerash and after analyzing the results statistically
using arithmetic averages standard deviations and variance analysis quartet the following
results were reached :
- presence of statistically significant differences at the level of (α =0,05) is attributable to the
impact of the educational level in the areas of empathy and so

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Self- Awareness of Emotions and its Relation to the Way of Helping of Kindergardens' Children
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The self-awareness interactions reflects with emotions,assess the child in respect to its relations with the social standards; they are not merely simply reactions , but rather they connect with his moral behavior and other 's thinks. When the self- awareness gets developed with emotions within the child , the latter become highly sensitive, causing him prone to be blamed . AS a result , the children test the self –awareness interactions with emotions and in age 3 years , where the self –awareness interactions with emotion clearly link to the self- assessment. The children in stage of kindergarten could not describe the self-awareness interactions accurately ; they test it under different circumstances in comparison to the youngest o

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