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دور المؤسسات التربوية في ترسيخ قيم النزاهة لدى الناشئة
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   The research aims to identify the role of educational institutions in instilling the values ​​of integrity among emerging in word and deed and identifies research in educational institutions that have a significant impact in the emerging figures such as (family , school , media , mosque , civil society organizations , youth clubs .Have been identified the most important search terms of ( values ​​,educational institutions , Integrity) also touched search particular concern values ​​education and its impact on emergent behavior , then separate search in the role of each educational institution to establish moral values ​​in general and the values ​​of integrity, particularly in the behavior of emerging and its impact on the development of society and advancement .Find and seal the most important set of recommendations .

1 - training the children to their good friends, the selection on the basis of piety and faith and stay away from bad friends .
2 - the awakening of the fear of the Lord , and educational awareness in the minds of the Muslim Youth so they feel about their work .

3 - expansion in identifying what Integrity Commission and what the general goals you want to achieve and the importance of the statement of work for the community in general and the individual in particular. Through the adoption of photovoltaic tariff posters in the streets and public roads and issuing pamphlets and publications dealing with the promotion of a culture of integrity among the circles of society in general .
4 - embrace change programs occur achievable than in the measurement of the concepts of integrity and work with individuals and benefit from the experiences of countries in this area .

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 07 2017
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مجلة الاستاذ للعلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية
التربية السياسية عند الرسول محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وتطبيقاتها التربوية
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رمي البحث الحالي إلى تعرف التربية السياسية عند الرسول محمد (صلى الله عليه وسلم) وتطبيقاتها التربوية، ليكون أسوة ومثالا حيا يقتدي به في العمل السياسي على مختلف الأصعدة، وللعمل على خلق جيل من الشباب قادر على مواجهة الغزو الثقافي الذي قد يسلبهم حقوقهم في بلدهم من غير وعي، وقد تمثلت حدود البحث الحالي بالسنة النبوية في عهد الرسول محمد (صلى الله عليه وسلم) للفترة الزمنية من ولادته الرسول إلى وفاته. ومن أهم نتائج السي

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 21 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The research problem stems from a chief question: “What is the nature of the responsibility that «Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed» and «Al-Mada» Newspapers have undertaken in promoting the values of citizenship and national belonging in the society? The research aims to achieve a number of goals, including: Determining the most prominent themes that were emphasized in the opinion articles in these two newspapers within the framework of the responsibility of promoting the values ​​of citizenship and national belonging in society, and revealing the most prominent topics that were discussed in opinion articles in the two sample newspapers regarding the promotion of the mentioned values. This research is a desc

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر برنامج إرشادي في تنمية بعض المفاهيم التربوية المستنبطة من بعض المواقف اليومية التي يعيشها طفل الروضة
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It has became necessary helping the children to developing same of educational values which can be drawn from daily situations which the live. Especially the childhood stage is the basic building of value individual content since its establishment the societies take care of learning children and take care of them. Through their institutes which depended on, in this function. Therefore the importance of this, research is coming from the importance of this age stage and from importance and necessity of children aguirement the educational values and its development to them, and  the importance this research  coming from depending on guidance program with  new content and it is (al bum of pictures) fro

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
م Tikrit Journal Of A Dministrative And Economics Sciences
الجانب المظلم للمساءلة وتأثييره على سلوكيات الاداء المهني)دراسة تحليلةلاراء عينة من المحاسبين والمدقيقن الداخليين في المؤسسات الحكومية في محافظة المثنى)
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Performance evaluation of vocational and administrative institutions in the media using the bench-marking of new media: analytical study in the Journal of time
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Provides the style of benchmarking the best possible use whenevaluating the performance and evaluation, as well as improved performance,due to its consistency with the principles of good evaluation of theperformance, an extension of the completion of several functions of the timeand cost less, thereby increasing the efficiency of the management of theinstitutions, especially institutions, the media, as it became public the future ofthe message sender to the same time Zaorosaúl new media is challenging thetraditional media of what distinguishes this new interactive media and mass ledto this transition . However, the media Aljdidhoosaúl traditional mediacontinue to coexist and reinforce each Menhmaalakhr, for his wealth offreedom of opin

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Contemporary trends for the treatment of the prisoner in the light of the minimum rules for the treatment of prisoners
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The issue of the prisoners' rights and the way of dealing with them is not just a minor or
primary issue according to the contemporary attitudes to deal with criminals, but it is a fatal
issue that goes with the development of life and comprehension of human rights. As the
criminal is considered as a human-being who can be reformed and qualified, according to the
aims of the contemporary social service the prisoner is regarded as an idle human source who
can be reformed, treated and qualified so as to make him participate to improve his family and
society in the end.
This study aims at reconstructing the prisons bases when applying the laws of the lowest
level of treatment through the research of oppositions, atti

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Proposed framework for governance of municipal institutions to restrain of fraud: بحث تطبيقي في المؤسسات البلدية لمحافظة بابل
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The past decades have witnessed a development in the concept of corporate governance and the transformation of a concept that is limited to large companies listed in capital markets in major economies to an issue that concerns all business activities in the public and private sectors in both large and small countries. The aim of this research is to propose a guide to the mechanisms and rules of governance in the municipal institutions that contributes to the activation of the internal control system to reduce the fraud and manipulation of this activity. Institutions. The research was based on the hypothesis that the implementation of the principles and rules of governance in municipal institutions lead to the contribution of the activati

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
مشكلات تدريسيي ومحاضري المواد التربوية والنفسية والاجتماعية في الكليات الاختصاص في جامعة بغداد للعام الدراسي 2013/ 2014من وجهة نظرهم وطلبتهم
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    Sought researcher to try to detect the type and size of the problems detected in or discovered or exposed or trying to find solutions to them as teachers and lecturers who are studying the educational, psychological and social articles in college studying these materials, whether the jurisdiction or extra materials, and clarified language definitions and terminology for search terms, indicating the importance of research into the problem of these either for teachers or for their students, and prepared a questionnaire organization questions open to get a clear responses and the Organization of the kind of problems faced by the lecturers and their students who are dealing with the educational, ps

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of financial technology in improving the financial performance of banks: A field study on a sample of private banks in Erbil governorate
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               Today, the financial and banking sector is witnessing a qualitative shift thanks to financial technology services, which provide their services to many individuals and companies in quick, easy and less expensive ways compared to traditional means. Financial technology is a new form of financial science that combines financial transactions and technological skills concerned with providing financial services and improving the work environment within Banking institutions, and financial technology provides many advantages such as lower transaction costs, instant payment, and saving more time and effort in conducting banking

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
مقارنة بين الطريقة التقليدية Classical Method وطريقة تحليل الطيف Spectral Analysis لإيجاد ثابت التمهيد التكيفي عند وجود قيم شاذة Outlier Values
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   In this paper , two method which deal with finding the optimal value for adaptive smoothing constant, are compared .This constant is used in adaptive Single Exponential Smoothing (ASES).

The comparing is between a method uses time domain and another uses frequency domain when the data contain outlier value for autoregressive model of order one AR(1) , or Markov Model, when the time series are stationary and non stationary with deferent samples .    

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