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Higher education in Iraq : its process and features of development during the period of 1932 A.D – 1958 A.D
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In order to specify the features of higher education process and its quantitative and qualitative development in Iraq ; one should look back at its historical process and the need of interesting with it .

Accordingly , there will be a chance for verifying the demand of the Iraqi society according to the political , social , and cultural changes especially  during the national governance (1932 – 1958 ) .

For depicting the most important quantitative and qualitative development of this kind of education the period of 1932 -1958 , and since there is no previous study that tackled this topic , here comes the need of writing this paper .

After historical and descriptive analysis of the data and the information supported by the references and the books , the paper concluded the following :

  • During this period , higher education in Iraq had witnessed the development of several colleges like college of economy and trade 1936  , college of pharmacy 1938 ,college of arts and sciences 1949 ,guiding college 1948, college of agricultural 1950 ,college of dentistry 1953 , college of veterinary medicine 1955 .
  • Many schools and higher institutes where also established like : college of domestic arts 1932 – 1933 , institutes of fine arts 1936 , institute of Queen Alyaa 1945 , the higher institute of industrial engineering 1950 , the higher institute of physical education 1954.
  • Sevral college and institutes had also been reopened and the developed . those which already existed in 1932 like : law school 1908 , college of sharia 1912,college of engineering 1917 , higher academy of teachers 1923 ,college of medicine 1927 .
  • That historical period of the higher education development had also witnessed a quantitative and qualitative growth in preparing students ( males – females ) and instructors in the higher institutes and college , in addition to the growth of quality and the quantity of students missions from Iraq and the other Arabic countries .
  • That period had also involved the establishment of the first Iraqi University called University of Baghdad.
  • Several committees had been formed in that period .they discussed the importance of opening several colleges and concentrated on the curricula taught there . they also discussed the means of putting criteria of students acceptance in the college and institutes .  

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of the use of digital marketing channels on the implementation of the strategy of positioning Applied study on a sample of the managers of the International Company for smart card "Key Card"
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 The technology in continuous and quick development, that reflects in all parts of our life and interred both scientific and practical fields. Marketing is one of them, a customer’s way to deal with choosing and demanding the product deferent from the traditional way. Some of the buying processes are electronic now, therefore the current research is identifying the digital channels that entered the world of marketing and influenced the activities and types that fall under this name and how it affects in positioning strategy, which is how to install the product or brand in the mind of the customer and was dimensions (brand identity, brand personality, brand communication, brand awareness, brand image), The researcher took t

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 29 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Evaluating the Performance and Behavior of CNN, LSTM, and GRU for Classification and Prediction Tasks
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     Deep learning (DL) plays a significant role in several tasks, especially classification and prediction. Classification tasks can be efficiently achieved via convolutional neural networks (CNN) with a huge dataset, while recurrent neural networks (RNN) can perform prediction tasks due to their ability to remember time series data. In this paper, three models have been proposed to certify the evaluation track for classification and prediction tasks associated with four datasets (two for each task). These models are CNN and RNN, which include two models (Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)) and GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit). Each model is employed to work consequently over the two mentioned tasks to draw a road map of deep learning mod

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Laplace Distribution And Probabilistic (bi) In Linear Programming Model
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The theory of probabilistic programming  may be conceived in several different ways. As a method of programming it analyses the implications of probabilistic variations in the parameter space of linear or nonlinear programming model. The generating mechanism of such probabilistic variations in the economic models may be due to incomplete information about changes in demand, pro­duction and technology, specification errors about the econometric relations presumed for different economic agents, uncertainty of various sorts and the consequences of imperfect aggregation or disaggregating of economic variables. In this Research we discuss the probabilistic programming problem when the coefficient bi is random variable

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Evaluation of the Effect of Topical Artemisia dracunculus Administration on Serum Levels of Selected Interleukins and Spleen Index in Imiquimod-Induced Psoriasis in Male Mice Compared to Clobetasol Propionate (Dermovate (R)) Ointment
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Psoriasis is a long-lasting autoimmune disease that is characterized by swollen skin patches. Normally, these skin patches are dark, swollen, itchy and scaly. The single application of the innate TLR7/8 ligand Imiquimod (IMQ) in mice easily induces a dermatitis that closely resembles human psoriasis, critically dependent on the axis of IL-23/IL-17. Artemisia dracunculus prepared as an ointment and has been used topically to mice before imiquimod application. The results of the current study showed that A. dracunculus ointment can significantly reduce psoriasis area and severity index in (A. dracunculus ointment + imiquimod group as compared with both control group and (vehicle ointment + imiquimod) group.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Strengthen the unified accounting system in rental sales Transactions to increase the protection of the real estate trade in installment Proposed framework
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Due to the large size of dealing in the transactions installment sales in durable products, especially real estate given the privacy to enjoy their property, among other products because of the large amount and the length of the repayment period leading to a risk of non-payment by the buyer because of the possibility to change the credit level to him, especially that most of this type of transaction customers are from limited income owners,  So it has been proposed the use of other transactions in handling real estate instead of installment sales transactions, a rental sale transactions because of the protection provided by this transaction for a vendor that will be mentioned later.

So proposes to st

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Incidence of nutritional anemia in baghdad and baquba
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Anaemia is one of the most important problems of malnutrition in the world, especially in countries developing and anemia is associated inextricably important public health and HIV and morbidity and reduced mental capacity This study aims to determine the incidence of anemia for the period 1999-2000 among healthy adults outwardly and its relationship with some variablesjob related study sample included 200 male and 200 Antymn but the cities of Baghdad and Baquba reviewers for central labs

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2017
Journal Name
Veterinary World
Therapeutic uses of epicatechin in diabetes and cancer
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 06 2016
Journal Name
Mathematical Theory And Modeling
The act of an operator and Abstract cauchy problem
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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
On The Convergence Speediness of K * and D-Iterations
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Abstract<p>In this article, we introduced a new concept of mappings called δZA - Quasi contractive mapping and we study the K*- iteration process for approximation of fixed points, and we proved that this iteration process is faster than the existing leading iteration processes like Noor iteration process, CR -iteration process, SP and Karahan Two- step iteration process for 𝛿𝒵𝒜 − quasi contraction mappings. We supported our analytic proof by a numerical example.</p>
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 04 2021
Journal Name
Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt
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After the persistence of the British policy of oppression and control over the American colonies and the attempts to obliterate the identity of their inhabitants, the colonies worked on moving forward towards achieving independence, and Virginia was the first to initiate the development of the new government frameworks, through George Mason in drafting the Virginia Bill of Rights in 1776, which expressed the philosophy of the era Enlightenment and independent revolutionary thought, which called for equality and natural rights for individuals and the need for a free popular government that works for the common good.

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