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Teaching and Education manners in Islamic legacy
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Learning education in the Islamic legacy vision considers a completed The Islamic learning education took its bases from origins of Quran and honored prophet Suna , and stressed on education child a good education and providing him with principles of religion and semantic moral values and Messenger (peace on him) considers the higher example for man in his moral, behavior and goodness and witness on this Higher God said

(you had in God Messenger a good leadership for those were requesting God and last day and mentioned God a lot). Al- Ahzab Surah :21. learning education converts man from religion to another and from culture to another and teacher left his signs on the generation if he accept or refuse.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Theoretical Study of Thermal Cracking For Acenaphthylene Molecule
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Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations were carried out to study the thermal cracking for acenaphthylene molecule to estimate the bond energies for breaking C8b-C5a , C5a-C5 , C5-C4 , and C5-H5 bonds as well as the activation energies. It was found that for C8b-C5a , C5-C4 , and C5-H5 reactions it is often possible to identify one pathway for bond breakage through the singlet or triplet states. The atomic charges , dipole moment and nuclear – nuclear repulsion energy supported the breakage bond .Also, it was found that the activation energy value for C5-H5 bond breakage is lower than that required for C8b-C5a , C5a-C5 , C5-C4 bonds which refer to C5-H5 bond in acenaphthylene molecule are weaker than C8b-C5a , C5a-C5 , C5-C

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 26 2018
Journal Name
Oriental Journal Of Chemistry
Excess Molar Quantities of Binary Mixture of Dipropyl amine with Aliphatic Alcohols at 298.15 K
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Refractive indices (nD), viscosities (η) and densities (r) were deliberated for the binary mixtures created by dipropyl amine with 1-octanol, 1-heptanol, 1-hexanol, 1-pentanol and tert-pentyl alcohol at temperature 298.15 K over the perfect installation extent. The function of Redlich-Kister were used to calculate and renovated of the refractive index deviations (∆nD), viscosity deviations (ηE), excess molar Gibbs free energy (∆G*E) and excess molar volumes(Vm E). The standard errors and coefficients were respected by this function. The values of ∆nD, ηE, Vm E and ∆G*E were plotted against mole fraction of dipropyl amine. In all cases the obtained ηE, ∆G*E, Vm E and ∆nD values were negative at 298.15K. Effect of carbon atoms

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Rehabilitating Iraqi Schools According to the Requirements of Social Sustainability
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Recently, Social Sustainability has gained significant value as it was considered by the late studies as a principal dimension along with the environmental and economic sustainability. And because of, on the other hand, the significant social role of the school for forming the student’s personality, this research is an appeal for rehabilitating and promoting Iraqi Schools according the issue of social sustainability.As there is no evaluation for the Iraqi Schools, the research is dedicated to this problem, aiming to carry out the stated evaluation and define the design treatments needed for the rehabilitation process. To achieve this goal, a theoretical background for the concept of social sustainability, its criteria, the school and i

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 15 2024
Journal Name
يعتبر الاتصال وسيلة هادفة من الوسائل الرئيسية التي تستخدمها المنظمة الإدارية في تحقيق أهدافها إذ أن جميع العاملين يتعاملون مع بعضهم البعض من خلال وسائل الاتصال المختلفة من أجل ضمان تسيير نشاطاتهم وتحقيق أهدافهم وهذا يدل على أن الاتصال يعتبر الوسيلة الاجتماعية التي يحقق الأفراد من خلالها سبل التفاهم والتفاعل البناء
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Path Planning of an Autonomous Mobile Robot using Enhanced Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm
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This paper describes the problem of online autonomous mobile robot path planning, which is consisted of finding optimal paths or trajectories for an autonomous mobile robot from a starting point to a destination across a flat map of a terrain, represented by a 2-D workspace. An enhanced algorithm for solving the problem of path planning using Bacterial Foraging Optimization algorithm is presented. This nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm, which imitates the foraging behavior of E-coli bacteria, was used to find the optimal path from a starting point to a target point. The proposed algorithm was demonstrated by simulations in both static and dynamic different environments. A comparative study was evaluated between the developed algori

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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One eighth of the bird species in the world is considered globally threatened; the avifauna of Iraq comprises 409 species and is considered as the major indicator of the health of Iraq’s biological resources. The Iraqi geography falls into five main regions among which is the desert and semi-desert areas which cover much of the country area. Al-Najaf desert is still one of the poorly known regions from the biodiversity point of view. Birds of conservation concern are detected in Al-Najaf desert during 31 field trips to 20 sites conducted from August 2018 to April 2020, (citing literature records, and personal interviews with locals).The factors caused the bird numbers to decline in Al-Najaf desert include hunting and trapping, logging,

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Scopus (1)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Use of temporary interventions to reclaim neglected urban spaces
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The research deals with one of the urban problems facing cities, namely the existence of neglected urban spaces that need to be activated , These spaces give a negative image of the city, is not conducive to life and social interactions or the city has a one distinctive urban experience, leading to a reduction peoples' confidence in revisiting of those areas, hinder the rest of the activities in that region . Because these spaces are of the basic components of the city and give it its identity through the elements and entities that constitute it  , The idea of research emerged in the reclaiming of these spaces within contemporary urban trends and the activation of  flexible  , short-term and inovation for that purpose with

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Laser Peening on Aluminum Alloy 7049 Using Black Paint Surface Coating
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Black paint laser peening (bPLP) technique is currently applied for many engineering materials , especially for aluminum alloys due to high improvement in fatigue life and strength . Constant and variable   bending fatigue tests have been performed at RT and stress ratio R= -1 . The results of the present  work observed that the significance of the surface work hardening which generated high negative residual stresses in bPLP specimens .The fatigue life  improvement factor (FLIF)  for bPLP constant fatigue behavior was from 2.543 to 3.3 compared to untreated  fatigue and the increase in fatigue strength at 107 cycle was 21% . The bPLP cumulative fatigue life behav

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Antifungal Activity of Some New Binuclear Complexes
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Three complexes of copper(II) and iron(II) with mixed ligands acetylacetonebis(thio-semicarbazone)- ABTSH2 and benzaldazine- BA have been prepared and characterized using different physico-chemical techniques including the determination of metal contents, mole-cular weight, measurement of molar conductivity, magnetic moment, molar refraction, infrared and electronic spectra. Accordingly, octahedral complexes having general formulaes [Cu2(ABTSH2)2(BA)2Cl2]Cl2 and [M2(ABTSH2)2(BA)2(SO4)2] {M= Cu(II) or (Fe(II)} have been proposed. The resulted complexes screened for antifungal activity in vitro against the citrus pathogen Aspergillus niger and Fusarium sp. which caused root rot of sugar and the beans pathogen Alternaria sp. All the complex

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Evaluation of the Mishrif Formation Using an Advanced Method of Interpretation
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The Mishrif Formation is one of the most important geological formations in Iraq consisting of limestone, marl, and shale layers since it is one of the main oil producing reservoirs in the country, which contain a significant portion of Iraq's oil reserves. The formation has been extensively explored and developed by the Iraqi government and international oil companies, with many oil fields being developed within it. The accurate evaluation of the Mishrif formation is key to the successful exploitation of this field. However, its geological complexity poses significant challenges for oil production, requiring advanced techniques to accurately evaluate its petrophysical properties.

   This study used advanced well-logging analysi

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