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وجبة الفطور لدى طفل الروضة وعلاقتها بالادراك
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        The right of a child to obtain a sufficient quantity and variety, healthy and safe from the elements in the food and breakfast is one of the most important rights to be able to perform his mental and physical properly and sound.
And that not eating breakfast leads to delayed maturation of mental function as well as behavior problems, and that this is happening due to the decline of taken daily for some important nutrients during the first four years of the child's age, also affect the performance of the mental processes, especially
(attention, perception, memory) because the child in the process of growth, which is determined by the dimensions of physical, mental and motor and cognitive task at this stage.
Research has identified goals Do you know:
1 - cognition in children Kindergarten

2 - statistically significant differences in cognition depending on the levels of breakfast (low, medium, high).

3 - correlation between meal Alaftorldy children, Kindergarten according to cognitive variables: stage
(first class, second) and sex (male, female).
4 - the differences in the relationship between breakfast with kindergarten children and cognitive variables according to a - stage
(first class- second) b - sex (males - females).
To achieve the goals of research selected sample of children Riyadh in the city of Baghdad
was (420) boys and girls were selected from (12) kindergarten random method Tabiqih rate (35) child of every kindergarten has the researcher calculates the nutrients and energy in the breakfast through outsource laboratories Institute nutrition Research at the Ministry of Health also has built (3) tests mentality is (attention, perception, memory) has offered these three tests on a group of arbitrators, experts and specialists in educational and psychological sciences, who are (15) expert to demonstrate the validity of the items of the scale, has been used researcher indicators of sincerity are (honesty virtual and certified construction) either the stability tests were extracted researcher for each test two types of stability has reached stability coefficient to test the attention in a way re-test (0.73) and the way retail midterm (0.75) and total reliability coefficient for

testing cognition in a way re-test (0.80) and the way retail midterm (0.82) and total reliability coefficient to test the memory in a way re-test (0.76) and the way retail midterm (0.78).
In light of the goals of current research and after the application of the tests on the sample and analyze their responses statistically using a test
t-for one sample correlation coefficient Point Baacyrial and testing t-testing Zaúa to denote correlation coefficients and analysis of variance test (Scheffe) research found the following results:
1 - The children of Kindergarten eat foods with high nutritional value.
2 - The children of Kindergarten  eat nutritious foods more than
non-nutritious foods.
3 - that provide health diets higher energy diets unhealthy.
4 - Enjoy the sample children Kindergarten a ttentively and recognize and remember loud. 5 - the breakfast of high and medium nutritional value covered only children more than the low level of food.
6 - There is no difference between firstclass and second in eating meals of high nutritional value.
7 - no statistically significant differences between males and females in eating a meal high nutritional value and in favor of females.

In light of the results of research and the researcher has developed a number of recommendations are: -
1 - Provide nutrition free school for the children of Kindergarten by the Ministry of Education, taking into account the quantity and quality of the nutritional value of the food provided to them.
2 - Attention kids good diet Integrated quality and quantity that contains animal protein through the support of the Ministry of Commerce of the contents of the ration card.
3 - to deepen the culture of food for the families of Iraqi across various media. \
4 - television to announce a significant effect on the culture and behavior of children, so it was necessary to censor any formal program or diet food advertising on television.
5 - directing media and propaganda that serves food to the goals of health and an emphasis on food with high nutritional value.
6 - Giving children healthy eating habits significantly through the publication of booklets colorful child-oriented distributed free of charge.
7 - on the administration to monitor the development of kindergarten children by measuring the weight, height and head size and comparing the global standard

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Gender Identity Disorder and Its Relationship to Family Upbringing of Adolescents
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The current research aims to identify the role of family upbringing methods in shaping adolescent gender identity disorder, to identify the causes, components, and disorders of the gender identity of adolescents, and to develop practical visions and suggestions to reduce and stop gender identity disorder completely. Due to the sensitivity of the topic, a questionnaire of five open-ended questions was posted on Facebook to collect the needed data, where (20) respondents answered these questions. The researcher took these (20) respondents as the study sample. The results revealed that excessive emancipation within the family, failure to employ family protection laws, and failure to monitor and follow up on

