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Self-determintion and Emotional Experience and their Relationship with achievement striving for the college Students
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Human beings have an innate and natural aim to achieve their self-interests and to show their ability to overcome challenges in a better way, therefore the move towards self determination is expressed by intrinsic motivation. The desire of absorbing in this task is to enjoy the task in it self and benefitting from it such a motivation is the desire rooted in human nature to judge and choose in which individual is conscious in his self, abilities and adequacy that help him in control the different  situations of life passed by him. His choices and actions are voluntary  and non-restricted to intervention or external control because control is inner and subjective, while his behavior is self-regulated with the feeling of independence, that is the feeling of psychological freedom and the motivation of self-determination. with this independence, human being enjoys power and psychological health as they are necessary for health , integration and  happiness. Self –determination is regarded as humane , civilized and social phenomenom whose association indicating positively self-wellbeing , general health, creativity and achievement  in most fields of active life. The importance of self-determination required its study and acquainting with it and the emotional experience and their relationship with achievement striving.

The present research aims to:

  1. Acquainting with self-determination for the college students.
  2. Acquainting with emotional experience for the college students.
  3. Acquainting with achievement striving for the college students.
  4. Acquainting with the significance differences in self-determination for the college students according to two variables : gender “males, females” and major “scientific,humanistic”
  5. Acquainting with the significant differences in emotional experience for the college students according to two variables :gender “males, females” and major “scientific , humanistic”
  6. Acquainting with the significant differences in achievement striving for the college students according to two variables : gender “males, females “ major “scientific , humanistic”
  7. The extent of contribution of self-determination and emotional experience in total variance of achievement striving for the college students.

To achieve the research aims, the researcher built three scales for the present research and verified their valdity and analysed their items statistically on a sample consisting of 600 male and female college students to find discriminate power and validity for their  items.

The reliability of scales was computed by the re-test way and cronbach’s  alpha.

After completing of scales ‘ building , they were applied on the researcher’s main sample

‘400 male and female students” . having collected the data and processed them statistically, the researcher reached several findings , the most important of them as follows:

  1. The mean of self-determination degrees for the research sample was higher than the hypothetical mean and that indicates that sample subjects have high self-determination.
  2. The mean of emotional experience degrees for the sample was higher than the hypothetical mean and that indicates that sample subjects have high emotional experience.
  3. The mean of achievement striving degrees was higher than the sample have high motivation for achievement  striving .

In the light of these findings and as completion for the fields associated with the present  resarch, and the researcher recommended several of recommends as she suggested conducting several scientific studies and researches.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 02 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
تأثير الإشارات في استرجاع معلومات نص أدبي لدى طلبة كلية الهندسة
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أهمية البحث والحاجة إليه :

      يعد نسيان المثيرات المعلوماتية التي يتعلمها أو يطلع عليها الفرد في حياته من المشكلات التي يعاني منها الأفراد في جميع مناحي الحياة وليس في مجال الدراسة الأكاديمية فحسب. وبالتالي فان هناك حاجة ملحة ومهمة لابتداع طرائق ووسائل وإمكانيات يمكن عن طريقها التقليل من نسيان المثيرات المعلوماتية المختلفة التي يتعلمها الفرد في حياته اليومية.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 09 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Dental anomalies associated with malocclusion among 13 year old Kurdish students
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Background: The aim of this national oral health survey was to determine the prevalence of malocclusions due to some anomalies in the dentition among the 13 years old Kurdish students in sulaimani intermediate school. Materials and methods: The total sample was 950 (455 males and 495 females) which assessed by diagnostic set and special instrument. The clinical examination was mainly based on the definitions of Björk et al. Some variables were recorded as present or absent sometimes denoting the tooth or the teeth involved in malocclusion and their distribution according to the whole sample. Results: The results showed that 1)The most common extracted tooth was the mandibular first molar (2.9%). 2) At this age group the most common partial

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Impact of self-assessment on income and sales tax collections from the point of view of income tax auditors in Jordan
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This study aimed to show the extent of compliance with the income taxpayer  to provide tax returns and increase the speed of collection of these taxes in addition to increasing confidence in  Income Tax department and reduce the number of cases transferred to the courts and promote taxpayer awareness in charge of the importance of system self-assessment, and study sought to investigate the effect of the existence of records documents, technical audit, and computational audit and documentary audit on income tax collections in Jordan, from the point of view of Jordanian income tax auditors ,results shows there's a strong  relation between these variables and Income Tax collections.

