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صورة الذات وعلاقتها بالاكتئاب لدى كبار السن
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The research aims at:- 1- Measuring the self-image of the elderly. 2- Measuring the depression of the elderly. 3- Knowing the statistically difference of the self-image to the elderly due to variables like (the gender , martial status and place of residency). 4- Knowing the statistically difference of the depression of the elderly due to (the gender , martial status and place of residency). 5- Knowing the relationship between the self-image and depression of the elderly. To reach to the aims of the research , the researcher built a tool to measure self-image and other to measure the psychological disorders for elderly , and after investigation of their validity and reliability he applied them on a random sample of elderly (their number was 225). After collecting the data and treating them statistically by using t-test for one sample and three way Anova and Pearson correlation coefficient the researcher concluded the follows :- 1- It sounds that the elderly have a positive self-image. 2- It sounds that the elderly do not suffer from depression. 3- There is statistically significant in self-image due to genders variable for males ,and martial status for married ,and residency variable for the resident in their homes , also there is interaction between gender and martial status. 4- There is statistically significant in depression due to martial status variable for the bachelors and others in comparison with the married , and residency variable, for the residents in Institutions caring, whereas there no difference in depression due to the elderly gender. 5- There is an opposionsl and strong relationship between self-image and depression . 

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Attitudes Toward Extremism Among University Students Baghdad
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The Present study aims to investigate the attitude toward extremism of the university student and to find differences with three variables, gender field of study ,grade), For the purposes of the study on(3) level scale of the attitude towards extremism , and subjected to validity and credibility ,the scale was designed for ( 590) students sample (237) males ,and (357) females Results shown that students has a mild attitude towards extremism compared with the average of the scale attitude towards Religious extremism occupied the number one level ,followed by social extremism and lastly political extremism in Results also shown different in gender (males ,females) with the males having the granter attitude towards extremism as for the othe

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Measuring the Historical Concepts of Kindergarten Children
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Historical concepts are among the concepts that are difficult to present to the pre-school child except by using modern techniques, as well as the difficulty of making visits to all historical monuments and going back to antiquity and the lack of studies in this area, therefore, we need an attractive medium that children love which is able to convey some abstract concepts that are difficult to teach to children using traditional methods, and among these activities that the kindergarten provides to children are the stories through which they develop their linguistic wealth, consolidate their religious and spiritual inclinations, refine their correct morals, and form their proper attitudes, knowledge and life concepts.


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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Aesthetic awareness among teachers of kindergarten
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All - Mighty Allah is beautiful and loves beauty and  Man is the only living  that is given by  the gift of Almighty Allah  the ability to awareness of beauty and the taste of  everything which recognized by him  around all aspects of life.

So the  children have more  ability  than others towards  feeling the  sense of beauty and the distinction between the beautiful and the ugly understanding , as they are attracted to the beauty , so we  should promote and encourage  their sense of beauty in future  the beauty in behavior , in psychology and in the community, as well.

This is definitely be done through all of

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
حل المشكلات البيئية لدى طفل الروضة
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Acquires this research importance of addressing the subject (environmental
problems) with age group task, a category that children pre-school, and also
reflected the importance of research, because the (environmental problems)
constitute a major threat to the continuation of human life, particularly the
children, so the environment is Bmchkladtha within kindergarten programs
represent the basis of a hub of learning where the axis, where the kindergarten took
into account included in the programs in order to help the development of
environmental awareness among children and get them used to the sound practices
and behaviors since childhood .
From the foregoing I felt the researcher that the phenomenon of (enviro

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
قياس الخوف الاجتماعي لدى أطفال الرياض
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The research seeks to measure stigma on the children of kindergarten and get to know the differences between males and females and between kindergarten and preschool in social fear. Has been verified by the researcher was true scale of social fear after the drafting of paragraphs (43) items, and display it on a group of experts , has proven its validity after some amendments , bringing the number of paragraphs in its final form (29) items . was statistical analysis of the paragraphs of the brokered power-discriminatory , it is clear that all paragraphs distinct and statistically significant, as well as to find a relationship degree of para-class items consistency . was to ensure the stability of the scale in a re-test , as the stability

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Future thinking skills for university students
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The study aimed to identify the future thinking skills of university students and which of these skills are prevalent. The sample of the study consisted of (400) male and female students from the university students. In order to achieve the goals of the research, the researcher built a measure of future thinking skills based on Torrance theory (2003). Psychometric properties of the standards were extracted, which are represented by honesty and consistency and the application of the measures to the research sample. The researchers found that Future thinking skills of university students, and that the skill of future planning is the most common skill among the research sample.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Smart Thinking at Secondary Schools' Students
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Present research is aimed knowing of smart thinking for secondary schools' students. and discover statistically significant differences in Smart Thinking due to the couple variables of (Gender – Branch)
For the purpose of verification of the aims of the research, the researcher has prepared a smart thinking scale, the scale has been applied on sample of secondary schools' students for both Branches (Scientific & Literary One).It was contingent (500) student male and female were chosen stratified random method.
After data analyze the reached results: The Preparatory fourth grade students have smart thinking. Female smart thinking enjoy a much higher degree than males. and Scientific branch students enjoy thinking and much high

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
The Self-Efficacy Level Among Musically Talented Students
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This Study Aimed to Recognize the Self-Efficacy Level Among Musically Talented Students the sample of this study consisted of (85) Musically smart students male and female students in Irbid governorate, of the analytical descriptive method ، and the Self-Efficacy scale were used, and the results indicated the following:
-The Self-Efficacy level among Musically smart students was high.
-There are no statistically significant differences (α ≥ 0.05)due to the impact of gender in a the total degree .
-There are no statistically significant differences (α=0.05) due to the impact of stage in a the total degree.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The quality of work-life and relation to organizational excellence at King Khalid University of the faculty members' point of view / Business School Case study
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This study aimed to identify the quality of the career path and its relation to organizational excellence at King Khalid University in the Faculty of Business from the point of view of the faculty members by identifying the dimensions quality of work-life including (participation of decision making, training and development opportunities, and the balance between personal and work life, and to identify the level of organizational excellence through dimensions ( Excellence of leadership, excellence of the  strategy, and excellence of organizational culture). The descriptive approach was used. The questionnaire was a research tool. It consisted of (29) paragraphs, distributed to the entire study community and then received 127

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The degree of using electronic educational alternatives in education from the teachers 'and female teachers' point of view Intermediate stage in southern border schools and its relationship to some variables
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The aim of the current research is to know the degree to which middle school teachers and female teachers in the southern border schools use electronic educational alternatives in the field of education from their point of view and its relationship to some variables, and to achieve this goal, a random sample of (200) teachers was selected in southern border schools, and a questionnaire was prepared to collect The data, as well as the descriptive approach was used to achieve this goal. T-test and analysis of variance were used for the statistical treatment. The results concluded that the educational courses provided to male and female teachers are not sufficient. It has also been concluded that the use of electronic educational alternativ

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