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إنتاج المعرفة واكتسابها لدى طلبة كليات العلوم التربوية في بعض الجامعات الأردنية الرسمية
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This research attempts to propose production and acquisition of scientific knowledge among the students of educational science faculties in some universities Governmental Jordanian (Yarmouk, Jordan, Muta). In addition to sources of educational gained in some of the Governmental Jordanian universities (Yarmouk, Jordan, Muta), and to propose the necessary socio-cultural dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production, using developmental screening method, which is represented in the study design tool (questionnaire), which consisted of 4 scales, scale: The reality of the acquisition of knowledge / reality of the production of knowledge / social dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production / cultural dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production, which is represented in the study design tool (questionnaire), which consisted of 4 scales, scale: the reality of the acquisition of knowledge / reality of the production of knowledge / social dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production / cultural dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production.

It was to ensure the stability of the measurements using the equation of Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients ranged between standards (0.80-0.94), the sincerity of Vtm standards measured by factor analysis, and then analyze the data using arithmetic averages, standard deviations, and analysis of variance of all members of the study population overall totaling (194 (of faculty members in educational science faculties in some Governmental Jordanian universities, namely: (Yarmouk University, Jordan, Muta).

The search had reached several conclusions, including: that the application of the acquisition and production of knowledge in education science faculties in the Governmental Jordanian universities from the point of view of faculty members was a fair degree, the results did not show statistically significant differences for the variables of the university experience, the application of the social dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production in education science faculties in the Governmental Jordanian universities from the point of view of faculty members which was to a large extent.

Results did not show statistically significant differences for the variables of the university experience, the application of the cultural dimensions of the acquisition and production of knowledge in education science faculties in the Governmental Jordanian universities from the point of view of faculty members which was moderately.

Results did not show statistically significant differences for the variables of the university and the experience, to approve the proposed social dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production based on the factor analysis which showed saturation transactions to measure paragraphs, delete paragraphs saturated each less than (0.4), therefore shall be deleted and the approval of the proposed cultural dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production based on the factor analysis which showed saturation for all transactions except for paragraphs one paragraph saturated to a lesser extent (0.4) and therefore must be deleted.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The speech of the "Al Qeyam Al Fatimy " in the requirements of the generalized sayings
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The space occupied by the dialogic imperative in the language is a very wide range, as it is present in most of the speeches received by the recipient, and this is not limited to dialogues. That the literary discourse is a dialogical and fulfillment imperative, as the implication is related to the implicit connotations, as if the implication covers the indirect actions of the speech act theory.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 20 2011
Journal Name
مجلة الاداب
השורשים השניים בלשון העברית (עיון אנאליטי השוואתי)
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התמצית השניות היא התורה שנזכרת כי המוצאים בלשון הערבית וכך בלשונות השמיות אינם הבטויים בעלי האותיות השלושיות , אלא בעלי שתי אותיות . לפי כך אפשר להשיב השורשים השלושיים לשורשים השניים . וכל אות שנאספה בשורש שׁניוני, יהיה לפי חוק ההתפתחות הלשונית , הוספות תחילית , תוכית , סופית , עם השארת החיבור המשמעתית בין השׁניוני והשׁלשׁי כמו היא ממושכת בין השׁלשׁי והרביעי ומה שרבה ההוספות . השרשים השניים מוצאים הם: אות וה

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
مسؤولية مجلس إدارة المصرف في إطار السياسة الائتمانية
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The influence of human resources Accounting on cost reduction
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The development of human resources training programs has an applied and important role in the preparation of human cadresin terms of capacity to absorb technical sciences and skills and scientific and practical practices at faster rates in order to bealighed with continous development. Hence the recognition of the significant role that human resources play in the economy of any country,which has stressed the interest towards the economic unity of the qualified staff that it needsin atimely manner through the ongoing training process in the era of high technology day by  day  In this regard ,the current research deal with accounting of human resources and its impact on reducing costs in the military establishment and the

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
role of tools promotional mix in sales growth
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    The mix promotion important to any organization in general, has been selected promotional mix tools in this research to identify the role in maximizing the Organization of sales growth business, which included the research problem several fundamental questions about the role of each promotional tool of advertising, public relations and personal selling and sales promotion direct marketing within the promotional mix in the promotion of business sales organization. The research aims to provide theoretical and field organizations surveyed about the role played by the mix promo in sales growth, and  importance of research on the identification of more than promotional tools impact on sales gr

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(Sustainable Agricultural Development in Iraq ... Solutions and Treatments Obstacles)
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    The achievement of agricultural development provide food security and to form a basis for economic growth and comprehensive social, requires a number of actions to overcome the obstacles and problems facing the development of this economic sector, to make it able to achieve food security and operation of the workforce, and reduce dependence on the outside in the provision of food peripherals, and so it is only available through the highest degree of efficiency and economic mobilization of resources, so most of the developed and developing countries alike seek to achieve sustainable agricultural development tobacco meet the food requirements and good jobs for c

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role physical service factors in achieving customer satisfaction
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The development in the presentation and presentation of the service in order to distinguish them from the same, was one of the most important reasons to choose the current issue to upgrade the level of service, especially in the Iraqi restaurant sector, which has become today of the important sectors successful. The problem of research was to try to answer a range of questions: to what extent are Iraqi restaurants interested in physical service factors? Do Iraqi restaurants apply physical factors in a way that leads to customer satisfaction? Are Iraqi restaurants interested in the satisfaction of their customers? The objective of the current research is to try to determine the extent to which the

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Bahraini Parliamentary Elections and their Impact on the Popular
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الخلاصة Bahraini Parliamentary Elections and their Impact on the Popular Uprising) Bahrain has a distinguished constitutional and parliamentary experience, which distinct it from the other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Its experience in this area is the second after the experience of Kuwait to establish a system of government based on modern constitutional principles. As the government presented the Constitution to the Constituent Assembly elected by people and approved in 09/06/1973. After that, it witnessed the birth of the first parliament elected by the people in 1973, but the experiment did not last long and the parliament dissolved by Prince, and didn’t determine the period of the return of the working with the

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 05 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
political intellectual reading in the esoteric interpretation of Ismailism
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Ismailism is of great importance in Islamic history and Islamic political thought. In different countries of the Muslim world today their presence exists and is active but is confused with mystery and secrecy. The most important characteristic of their political ideology is their dependence on the esoteric exegesis, which they have made an intellectual basis for which their most ideas relate, when they make for everything visible and exposed a hidden matter, not only aware of the esoteric exegesis, which only God knows and entrenched in science, and they mean imams or whoever They are called "(esoteric)" as a result of the Ismaili belief in esoteric interpretation and that everything is apparent inward, as well as they called the ((seven

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
فلسفة المناهج الجغرافية في تشخيص ومعالجة المشكلات البيئية
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It has become the subject of the environment and its problems during the last three decades of the important topics and dangerous that gained the attention of researchers in this regard as especially with the worsening repercussions severe, and turned out to be hot issues impose themselves urgently everywhere in the world, not concerned with the environment and specialists out, but also on all people wherever they are, regardless of their standard of living, and the circumstances of their lives, and their level of education and culture because the relationship of man with environment relationship since antiquity as relied upon to provide what they need him to stay, and through the stages of the development of civilization has made some a

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