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الإذعان وعلاقته ببعض سمات الشخصية لدى موظفي الدولة
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ان الجزء الاكبر من السلوك الاجتماعي تنظمه المعايير الاجتماعية التي من المتوقع ان يسلك الافراد وفقا لها ، وهكذا فأن الجماعات التي يوجد انسجام بين افرادها سرعان ما تكون اتجاهات وولاءات مشتركة لعدد اكبر من المواقف فعندما ينظم فرد الى جماعة فأن ادراكاته تتغير لتتوافق مع معايير تلك الجماعة .( توق وعدس ، د.ت، ص336).وتؤدي الاسرة دورا اساسيا في اكساب الفرد اتجاهات ومعايير خلقية معينة ثم تقوم الجماعات الثانوية الم

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Emotional deprivation and its relation with the behavioral and nervous problems for adolescents
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Remorse And Its Relationship With Conscientiousness Among University Students
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Situational regret and its relation to the vitality of conscience among university students The research seeks to identify situational regret and its relation to the vitality of conscience among university students, identify the significant differences in regard with students’ gender, and identify if there is a correlation between situational regret and the vitality of conscience. To do this, two scales were adopted; one to measure situational regret consisted of (31) items, which was designed by (Al-badrani, 2006), besides, costa and macrys’ (1992) scale that translated in Arabic language by (Al-qaisy, 2013). It composed of (35) items. Total of (120) male and female students were collected from three-different colleges (science, art

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 23 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The Iraqi University
التفكير الشمولي وعلاقته بأتخاذ القرار لدى طلبة الجامعة
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The impact of technology on communication of social values
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Has influenced technology contact on social values in the Arab community in general and
the Iraqi community in particular whether this positive change or a negative effect on the level
of the individual and society is reflected this influence through socialization and human
relations as well as the behavior of individuals and dealing with others, where the world was
to soon pass changes slow, and the amounts that can be measured and trends can be calculated
and the effect of points can be identified and controlled, but the technological changes and
openness cognitive features that seemed evident in the last decade of the twentieth century
brought about a change in all scales and distances traditional considerations.<

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
بناء وتطبيق مقياس مفهوم المواطنة لدى طلبة الجامعة
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تعد المواطنة مبدأ ومرجعية دستورية وسياسية لا تلغي عملية التدافع والتنافس في الفضاء الاجتماعي ، نضبطها بضوابط الوطن ووحدته القائمة على احترام التنوع وليس على نفيه ، والساعية بوسائل قانونية وسلمية للافادة من هذا التنوع في تمتين قاعدة الوحدة الوطنية ، بحيث يشعر الجميع بان مستقبلهم مرهون بها ، وانها لاتشكل نفيا لمحو حياتهم ، وانما مجالا للتعبير عنها بوسائل منسجمة وناموس الاختلاف وافاق العصر ومكتسبات الح

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Constructing The Psychological Tranquility Scale of the University of Baghdad Students
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Constructing The Psychological Tranquility Scale of the University of Baghdad Students
The research aimed to :
- Constructing the Psychological Tranquility Scale of the University of Baghdad Students.
- Appointing the psychological content standard for the accepting Answer of student about the scale.
The research Sample was (414) boy and girl from Baghdad University Students for the Studying year (2008-2009), So the Scale of the Psychological Tranquility Scale was bilt on them in good psychometric properties from truth Factor analyzing which was its super saturation was reached to (50) item from its items a value more than the super sutution norm (0,30) for kaizer, also the firm value was Relaibility for the scale by the way

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Совершенствование коммуникативно-речевой компетенции студентов 4 курса Багдадского университета
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Статья посвящена  использованию различных  приемов формирования интереса к русскому языку, прежде всего, через включение в процесс обучения русскому языку использование Интернета, видеофильмов и чтение классической литературы на русском языке. Включение в процесс обучения коммуникативно-значимого, аутентичного страноведческого и культурологического материала способствует совершенствованию к

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Location and level of ambition At the University of Sulaimaniyah
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The study of the concept of the location of control and the level of ambition of important topics and represent a large area in the educational and psychological sciences, which gives importance to this study at the present time, is the complex and difficult conditions experienced by the Kurdish man, all age groups or social segments, and because of the changes It increases the rate of stress and hardship, which in turn raises the rate of psychological and physical disorder to prevent a healthy individual's compatibility, which has a fundamental impact on their personality, leading to a defect in some important organs of the personality.
   The research aimed to identify the location of control among students of the Uni

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