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دور المؤسسات التربوية في ترسيخ قيم النزاهة لدى الناشئة
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   The research aims to identify the role of educational institutions in instilling the values ​​of integrity among emerging in word and deed and identifies research in educational institutions that have a significant impact in the emerging figures such as (family , school , media , mosque , civil society organizations , youth clubs .Have been identified the most important search terms of ( values ​​,educational institutions , Integrity) also touched search particular concern values ​​education and its impact on emergent behavior , then separate search in the role of each educational institution to establish moral values ​​in general and the values ​​of integrity, particularly in the behavior of emerging and its impact on the development of society and advancement .Find and seal the most important set of recommendations .

1 - training the children to their good friends, the selection on the basis of piety and faith and stay away from bad friends .
2 - the awakening of the fear of the Lord , and educational awareness in the minds of the Muslim Youth so they feel about their work .

3 - expansion in identifying what Integrity Commission and what the general goals you want to achieve and the importance of the statement of work for the community in general and the individual in particular. Through the adoption of photovoltaic tariff posters in the streets and public roads and issuing pamphlets and publications dealing with the promotion of a culture of integrity among the circles of society in general .
4 - embrace change programs occur achievable than in the measurement of the concepts of integrity and work with individuals and benefit from the experiences of countries in this area .

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التربية التربية في المنظور الإسلامي
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 The Islamic religion approach Rabbani urges and seeks to bring happiness to people, as Allah says: ((We sent thee not all people glad tidings and a warner, but most people do not know))

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
مكتبة القانون المقارن - جامعة بغداد
تنازع الاختصاصات في الاجراءات الجزائية
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The invention in the criticism of the Andalusian Muwashah
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The research has arrived to the following results:
1. There were critical views that accompanied the beginnings of (Muwashah). These
views were derived from literary criticism that handled the ancient Arabic poetry, especially
its kinds that were concerned with artificiality in addition to the views based on rivalry
among makers of (Muwashah) in front of the audience so as to judje who is the best
according to artistic response.
2. There existed new critical views, their originality was shown through the new critical
theories that appeared especially those concerned with receiving the text and reading theory.
3. The Muwashah was one of the most important poetic arts that reproduced previous
text, not in the tra

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
حوالات الخزينة واستخداماتها في العراق
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The Iraqi Government had used all Possible methods of financing the fiscal deficit according to the economic and Political Circumstances at the time. It had borrowed from abroad during the 1980s. Those methods of borrowing led to negative impacts on the Iraqi economy such as increased external dept burden, higher inflation rate, negative interest rate and accumulation of domestic debt.

The "Financial Management and Public Debt" law no 95/ 2004 made a great change in those methods of Financing fiscal deficit in Iraq. Before 2004, the deficit was financed by issuing Treasury Bills and selling them to the Central Bank of Iraq with a prefixed interest rate. Thus, i

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Interactive Communication and its Reflection on Social Capital
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The Internet makes the world like a small village. It has the ability to make groups of the same ideas, thoughts, and identity close to each other by gathering them in one place. It is a way to communicate and share information and opinion; shaping and sharing of comprising individuals with common interests and the participation of individuals in a fruitful dialogue results in achieving a set of goals promote ideas and mobilizing people about issues and events of common interests.

To address the relationship of the internet via interactive communication and its ability to achieve social capital and discuss issues and various social events, the study sees that the problem of the study could be formulated as follows:


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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Epische Bearbeitungen im ägyptischen Theater
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Der ägyptische christliche Schriftsteller und Dramaturg Alfred
Faradj wurde 1929 in El-Zaqazek/ Alexandria geboren. An der
philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Alexandria erhielt er 1949 den
B.A. Grad. Von 1949 bis 1950 arbeitete er als Lehrer und als
Theaterkritiker bei verschiedenen Zeitungen wie Akhir Sa’a, Ros El-
Yousef, El- Ghad und El-Djiel. 1952 erhielt er den Sultan-ElAwies-Preis
für Literatur. Die goldene Medaille für Künste und Literaturschaffen
bekam Faradj 1956 für seinen ersten Einakter Saut Missr’/ Die Stimme
Ägyptens. Dieses Stück wurde im Dezember 1956 am Nationaltheater in
Kairo aufgeführt und von Hamdy Ghaith inszeniert.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Forbidden Suckling Decision in Islamic jurisprudence
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Forbidden Suckling Decision in Islamic jurisprudence

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2024
Journal Name
المتابعة والرقابة في الادارة الرياضية
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تعد المتابعة أحد العناصر الأساسية في الإدارة الرياضية، حيث تسهم في تحسين الأداء وتحقيق الأهداف المنشودة ويهدف هذا التقرير إلى تسليط الضوء على دور المتابعة واهميتها في سياق الرياضة.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التلمود التلمود في الحياة اليهودية
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Talmud is one of the important books of the Jews, which deals with the life of the Jewish and Judaism in some detail after their book "Torah" because the Talmud explains the concepts and teachings of the Torah and Ahbars in this book often Miuge clergy Jews read the Talmud being transferred Ahbars of the teachings serve their interests and the interests of the Jewish establishment where reminds one Ahbars argument urges Jews by reading the Talmud and see the teachings and concepts and say "that reads the Torah have the reward of one who reads the

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Criminal intent in terrorist crime
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Terrorism is an old phenomenon, but awareness of its seriousness talk of where to stretch the impact of the terrorist crime and the magnitude of the results as well as the community's awareness of the newly therefore appeared studies and special laws to deal with this phenomenon, especially that this phenomenon has increased the time being to enter an organization where the scientific methods and modern techniques that cause destruction and horror of mass.That the term terrorism in the modern era did not materialize and actually only in 1793 and that was when he declared Robespierre (Robespierre) the beginning of the reign of terror or Alrhb (Reign of terror) which lasted in France from March 10 1973_27 July 1794 where it was the execution

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