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دور المؤسسات التربوية في ترسيخ قيم النزاهة لدى الناشئة
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   The research aims to identify the role of educational institutions in instilling the values ​​of integrity among emerging in word and deed and identifies research in educational institutions that have a significant impact in the emerging figures such as (family , school , media , mosque , civil society organizations , youth clubs .Have been identified the most important search terms of ( values ​​,educational institutions , Integrity) also touched search particular concern values ​​education and its impact on emergent behavior , then separate search in the role of each educational institution to establish moral values ​​in general and the values ​​of integrity, particularly in the behavior of emerging and its impact on the development of society and advancement .Find and seal the most important set of recommendations .

1 - training the children to their good friends, the selection on the basis of piety and faith and stay away from bad friends .
2 - the awakening of the fear of the Lord , and educational awareness in the minds of the Muslim Youth so they feel about their work .

3 - expansion in identifying what Integrity Commission and what the general goals you want to achieve and the importance of the statement of work for the community in general and the individual in particular. Through the adoption of photovoltaic tariff posters in the streets and public roads and issuing pamphlets and publications dealing with the promotion of a culture of integrity among the circles of society in general .
4 - embrace change programs occur achievable than in the measurement of the concepts of integrity and work with individuals and benefit from the experiences of countries in this area .

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Language Teaching & Leaning Problems at the Iraqi university level: Image & Reality
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Language Teaching & Leaning Problems at the Iraqi university level: Image & Reality

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Economic policies and their ability to reform the investment climate Case Study Iraq after 2003
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The investment climate is the main engine of economic development. If an appropriate and attractive investment climate is created that takes into account economic, administrative, political and environmental issues, it will contribute to the development of industry, transfer of technology, diversification of agricultural production, increased productivity, the promotion of a green economy and support for sustainable and inclusive growth. Thus, analyzing the investment climate of a country can provide reasons and roots for the complexity of the problems in the economy. In the Iraqi economy, the problem has not been rooted in the economy, but the roots of the problem are deeper and inherent in the management of the economy. Investm

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring The Level of Complexity In The Process University – Case Study At The Southern Technical University.
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    Complexity is the inherent characteristic of contemporary organizations. It is characterized by the intertwining and expansion of its relations, by the severe disorder and rapid change in its environment, which makes it suffer from a state of uncertainty in determining the direction of its future or the assessment of the rules governing its paths. All organizations tend to evolve with increasing sophistication, And to take measures that contribute to the simplification of the system as it moves towards complexity, allowing the administration to easily control its movement and directions, and the problem of complexity in the university is based on the entanglement and overlap in the goals and processes betwe

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Terrorism and its impact on the right of Human in development - A study case of ISIS (Daesh) in Iraq
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       Iraq is one of the most important countries in the world that has received its share of terrorist acts by the terrorist organization the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), which has caused instability, especially during the period of ISIS's control of seven Iraqi provinces (2014-2017). This stage has caused a decline in the levels of human and economic development and its inconsistency with the capabilities and needs of the Iraqi population. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the hypothesis that there is a close relationship between the decline in development in Iraq and the brutal practices of ISIS that it committed during his period of control over many Iraqi cities and regions. This study used several method

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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That the building of the national economy depends on the extent of the possibility of transition from the rent economy seeking to increase GDP (GDP1), and the tendency to manage projects with external sources of funding, or allow projects with foreign capital is a necessity. The strategic challenges faced by the economy in countries that have experience in investment projects have faced several factors internal and external for a period of time and not a few and the pressures and difficulties and failures have affected in one way or another on the development work in that country. On this basis, the stakeholders have a role to pay attention to the issue of the feasibility of the pattern of foreign investment in the investment environment

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
المشاركة الفاعلة لمديري الأقسام في المديريات العامة للتربية في عملية صنع القرار
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     The Decision Making Process (DMP) is considered the vital from the point of view intellectuals.  That is because of its effect on performance and the level of productivity of the workers in any organization. In the educational organization in particular, it plays a pivotal role in the technical, managerial and supervision fields.  In addition to the productivity there was a great effect on the moral of the workers in all part of the organization, self respect and the problem solving approach to all work difficulties and challenges.  All that leads to a better working environment where goals are achieved in a collaborative effort.

     According t

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The use of value chain analysis of information in determining the most important the accounting information
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The use  analysis  value chain such  information in the provision as financial  so information quality meet and satisfy the needs of users such information , particularly investors and lenders   as the identification needs   financial information and the knowledge as their behavior influenced by that information can be based on the accounting profession to focus on improving their function in order to achieve its goal that satisfying their needs and rationalize their decisions . In accounting thought discovered fertile ground for users preferences as one of the entrances   theorising positive which is based on the need to include knowledge on accounting hypothesis that explain the

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Caroll’s Pattern on the Second Intermediate Class Pupils' Achievement in Geography
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The present study aims at finding out the (effect of the Caroll’s pattern on the second intermediate class pupils' achievement in geography)

The partial experimental design of two groups, experimental and control, with pre-post tests is used. The sample is represented in (74) female pupils. The sample is divided into two groups (38) experimental group and (36) control one. The sample is selected from first intermediate  class pupils    ( Am Salama Secondary School for girls) \ Baghdad\ Al-karkh-1, for academic year 2015-2016.

The researcher has equalized the two groups in several variables: the previous achievement tests, intelligence, age in months, the scor

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
أثـر إدارة التخطيـط الإلكترونيـة في تحسيـن جـودة الرعايـة التمريضيـة في مستشفيـات بغـداد
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Management is considered as most important resource of the society ones in modern era and an exchange
point in societies’ lives in order to achieve its goals and wishes. So far, management behinds the new
electronic society has become different in shape and nature due to the force of the nature of information
technology that shapes the relationships between the world’s individuals at the national level but it goes
beyond the international ones. The study aims at identifying the impact of the electronic management’s
components upon the improvement of the quality of nursing care in Baghdad’s hospitals. The descriptive
design, with a sample-survey approach, is used as appropriate ones for the field study of social

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
Employment of Folk Games and Tales in Developing the Skills of Spontaneous Acting in Kindergartens
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Some may think that the games, especially the folk games, are just a means of entertainment and fun and children may resort to them to alleviate the tension they are experiencing at home or school, but the truth is that they carry values and meanings that can be invested in education because they contribute to the development of the personality of the child and enhance self- confidence. The objective of the research is to learn how to use folk games to develop children's acting and   performance skills in the   kindergartens.

The research included a theoretical introduction of three sections: the first section: education through play. The second section: the folk tale and the development of imagination and the

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