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Measure the fear of some natural phenomena among children Riyadh
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One of the most frightening to children ages pre-school entry , Are those concerns about natural phenomena such as (The darkness, the sound of thunder, lightning and light, and rainfall, and storms) These natural phenomena are not familiar to the child , It may have a surprise when he/ she sees , And others intimidated , The affects of panic and fears that may lead him some psychological injury symptoms.

The fear of the dark, of the most common concerns associated with the child in his daily life , As the children's fear of the dark is reasonably fear that makes him a natural to live in the unknown  , We can not identify what around him and is afraid of something collision,  Or injury from something challenged, The exaggerated fear of the dark memories of its association with scary Ogress and goblins and the jinn and thieves , It Phobia is not based on the basis of realistic, It is difficult to adjust or get rid of it and control it. This kind of fear makes the child concerned and troubled, And what interests fear are things that weave his imagination, As a result of stories and anecdotes that crop them to them, Or as a result of his observation of the fear and the other adult and those with him in the house . As the parents' fear of the dark infect him by suggesting, As well as the sabotage practiced by the parents and siblings and adult caressing manner and especially at night.

From the above it can sum up the problem of the current search the following question:-

- What is the level of fear of  some natural phenomena with kindergarten children?

Through the above it can be released importance of research of the following:

1- The current research (within the limits of science researcher) from the few descriptive field research dealing with the fear of the some natural phenomena of the children of the kindergarten.

2- - The current research provides an important tool (the fear of some natural phenomena), which may help researchers or curriculum designers in conducting research and studies to address this problem the children kindergarten scale.

3-  The study, the first attempt (within the limits of science researcher), which dealt with the measurement of the some natural phenomena of fear in a child kindergarten, after knowing the number of previous studies.

The current research aimed to: -

  1. measure the fear of some natural phenomena of the kindergarten child.

2- Know the differences in the fear of some natural phenomena of the kindergarten children by sex (males - females), and the stage (kindergarten - Pre-school).

In order to achieve the goals of the research, it has been building a scale to measure the fear of some natural phenomena of the children of the kindergarten, which was extracted validity and reliability to him, and in doing analysis of data obtained by a researcher through the answers to the kids was reached as follows: -

1- That the sample in general suffer from fear of physical manifestations compared to the average premise.

  1. that females suffer from fear of the physical manifestations of more than males, and children suffer in stage (preliminary) stage more than children (kindergarten).

As the researcher after receiving the results to provide a number of recommendations and suggestions.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Existence of a Polynomial Inverse Integrating Factors and Studies About the Limit Cycles for Cubic, Quartic and Quintic Polynomial Systems
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Degree to which Islamic Education Teachers Employ the Strategy of Directed Discovery in Teaching to Develop Higher-Order Thinking Skills
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The study aimed to know the degree to which Islamic education teachers employ the strategy of directed discovery in teaching to develop higher thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) among sixth-grade students at the basic stage in East Nile Province, Khartoum State - Sudan. The researcher used the descriptive-analytical method, and adopted a questionnaire that consisted of (15) indicators representing the skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation as a tool of the study. A random sample of (175) Islamic education teachers was selected, from the Department of Basic Education. The data were analyzed according to the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) program, and the results of the study have shown that the u

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 02 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
A turbidimetric method for the quantitative determination of cyproheptadine hydrochloride in tablets using an optoelectronic detector based on the LEDs array
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the Effect of Graphene on the Contact Angle, Water Absorption and Thermal Stability ( TGA ,DSC) for Blend (Epoxy & Repcoat ZR)
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In this study, polymeric coating was developed by incorporating nano graphene in the polymer blend with applications to oil storage tanks. The oil storage tanks samples were brought from the oil Pipeline Company / Doura refinery in Baghdad. The coating polymer was formed with a blend (epoxy resin and repcoat ZR). The proportion of mixing the mixture was 3:1:1 epoxy resin 21.06 gm: repcoat ZR 10.53 gm: hardener 10.53 gm. The blend/graphene was prepared using in stui-polymerization method with different weight percentage 1, 3, 5, and 7 wt % added to blend. The resulting solution was put in a glass tube on a magnetic stirrer for one hour at a temperature of 40 °C. The result of contact angle and wate