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 11 2018
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
Investigating Self-Assessment of Teaching Profession of Iraqi EFL Teachers
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Self-assessment is a process of formative assessment during which teachers reflect on and evaluate the quality of their work, decide the degree to which they reflect explicitly stated goals or criteria, identify strengths and weaknesses in their work, and revise accordingly. The present study is an attempt to find out the SA of Iraqi English language teachers. The sample consists of 100 teachers in Baghdad. An inventory of many domains distributed to the teachers, they are, routines, expectations, language, time, opportunities, physical environment, and interactions. The results show that the EFL teachers practice four domains of SA they are: routines, physical environment, time, and language.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
مجلة الدراسات التربويو والعلمية
Effective reading skills in chemistry for middle school students
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
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Designing Interactive Educational Website for Highschool Students in Iraq
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publishing has become a large space in the field of interactive education and modern pages have become dedicated to the service of the educational effort in this area as the research in this context of the urgent scientific necessities, especially as we consider in Iraq from the new countries in the exploitation of these new technologies and investment possibilities of the information network And the contents of different in the framework of so-called distance education Here lies the problem of research in the possibility of finding scientific solutions for the design of interactive inter active website for students of the preparatory stage in Iraq and to find out the scientific ways to find design The study, which included the problem of

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 16 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computing And Digital Systems
Digital Intelligence for University Students Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques
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The research problem arose from the researchers’ sense of the importance of Digital Intelligence (DI), as it is a basic requirement to help students engage in the digital world and be disciplined in using technology and digital techniques, as students’ ideas are sufficiently susceptible to influence at this stage in light of modern technology. The research aims to determine the level of DI among university students using Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. To verify this, the researchers built a measure of DI. The measure in its final form consisted of (24) items distributed among (8) main skills, and the validity and reliability of the tool were confirmed. It was applied to a sample of 139 male and female students who were chosen

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluating the extent of the response of the tax administration leaders towards the concept of the strategic lens and its relationship to tax pioneer performance: Applied Research in the General Authority for taxes
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The aim of the research is to evaluate the response of the researched leaders towards practicing the concept of the lens, which is its dimensions with (stakeholders, resource mobilization, knowledge development, culture management) and the nature of its relationship to tax pioneer performance represented in its dimensions (strategic direction, leadership indicators, growth, renewal and modernization, efficiency, Effectiveness) The questionnaire was approved as a main tool in collecting data and information from the sample members in the General Authority of Taxes, which number (91) Who are on (M. General Manager, Division Director, Deputy Director, Senior Division Director, Deputy Director, Second Division, Division Officer, M. D

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 04 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Variety and Gibberellic acid and Brassinolide and their Interaction on Some of The Chemical Characteristics and Total chlorophyll of the plant Dill Anethum graveolens L.
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The experiment was carried out to study the effect of variety and gibberellic acid in concentration (0 and 50) and BL in five concentration (0, 0.50 ,1 ,2 and 3)mg.ltr-1 and their interaction in some chemical Characteristics and total chlorophyll for Dill plant . the experiment designed according Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and three replicates per treatment, compared to the average using less significant difference at the level of probability (0.05) , the results showed the following:- The effect of brassinolide with it,s concentrations led to obtain a significant increase in all the studied characteristics, so the superiority of the concentration of 2 mg.L-1 of brassinolide in each of Ca, Mg,Fe, and total chlorophyll T

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 29 2022
Journal Name
Journal For Vascular Ultrasound
A Comparative Study of the Right and Left Carotid Arteries in Relation to Age for Patients With Diabetes and Hypertension
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Age, hypertension, and diabetes can cause significant alterations in arterial structure and function, including changes in lumen diameter (LD), intimal-medial thickness (IMT), flow velocities, and arterial compliance. These are also considered risk markers of atherosclerosis and cerebrovascular disease. A difference between right and left carotid artery blood flow and IMT has been reported by some researchers, and a difference in the incidence of nonlacunar stroke has been reported between the right and left brain hemispheres. The aim of this study was to determine whether there are differences between the right and left common carotid arteries and internal carotid arteries in patient

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