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Higher education in Iraq : its process and features of development during the period of 1932 A.D – 1958 A.D
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In order to specify the features of higher education process and its quantitative and qualitative development in Iraq ; one should look back at its historical process and the need of interesting with it .

Accordingly , there will be a chance for verifying the demand of the Iraqi society according to the political , social , and cultural changes especially  during the national governance (1932 – 1958 ) .

For depicting the most important quantitative and qualitative development of this kind of education the period of 1932 -1958 , and since there is no previous study that tackled this topic , here comes the need of writing this paper .

After historical and descriptive analysis of the data and the information supported by the references and the books , the paper concluded the following :

  • During this period , higher education in Iraq had witnessed the development of several colleges like college of economy and trade 1936  , college of pharmacy 1938 ,college of arts and sciences 1949 ,guiding college 1948, college of agricultural 1950 ,college of dentistry 1953 , college of veterinary medicine 1955 .
  • Many schools and higher institutes where also established like : college of domestic arts 1932 – 1933 , institutes of fine arts 1936 , institute of Queen Alyaa 1945 , the higher institute of industrial engineering 1950 , the higher institute of physical education 1954.
  • Sevral college and institutes had also been reopened and the developed . those which already existed in 1932 like : law school 1908 , college of sharia 1912,college of engineering 1917 , higher academy of teachers 1923 ,college of medicine 1927 .
  • That historical period of the higher education development had also witnessed a quantitative and qualitative growth in preparing students ( males – females ) and instructors in the higher institutes and college , in addition to the growth of quality and the quantity of students missions from Iraq and the other Arabic countries .
  • That period had also involved the establishment of the first Iraqi University called University of Baghdad.
  • Several committees had been formed in that period .they discussed the importance of opening several colleges and concentrated on the curricula taught there . they also discussed the means of putting criteria of students acceptance in the college and institutes .  

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Prediction Formula for The Estimation of Sediment Load in The Upper Reach of Al-Gharraf River
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The presence of deposition in the river decreases the river flow capability's efficiency due to the absence of maintenance along the river. In This research, a new formula to evaluate the sediment capacity in the upstream part of Al-Gharraf River will be developed. The current study reach lies in Wasit province with a distance equal to 58 km. The selected reach of the river was divided into thirteen stations. At each station, the suspended load and the bedload were collected from the river during a sampling period extended from February 2019 till July 2019. The samples were examined in the laboratory with a different set of sample tests. The formula was developed using data of ten stations, and the other three s

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 24 2018
Journal Name
European Journal Of Environmental And Civil Engineering
Investigation the impacts of fuel oil contamination on the behaviour of passive piles group in clayey soils
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Publication Date
Wed Aug 18 2021
Journal Name
Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/egyptology
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The increasing level of residents’ requirements of the local community led to the necessity for sufficient local funding to satisfy the residents’ requirements and services of the local units affiliated with the decentralized administrative systems on the one hand, and to the role of local financing in the financial independence of local units on the other hand.With the presence of local financing, the financial independence of local units is achieved and is considered one of the conditions for financial independence, which is the provision of local financing to the units away from central support. The study focused in this research to clarify the concept of local financing for local units with a statement of its conditions and importan

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 19 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics
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At present, the ability to promote national economy by adjusting to political, economic, and technological variables is one of the largest challenges faced by organization productivity. This challenge prompts changes in structure and line productivity, given that cash has not been invested. Thus, the management searches for investment opportunities that have achieved the optimum value of the annual increases in total output value of the production line workers in the laboratory. Therefore, the application of dynamic programming model is adopted in this study by addressing the division of investment expenditures to cope with market-dumping policy and to strive non-stop production at work.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Chemical Methodologies
Determination of the Quantity of Losartan Active Ingredient in the Medication Formulations via Turbidimetric-Flow Injection Technique
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 19 2024
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
Cutoff Point Measurement of the waist circumference for the diagnosis of Metabolic Syndrome in Iraqi university students
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Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a collection of connected cardiovascular risk factors that characterizes the complicated illness. The waist circumference cutoff point fluctuation has so far defined Mets. Objective: This study aimed to determine the cutoff point for WC in healthy Iraqi adults. Methods: This cross-sectional survey establishes the standard value for WC among 300 healthy university students in Wasit city, Iraq. They are aged between 18-25 years. The receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve was used WC to predict the presence of two or more risk factors for MetS, as defined by IDF. Results: The cutoff level yielding maximum sensitivity and specificity for predicting the presence of multiple risk factors was

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Effect of Artificial Saliva on The Surface Roughness of Different Esthetic Archwires (An in Vitro Study)
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Background:The demand for esthetic orthodontic appliances is increasing so that the esthetic orthodontic archwires were introduced. This in vitro study was designed to evaluate the surface roughness offiber-reinforced polymer composite (FRPC) archwires compared to coated nickel-titanium (NiTi) archwires immersed in artificial saliva. Materials and Methods:Three types of esthetic orthodontic archwires were used: FRPC (Dentaurum), Teflon coated NiTi (Dentaurum) and epoxy coated NiTi (Orthotechnology). They were round (0.018 inch) in cross section and cut into pieces of 15 mm in length.Forty pieces from each type were divided into four groups; one group was left at a dry condition and the other three groups were immersed in artificial saliva (

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Improvement of the blood characteristics of the broiler chickens by addition tryptophan acid supplement levels in ration
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This study were implemented on (60) broiler chick with one day age divided into three equal groups , first one was given basal diet while group two and three given adiet contain 0.01% ,0.02% tryptophan respectively for 7 weeks . The results show that the chicks recevd the tryptophan have asigneficant increasment in hemoglobin concentration, red blood cells count, packed cell volume and increased the level of globuline concentration and lymphocyte % which mean that the addition of tryptophan improve blood picture charactores and the immunity of the broiler chickens and this evident from the good health state and decrease the mortality among birds .

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The credibility of satellite news channels directed in Arabic from the perspective of Iraqi media, Survey Study
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This research aims at identifying the commitment of satellite news channels in Arabic to the set of important standards that reflect their credibility in dealing with the media material, and considering that these channels give special importance to events in Iraq, as well as the Arab region and the world, decide to choose them and study them with a problem The research was a question about the level of credibility of Iraqi media. This research is descriptive research, which used the survey method on an objective sample of 245 items, while the questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. Seven channels were selected in Arabic for the study. The three most watched channels were chosen. These channels included the channels of Russia t

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 30 2022
Journal Name
Dirasat: Human And Social Sciences
Eco-awareness as an Antithesis of Apocalyptic Eco-Phobia in Margaret Atwood’s (The Year of the Flood)
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This paper argues that eco-awareness is presented in Margaret Atwood’s The Year of the Flood as a remedy for apocalyptic eco-phobia. The study focuses on apocalypse and eco-phobia as a motivation of the characters’ eco-awareness. Accordingly, the novel depicts several scenes of natural apocalyptic regarding the decline of the environment. There is an obvious relationship between apocalyptic eco-phobia and eco-awareness because they are environmental elements. Therefore, the study examines Atwood’s perception of apocalypse that threatens the ideal nature; she offers alternatives to avoid it via elevating the characters’ eco-awareness. Consequently, eco-awareness exemplifies the ideal natural state needed by the characters bec

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