زاد الاهتمام بالأطفال ذوي اضطراب الانتباه المصحوب بالنشاط الزائد نظراً لانتشاره بين الأطفال في عمر المرحلة الابتدائية حيث تراوحت نسبته ما بين 3% إلى 20% ومعظمهم من الذكور ، وأن انتشاره يقع في مختلف الطبقات الاجتماعية بالنسبة لعوائل هؤلاء الأطفال كما أن المشكلات المتعلقة به لا تنتهي بانتهاء مرحلة الطفولة ، وغالباً ما تمتد إلى مرحلة المراهقة حيث توصل ويز و هتكمانWeiss&Hechtman,1989 إلى أن هناك علامات من الاندفاعية وعدم الكفاءة الاجتماعية وتقدير الذات المنخفض يبقى ربما طوال الحياة بالنسبة لهؤلاء الأطفال ذوي اضطراب الانتباه المصحوب بالنشاط الزائد، ولقد اظهرت العديد من الدراسات والبحوث إلى أن الأطفال المصابون بهذا الاضطراب لديهم صعوبات تعلم ، لا يحسنون التعامل مع زملائهم ، غير متعاونين ويتجنبون العمل الذي يتطلب ذكاء ، الحديث بصورة مزعجة ، عدم الانتباه للمثيرات ذات الأهمية في مواقف التعلم ، النشاط الزائد وتشتت الانتباه هو الزيادة في الحركة عن الحد الطبيعي المقبول وبشكل مستمر ، بالإضافة إلى هذا لا تتناسب كمية وأنماط الحركة مع العمر الزمني للطفل وهذا بالطبع يؤثر في مستوى أدائه الأكاديمي وفي طبيعة علاقاته مع الأقران والمعلمين.
Background:Amino acid disorders are a major group of inborn error metabolism (IEM) with variable clinical presentation; its diagnosis constitutes a real challenge in a community with high consanguinity rate and no systematic newborn screening.
Objectives: to provide data about amino acid disorders detected in high-risk Iraqi children by using quantitative amino acid fluorescent high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis.
Type of the study: Cross-sectional study.
Methods: a descriptive cross sectional study from 1st February to 1st December 2014, at Neurological ward and clinic of the Children Welfare teaching Hospital, in Baghdad - Ira
... Show MoreBackground: University dental students perceived a higher level of stress prior to the final exam associated with raised salivary cortisol levels which could be considered as a useful noninvasive biomarker for measuring acute stress. Using a Helkimo anamnestic and clinical dysfunction scoring for temporomandibular disorders can give a better insight about the association of this marker and temporomandibular joint disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluation level of salivary cortisol in stressor students with temporomandibular disorder and the relation between this marker in relation to temporomandibular disorder severity. This might give a better understanding to the role of psychological stress as an etiological factor for developin
... Show MoreThis paper aims to improve the voltage profile using the Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) in the power system in the Kurdistan Region for all weak buses. Power System Simulation studied it for Engineers (PSS\E) software version 33.0 to apply the Newton-Raphson (NR) method. All bus voltages were recorded and compared with the Kurdistan region grid index (0.95≤V ≤1.05), simulating the power system and finding the optimal size and suitable location of Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM)for bus voltage improvement at the weakest buses. It shows that Soran and New Koya substations are the best placement for adding STATCOM with the sizes 20 MVAR and 40 MVAR. After adding STATCOM with the sizes [20MVAR and 40MV
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Declaration has become today has an important and active and influential role in the recipient public life، and are concentrated advertising on the creativity component manufacture to attract his attention toward what to be announced from a variety products، and is dominated by television commercials tempo and imagination، and display them a variety of ways catches the attention and an impressive simulates the their senses of hearing and sight، to influence in the receiver and the public paid for purchase. Through it crystallization the subject of our research on the importance of creativity in television advertising and effective for attracting the attention of the publi |
This research was conducted to test the hypothesis (There is no significant moderating effect for Dramaturgy on the relationship between impression management strategies and PTSD), (45) employees in Iraqi drilling company (Basra province) were selected as a sample. Findings showed that the percentage (0.91%) of the employees who are exposed to accidents as a result of work suffer from post traumatic stress disorder, which negatively affects their organizational behavior, thereby, reducing future performance, findings also showed that the employment of impression management strategies will assist management to address PTSD among employees wh
... Show MoreThe present research was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of a training program to improve some aspects of sensory integration disorder and its effect on self-direction among a sample of children with intellectual disabilities. The study sample consists of (10 subjects as an experimental group) were exposed to the training program، and the control group consists of (10 subjects as a control group) were not exposed to the training program. The study included the following tools: A scale of self-direction for intellectual disability (prepared by the researcher). Training program (prepared by the researcher). The Results of the study showed the following: There are no statistically significant differences between the means ranks
... Show MoreLiquid electrodes of domperidone maleate (DOMP) imprinted polymer were synthesis based on precipitation polymerization mechanism. The molecularly imprinted (MIP) and non-imprinted (NIP) polymers were synthesized using DOMP as a template. By methyl methacrylate (MMA) as monomer, N,Nmethylenebisacrylamide (NMAA) and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) as cross-linkers and benzoyl peroxide (BP) as an initiator. The molecularly imprinted membranes were synthesis using acetophenone (APH), di-butyl sabacate (DBS), Di octylphthalate (DOPH) and triolyl phosphate (TP)as plasticizers in PVC matrix. The slopes and limit of detection of l
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The term public budget defects became nowadays a chronic, economical phenomenon, almost all the countries weather advanced or development country suffered from it, despite the different visions to economic schools of a thought to accept or reject the deficit in public budget but the prevailed opinion that is needed to rule the role of the state by reducing the public spending which led to continuous deficits in public budget and the consequent upon increase in government borrowing, increase taxes on income and wealth, thus weakening the in contrive for private investment which contributed to the increase of in flationary stagnation, it became a duty to state covered by the lack of financial sources
... Show MoreBackground: Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects mainly the synovial membranes and articular structures and is characterized by chronic, systemic inflammation involving multiple joints.Being a synovial joint, the Temporomandibular Joint is subject to the same disorders affecting other synovial joints, including RA.Beside it was considered as a specific serological marker for diagnosing RA disease ,antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide have proven to be associated with joints destruction, though; it may play a potential role in the prediction of the disease severity. Materials and Methods: Sixty nine individuals (69) were enrolled in this study, forty nine (49) were patients diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, a
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