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دور المؤسسات التربوية في ترسيخ قيم النزاهة لدى الناشئة
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   The research aims to identify the role of educational institutions in instilling the values ​​of integrity among emerging in word and deed and identifies research in educational institutions that have a significant impact in the emerging figures such as (family , school , media , mosque , civil society organizations , youth clubs .Have been identified the most important search terms of ( values ​​,educational institutions , Integrity) also touched search particular concern values ​​education and its impact on emergent behavior , then separate search in the role of each educational institution to establish moral values ​​in general and the values ​​of integrity, particularly in the behavior of emerging and its impact on the development of society and advancement .Find and seal the most important set of recommendations .

1 - training the children to their good friends, the selection on the basis of piety and faith and stay away from bad friends .
2 - the awakening of the fear of the Lord , and educational awareness in the minds of the Muslim Youth so they feel about their work .

3 - expansion in identifying what Integrity Commission and what the general goals you want to achieve and the importance of the statement of work for the community in general and the individual in particular. Through the adoption of photovoltaic tariff posters in the streets and public roads and issuing pamphlets and publications dealing with the promotion of a culture of integrity among the circles of society in general .
4 - embrace change programs occur achievable than in the measurement of the concepts of integrity and work with individuals and benefit from the experiences of countries in this area .

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 04 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of two treatment methods in the gaining of fourth grade students in geography object.
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research aim :
- The research aimed to investigate the effect of two treatment
methods in the gaining of fourth grade students in geography
- Research hypothesis
 there are no statistically significant differences at the level of ( 0.05 )
in the average level of achievement in geography between the first
experimental group ( strengthening lessons ) and the second group
( re- teaching )
 no individual differences statically significant at the level of ( 0.05 )
in the average level achievement in geography object of the second
experimental group ( re- teaching ) and the first experimental group
( strengthening lesson )
 the research sample : the researcher selected randomly Baghdad

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Comparative between Intermediat Stage Art Education Curriculum in Iraq and Egypt Base on the Contemporary Theory
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The current research aims to analyze the content and and make a comparison based on the theory of art education as an organized cognitive area D.B.A.E. The researcher started by making a comparison followed by analysing the content to design a philosophical framework for content. He used these steps as starting point to study the comparison and some elements of art education due to the modern theories at the third intermediate stage in both Iraq and Egypt in light of the art education trend as an organizing cognitive area.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The women at Al-Sakhaawi Book "A;-Dhau Al-Lami", Study in the social life
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In our previous research , we study the method of women by ( al – sakhaawi " died 902
ah/1496a.c"book witch called ( al- dhau, al-lami) .
So in this paper , we will discuss the social life of women in the mamluk period through the
same book ,especially when the sakhaawi devoted a full part for women in the same book
called it (mhagam ,al –nessa)wich it translations a large number of women like wives
,daughters ,sisters ,and maids of mamluk sultans ,so that make my able to know a lot about
the social life of woman which we study it like a social aspects of women, here wealth,
business, professions ,and in the last we study the habits of them marriage .

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 11 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The effect of rural building types informing the type of traditional courtyard houses in Sulaimaneyah city.
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The types of traditional houses vary from region to region according to physical and non-physical circumstances, and Sulaymaniyah city is characterized by a type of traditional houses that differ significantly from those in most cities and regions neighboring are always different from the general pattern that is prevalent in the region and the Muslim world.


The aim of this research is to study the cause of this difference or distinction in the traditional houses in Sulaimaniyah city, by comparing the most common models in these houses and comparing them with the general models of village houses that originally existed in the region to relaize the convergence and contrast between them. The research was based on a co

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The effect of story- grammar instruction on poor college student s 'achievement of narrative texst theme identification
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Using Tools Lean Accounting to Reduce the Costing: An Applied Research in General Company for Electric Industry
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The developments accelerated in technology and rapid changes in the environment and increase numbers industrial countries and different desires and requirements of customers, lead to be produced in large quantities is not feasible due to changes listed above as well as the need to product variety and change in tastes and desires of consumers, all above led not to enable companies to discharge their products in the case of mass production and created the need to devise ways and new methods fit with the current situation, and accounting point no longer the traditional accounting systems able to meet the requirements needed by the companies to make decisions and know where waste and loss of resources resulting to invent new style away from

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
of the Government finance Statistics GFS System In StrengtheningThe Role Oversight on performance Centrally Funded Units
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This study aims to highlight the role of financial control in the development of government performance through the use of "GFS" system and its application in the service of government units, which will help them in how to use financial resources efficiently through the quality of accounting information provided by this system in the financial statements that reflect the predictability in that fiscal policy of the state through government programs and activities fee as well as to identify weaknesses and address them quickly in order to avoid wastage and loss of public money, which leads to the possibility of utilization of available financial resources of the state to effectively and efficiently, has been reached that the failure of gove

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Market knowledge And its role in achieving Competitive advantage Applied research in Iraqi Cement state company))
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The current research dealt with a vital subject contributing In success Iraqi Industrial Companies general and Iraqi Cement state company A market knowledge, It is one of the most important industrial companies that Which serve to fill the local market need Of cement without resorting to import, The problem of research was limited understanding of the importance of the role played market knowledge of the tendencies and desires of competitors, This in turn affects the company's ability to achieve competitive advantages,The research aims to know the extent of adoption Iraqi Cement state company Concept  market knowledge And employment achieving Competitive advantage By removing them (Cost, and quality, and del

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Publication Date
Sun May 08 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The use of GIS in the analysis of existing condition of spatial distribution of wire communications network in the city of Baghdad
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The increasing efficiency of the telecommunications network in the city contributes to the increase in spatial interaction between activities (to influence and mutual influence) This study is based on the idea that the upgrading of telephone services provided to citizens are done exclusively through the growth and development of all levels of the service using advanced technologies to know the problems and appropriate solutions in short time and less cost. Thus, crystallized the objectives of the study which was built for the importance of GIS in the planning of services in general, and infrastructure services, in particular, including telephone services, which is represent a point of contact between individuals on the one hand a

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Phenomena of corruption and money laundering: and causes and risks and their role in the financing of terrorism in Iraq and finding ways of treatment
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Iraq  is Suffering nowadays from the criminal triad represented by the fiscal and administrative corruption, money laundering and terrorism, which are intertwined in a very related relations, as each of them support the other . Since the over growth has been one of its characteristics leaving behind a very dangerous negative effects whether it was social , economic or even political impacts . As a result , this trial is now represents a high risk that threatens the present and the future of Iraq . On the political , economic and social level , it is well to mention that the poor direct investment , the increasing rates of poverty , unemployment , inflation as well as the smuggling of goreign currency an

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