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Evaluating the Proposed Curriculum of TEFL for First Intermediate Class Students in AL-Muthannah Governorate for the Second Semester/2007-2008
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During the 1970s, communicative view of language teaching began to be incorporated into syllabus design. The central question for the proponents of this view was: what does the learner want/need to do with the target language? This lead to the emergence of a teaching method (or approach) called communicative language teaching (CLT) during the late 1970s and early 1980s focusing on the functions that must be incorporated into a classroom. According to Brown (2001:43) CLT is a unified but broadly based, theoretically well informed set of tenets about the nature of language and of language learning and teaching. Harmer (2001:84) states that the communicative approach is the name which was given to a set of beliefs which included not only a

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La réception du Petit Prince de Saint-Exupéry dans le monde arabe The impact of The Little Prince on Arabic audience
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Le Petit Prince est apparu en 1943 vers la fin de la vie de son auteur. La mondialité qu'a gagnée ce récit le rend un des livres les plus lus et les plus vendus dans le monde. Cette popularité en fait un des classiques de la littérature française.

En effet la littérature française a un impact profond et direct sur la vie intellectuelle et littéraire dans le monde arabe. La circulation des œuvres littéraires écrites en français a bien influencé les lecteurs arabes soit en langue française  soit  traduites en arabe. Cette réalité est identique lorsqu'on parle de la réception du Petit Prince ; l'œuvre la plus connue dans le monde entier dès son apparition officielle.


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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Gene Reports
The molecular study for evaluation the antibiotic resistance of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria isolated from urinary tract infection patients
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Urinary tract infection is a bacterial infection that often affects the bladder and thus the urinary system. E. coli is one of the leading uropathogenic bacteria that cause urinary tract infections. Uropathogenic E. coli is highly effective and successful in causing urinary tract infections through biofilm formation and urothelial cell invasion mechanisms. Other organisms that cause urinary tract infections include members of the Enterobacteriaceae family, streptococci and staphylococci species and perch. In addition, K.penumoniae is another important gram-negative bacterium that causes urinary tract infections. With the PCR technique, unseen bacterial species can be detected using standard clinical microbiology methods. In this study, the

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2023
Journal Name
Oncology And Radiotherapy
The Effect of Green Low Laser (LLL) on the white blood cells on platelet on people on brain and prostate cancer
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The effect of Low-Level Laser (LLL) provided by green semiconductor laser with an emission wavelength of 532 nm on of human blood of people with brain and prostate cancer has been investigated. The effect of LLL on white blood cell (WBC), NEUT, LYMPH and MONO have been considered. Platelet count (PLT) has also been considered in this work. 2 ml of blood sample were irradiating by a green laser of the dose of 4.8 J/cm2. The results suggest a potential effect of LLL on WBC, PLT, NEUT, LYMPH, and MONO of people with brain and prostate cancer Key words: white blood cell , platelet , low-level laser therapy

Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Scientific Trips Set Out by Scholars of Marrouzzeen and Baihaq Between each Other in the 5th and 6th Hijrah Centuries
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The present paper aims at finding out the Variance Ratio of Trips Set Out by Scholars of Both Marrouzzeen and Baihaq  .The researcher has come up with conclusion including certain findings ,one of which is that the trip is considered an essential base with high effectiveness since  the old times and has been evolved .This means that the trip has been the main source of  knowledge and sciences from the scholars directly .This had driven the scholars of both Baihaq and Marrouz cities .It has been noticed , though this paper, that the number of the Marrouz scholars who visited was less than those of Baihaq . The researcher has focused on their meetings or conferences and investigated what has been going on in suc

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Message in detail what was said in the parents of the Prophet  Ibn Kamal Pasha (d. 940 e) study and investigation
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After Hamdallah and his success on the realization of this manuscript (a letter in detail what was said in the parents of the Prophet  Ibn Kamal Pasha (d. 940 e) study and investigation I will review some of the results reached in the realization of this manuscript:
1. The hadiths mentioned in this manuscript are mostly placed or weak.
2 - We are not entitled to speak about the silence of the law for saying Almighty ﭽ ﮮ ﮯ ﮰ ﮱ ﯓ ﯔ ﯕ ﯖ ﯗ ﯘ ﯙ ﭼ Table: 101.
3 in which harm to our Holy Prophet  وله تع ﮂ ﮃ ﮄ ﮅ ﮆ ﮈ ﮉ ﮊ ﮋ ﮌ ﮍ ﮎ ﭼ parties: 57.
4 Because the parents of the Prophet  of the people of the period ordered them to God for the Almighty ﭽ ﯨ ﯩ ﯪ ﯫ ﯬ

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