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Professional competencies and teaching university professor from the point of view of students
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Targeted Search:

-scale preparation of teaching and professional competencies required for university professor from the perspective of students from different disciplines.

-scale application prepared by the researcher for the students to see how their preference for these competencies to their professors.

-limited Search: Find determined to present the following

-students of both sexes in the University of Baghdad.

2013 -      2012 two school year.

Identify the terminology: some professional terms identified (such as professional and teaching competencies, and university professor.

Conclusions brought by the research are:

-crystallized Competences professional and teaching required for university professor from the perspective of students about the four competencies are important (personal university professor, scientific and professional mastery, and humanitarian relations, calendar and activities.

-came paragraphs realized all four areas from the perspective of college students humanitarian and scientific.

-clear from the application of the scale on the students to see their point of view with teachers as much as they enjoy enough of scientific and professional competencies and capabilities.

-nature of the friendly relations between teachers and students, which earn this relationship and raising motivation to do what their abilities and motivating for distinguished scientific achievement, which in turn is reflected in the level of positive and give their interaction over the direction of their students.

The most important recommendations that came out research are:

-  The need to provide proof professor contains a list of the necessary professional competencies and mission, which is reported in this paper.

 -need access to current developments in the various methods of theoretical and practical teaching and its implementation mechanism and how to formulate achievement tests and manage a successful calendar program.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Theoretical Calculations of the Electron Transport Parameters in CH4-Ar and CH4-Ne Mixtures Gases Using Monte Carlo Method
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    The result of concentration varying of mixture methane with argon and neon gas are believed to study the change in electrons energy distribution function and then the change of the electrons transport parameters including the drift velocity, the mean energy, characteristics energy and diffusion coefficient. In the present work,a contemporary developed computer, simulation program known as Bolsig+ is being used for calculating the electron transport parameters.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the expression level of beta 2 microglobulin gene on hepatitis C patients before and after treatment with interferon
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This study has been carried out to evaluate the expression level of beta 2 microglobulin gene on patients infected by hepatitis C virus before and after treatment with interferon. The study included 117 hepatitis C patients comprising as 63 pre-treated patients, the range of age was between 20-65 year with a mean age of 48.12 ± 16.1 and 54 post-treated patients with age range was between 23-63 year with the mean of 46.1 ± 18.1. Also it was found that more than half of patients were located within third and fourth decade i.e. 30-49 year, with a percentage of 52.4% and 55.6 % for pre-treatment and post-treatment patients respectively. Moreover , regarding both groups, males are more than females with the ratio of ( 3.2:1) among p

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Testing the ability of Porcellionides pruinosus (Brandt 1833) Isopoda Crustaceans to decompose and consume cellulosean wastes in different ecosystems
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The present study was undertaken to use individual terrestrial crustacean from Isopoda such as the species Porcellionides pruinosus (Brandt 1833) as environmental cleaner and that through the test of their abilities in decomposition of residues of some cellulosean wastes such as wood pieces which contain high ratio of urban wastes, and residue of Zea mays and particularly leaves as plant waste in agricultural fields and residue of Cynodon dactylon plants which compose the main wastes in most of gardens and parks. Experiments were conducted relatively in stable laboratory conditions to ensure environmental conditions similar to crustaceans' life. The results showed presence of good efficiency of these individuals in treating such wastes as

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Partial Subistituation and Annealing on Electrical Properties of Compound Tl2-xAg2-ySryBayCa2Cu3O10+& Superconductor Fabricated by Nano Technique
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The crystal compounds Tl2-xAg2-ySryBayCa2Cu3O10+& are successfully prepared in different concentrations (x, y=0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5) by solid state reaction process. The samples were then subjected to Nano technique under hydrolic pressure 8 ton/cm2. samples have been annealed in (850 C0) for 72 hours. The results show a best value at x, y=0.3 ratio of Ag, Ba. Electrical resistivity at x, y= 0.3 of Ag, Ba are obtained when the best value of Tc= 141 K. Samples morphology were also observed by AFM (in three dimensions), the best value of Nano is 91.74 nm at x, y= 0.3. Morphological structures of the surface were also observed by (SEM) and (EDX) show that there are dark regions and light which indicate the presence of heavy elements a

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
An Experimental Study to Demonstrate the Effect of Alumina Nanoparticles and Synthetic Fibers on Oil Well Cement Class G
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    In the drilling and production operations, the effectiveness of cementing jobs is crucial for efficient progress. The compressive strength of oil well cement is a key characteristic that reflects its ability to withstand forceful conditions over time. This study evaluates and improves the compressive strength and thickening time of Iraqi oil well cement class G from Babylon cement factory using two types of additives (Nano Alumina and Synthetic Fiber) to comply with the American Petroleum Institute (API) specifications. The additives were used in different proportions, and a set of samples was prepared under different conditions. Compressive strength and thickening time measurements were taken under different conditions. The amoun

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Al-fatih Journal
A comparative study of resistance training on land and in the aqueousTo develop some capacity for three Al Wathba
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أن التطور العلمي الحاصل فيما يخص المجال الرياضي أرسى آفاق جديدة لمواكبة التطور الكبير في مجا ل الألعاب والفعاليات الرياضية المختلفة ,و أن تحقيق النتائج الجيدة في فعاليات العاب القوى بشكل عام والثلاثية بشكل خاص في التدريب الرياضي يتطلب إتباع الأساليب العلمية الدقيقة والموضوعية بشكل سليم ومخطط له،فضلا عنة تطبيق نظريات ومنحى جديد لمواكبة الاتجاهات الحديثة في تحقيق النتائج الجيدة للوصول إلى المستويات العالية

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 03 2024
Journal Name
The effect of purposeful three-dimensional training on developing some motor abilities and skill performance among female fencing players
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O estudo destaca a necessidade crítica de se focar nas capacidades físicas, motoras e técnicas das jogadoras de esgrima, desenvolvendo e testando metodologias de treino modernas, baseadas na ciência, adaptadas às exigências específicas do desporto. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do treino tridimensional visando melhorar as capacidades motoras e o desempenho técnico dos participantes. Recorrendo a um desenho experimental, o estudo envolveu a formação de grupos experimentais e de controlo. A amostra incluiu 16 esgrimistas da Faculdade Feminina de Educação Física e Ciências do Desporto. Após a exclusão de dois jogadores durante a fase exploratória, os restantes 14 foram divididos igualmente em grupos experimental

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 28 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The effect of a psychological counselling approach on cognitive load and mental fatigue among young 110-meter hurdles athletes
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The research aimed to identify and build two specialized scales for cognitive load and mental stress and to identify the level of each of them among 110-meter steeplechase runners among youth, and to prepare a psychological counseling approach to reduce the level of cognitive load and mental stress among 110-meter steeplechase runners among youth, so that the two research hypotheses are that there are differences. There are statistically significant differences between the results of the pre- and post-tests of the experimental group in measuring cognitive load. There are statistically significant differences between the results of the pre- and post-tests of the experimental group in measuring mental stress. The experimental method w

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 11 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Research In Medical And Dental Science
Effect of Topical Melatonin Application on the Peri-Implant Proximal Bone Level and Cortical Plate Thickness (Pilot Clinical Trial)
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2023
Journal Name
Egyptian Journal Of Chemistry
Studying the Molecular Interactions for Potash Alum with Distilled Water and Aqueous Solution of Ethylene Glycol at Different Temperatures.
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