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دور المؤسسات التربوية في ترسيخ قيم النزاهة لدى الناشئة
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   The research aims to identify the role of educational institutions in instilling the values ​​of integrity among emerging in word and deed and identifies research in educational institutions that have a significant impact in the emerging figures such as (family , school , media , mosque , civil society organizations , youth clubs .Have been identified the most important search terms of ( values ​​,educational institutions , Integrity) also touched search particular concern values ​​education and its impact on emergent behavior , then separate search in the role of each educational institution to establish moral values ​​in general and the values ​​of integrity, particularly in the behavior of emerging and its impact on the development of society and advancement .Find and seal the most important set of recommendations .

1 - training the children to their good friends, the selection on the basis of piety and faith and stay away from bad friends .
2 - the awakening of the fear of the Lord , and educational awareness in the minds of the Muslim Youth so they feel about their work .

3 - expansion in identifying what Integrity Commission and what the general goals you want to achieve and the importance of the statement of work for the community in general and the individual in particular. Through the adoption of photovoltaic tariff posters in the streets and public roads and issuing pamphlets and publications dealing with the promotion of a culture of integrity among the circles of society in general .
4 - embrace change programs occur achievable than in the measurement of the concepts of integrity and work with individuals and benefit from the experiences of countries in this area .

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 05 2019
Journal Name
السياسية والدولية
دور التنشئة الاجتماعية في تعزيز قيم التسامح والتعايش: العراق انموذجا
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أصبحت التنشئة الاجتماعية السليمة من أكثر الأدوات في التصدي لأوبئـة العنف والتطرف ومظاهرها المتفشية بصورة أو بأخرى في مجتمعاتنـا المعاصـرة عامـة باختلاف أيديولوجياته الفكرية ومعتقداته الدينيـة ومسـتوى نموهـا الاقتصـادي، وأصبحت بأشكالها المتنوعة معنية بترسيخ التعاليم الدينيـة السـمحة وغـرس القـيم الديمقراطية السليمة ومبادئ وقيم حقوق الإنسان في شتى مجالات الحياة الإنسانية، وهي أيضا تعد حجر الأساس من اج

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 10 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Role of the Iraqi Media Organizations in Promoting The Sense of Citizenship among Iraqi University Youth
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    This study examines the role played by the Iraqi media in promoting the values ​​of citizenship and the dimensions of the various sectors of Iraqi society, an important segment namely university youth section.
 The study intended to identify “the role of the Iraqi media organizations in promoting The sense of citizenship among young Iraqi university”, through: -
1. Identifying the most important Iraqi media, which works to promote the dimensions of citizenship and values.
2. To identify the extent of the contribution of the Iraqi media in promoting citizenship in dimensions (patriotic belonging, legal, political, economic, social, cultural).
The study provided a set of hypotheses, namely:-

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 05 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The role of educational curricula and teaching methods in the development of environmental
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Described the Arabic language being of genius sets by top models of eloquence , rhetoric and clarity of sounds and developments Moreover , it is an important element of our existence and our identity and our survival . That my methods and best in teaching Arabic language what has pursued the easiest ways to learning and teaching and helped learners to be aware of the function linguistic information , and they need it and its impact on their lives , and contributed to unleashing the potential of activism and led them to make the effort to apply them in the form of examples and uses of new life , as well as fits are the capabilities and tendencies of different learners , so the goal of current research into the importance of the curriculum

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The role of elections in solidifying the process of democratization: a case study of Tunisian elections in 2019
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The electoral mechanism is remarkably clear, a political tool for institutional construction, directing political life, forming the political scene, and forming the partisan scene. This process was through the design of electoral laws, as elections in Tunisian political history represented the indicator of its slow and accelerated transformations, so The elections in Tunisia usually coincide with important political stages, accompanied by legislative or constitutional amendments in general, Islamic or secular forces have played a fundamental role in promoting the democratic experience and the principle of the peaceful transfer of power. This led to the formation of a national consensus that would help the country not enter into political

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Educational activities in the role of government nurseries and its relationship to some variables
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The skill of management educational activities gradually grow with the experience, but they differ from personal skill educator to another, because each style nanny personally and the way to work. There educator and active movement and vitality that look like happiness and clear during the implementation of the activity, and the other runs educational activities quietly, efficiently and without emotion and clear (dry, 2001: p. 274). And the stage of childhood is one of the most important stages that are based upon the future life as a whole because the man also confirmed by the School of analysis psychological is the son of his childhood and the best example to us what the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): (Every child i

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
مجلة ابحاث ميسان
دور مؤسسات التعليم العالي في تعزيز قيم المواطنة في المجتمع العراقي
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دور مؤسسات التعليم العالي في تعزيز قيم المواطنة في المجتمع العراقي

Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
المجلة العراقية للعلوم السياسية
الانتخابات ودورها في ترسيخ الديمقراطية
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العلاقة بين الانتخابات والديمقراطية علاقة قويّة ، ولا يمكن تصور ديمقراطية راسخة في بلد ما بدون وجود انتخابات تُعبر عن الارادة الشعبية في اختيار قادتها وممثليها ، وغالباً تكون الانتخابات المعيار المُعبر عن الدور الذي تؤديه في ترسيخ الديمقراطية ، وتتفاوت الادوار التي تؤديها الانتخابات تبعاً لطبيعة النظام السياسي والنظام الانتخابي المعمول به في هذا البلد أو ذاك ، ولجوء النظام السياسي الى الانتخابات لا يعني ب

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Independent government agencies in Iraq / Integrity Commission a model
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The state did not witness the emergence of independent bodies because of the nature of the ruling regimes that were characterized by political tyranny represented by the king at the time, as is the case with Greece and the Greeks and Persia and the Romans and others. As for the Islamic state, which emerged later, it saw the emergence of what looks like independent bodies that we see today, There was the so-called Diwan Al-Hesba and the Ombudsman's Office as an independent body from the Islamic State, which operated independently to support the oppressed and the equitable distribution of financial resources, even though it was headed by well-known governors of justice and honesty. A state in the modern era, many countries, especially in E

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Wordy expressions of integrity and reform in the use of holy Quran
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The aim of this message to monitor this phenomenon throught the Quran , which is the constitution of the Islamic nation and Hariatha as well as to express kasalah integrity , justice honesty , patience , abd pacr .
We feel this vocabulary to hight athical values advocated by the Quran and the need to build commitment to the orthodox society free of corruption that leads ta a disorder of the human society .
The outcome of the study the researcher found that faith to a number of results was most notably the advent of righteusness in the Holy Quran meaning of comprehensive RPR spacious field and breadth Maadenh .

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 31 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الاعلام الاعلام العسكري ودوره في ترسيخ السلام
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ان علاقة وسائل الإعلام بحل الصراعات وبناء السلام المجتمعي كأحد الموضوعات المهمة التي تربط بين مجالي العلاقات الدولية والدراسات الإعلامية. ويعود مصطلح صحافة السلام إلى السبعينيات من القرن العشرين حيث يقدم هذه المفهوم مدخلا جديدا للإعلاميين يمُكنهم من البحث في الأسباب البنائية والثقافية للصراع ومدى تأثيره على حياة المواطنين وتقديم المضمون الذي يعكس القواسم المشتركة بين كافة أطراف الصراع في مجتمع معين وطر

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