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The Impacts of Graded Doses of Pyridoxine on the Biomarkers, Aspartate Aminotransferase, lactate Dehydrogenase and Total Antioxidant Capacity in Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity in Female Rats


       The aim of the current study was to investigate the possible protective effect of graded doses (5, 10, and 15mg/kg) of pyridoxine hydrochloride intraperitoneally injected against (15mg/kg) doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in female rats. Fifty-six (56) Wistar albino female rats were utilized weighing 180-200 gm allocated into eight groups, seven rats each; Group I: negative control distilled water; Group II: Pyridoxine (5mg/kg); Group III: Pyridoxine (10mg/kg); Group IV: Pyridoxine (15mg/kg); Group V: doxorubicin (15 mg/kg); Group VI: Pyridoxine (5 mg/kg) prior to doxorubicin (15 mg/kg); Group VII: Pyridoxine (10 mg/kg) prior to doxorubicin (15 mg/kg); Group VIII: Pyridoxine (15 mg/kg) prior to doxorubicin (15 mg/kg). DOX caused significant elevations in serum biomarker enzymes of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and significant reduction in heart tissue homogenate content of total antioxidants capacity (TAOC). Treatment with 15mg/kg pyridoxine for four consecutive days prior to a single dose 15mg/kg doxorubicin resulted in significant reduction in serum enzymes level of AST and LDH. Treatment with 10 or 15mg/kg pyridoxine for four consecutive days prior to a single dose of doxorubicin produced significant increments in TAOC heart tissue homogenate level compared to positive control. In conclusion, pyridoxine supplementation might be a promising adjunctive agent for improving oxidative stress and biological markers for preventing DOX-induced cardiac complications.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Protective Effect of Omega-7 against Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity in Male Rats

Background: Doxorubicin is considered one of the most effective anticancer drugs, yet it is use is limited by its side effect mediated by the generation of reactive oxygen species. Omega-7, an antioxidant has shown to have a cardioprotective effect.

Aim of the study: evaluate a possible protective effect of omega-7 against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in male rats.

Methods: twenty-eight male rats were divided into 4 groups (7 for each group).  Group 1 (Negative control): healthy animals received normal saline orally as the vehicle for eight successive days and were sacrificed on day 9. Group 2 (positive control): animals that r

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 12 2023
Journal Name
Frontiers In Pharmacology
Protective effect of cafestol against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in rats by activating the Nrf2 pathway

Doxorubicin (DOX) is an efficient antineoplastic agent with a broad antitumor spectrum; however, doxorubicin-associated cardiotoxic adverse effect through oxidative damage and apoptosis limits its clinical application. Cafestol (Caf) is a naturally occurring diterpene in unfiltered coffee with unique antioxidant, antimutagenic, and anti-inflammatory activities by activating the Nrf2 pathway. The present study aimed to investigate the potential chemoprotective effect of cafestol on DOX-induced cardiotoxicity in rats. Wistar albino rats of both sexes were administered cafestol (5 mg/kg/day) for 14 consecutive days by oral gavage alone or with doxorubicin which was injected as a single dose (15 mg/kg intraperitoneally at day 14) to i

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Impact of Two Doses of Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone-7) on Doxorubicin-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats

The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact two doses of Menaquinones-7 on hepatotoxicity induced by doxorubicin in rats. Sixty adult rats of both sexes were used in this study; the animals were randomly enrolled into six groups of 10 animals each. Group I: negative control (rats administered distilled water); Group II: Menaquinones-7 at a dose of  16 µg/kg; Group III: Menaquinones-7 at a dose of 48 µg/kg; Group IV: positive control (Doxorubicin 15 mg/kg); Group V: Menaquinones-7 at a dose of 16 µg/kg administered prior to a single dose of Doxorubicin 15 mg/kg; Group VI: Menaquinones-7 at a dose of 48 µg/kg administered prior to a single dose of  Doxorubicin 15 mg/kg. On day twelve of the study, blood was

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2023
Journal Name
The Saudi Dental Journal
Salivary lactate dehydrogenase and salivary total protein as potential biomarkers for screening periodontal disease

Abstract Background: Timely diagnosis of periodontal disease is crucial for restoring healthy periodontal tissue and improving patients’ prognosis. There is a growing interest in using salivary biomarkers as a noninvasive screening tool for periodontal disease. This study aimed to investigate the diagnostic efficacy of two salivary biomarkers, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and total protein, for periodontal disease by assessing their sensitivity in relation to clinical periodontal parameters. Furthermore, the study aimed to explore the impact of systemic disease, age, and sex on the accuracy of these biomarkers in the diagnosis of periodontal health. Materials and methods: A total of 145 participants were categorized into three groups based

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Protective Effect of Benfotiamine against Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity in Rabbits

The protective effect of benfotiamine against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity was evaluated in rabbits. Pretreatment of rabbits with 70mg/kg benfotiamine orally 7 days before induction of cardiotoxicity with I.V 15mg/kg doxorubicin. injection resulted in significant reduction of the activities of lactate dehydrogenase and creatine phosphokinase enzyme in the serum compared to doxorubicin treated animals; benfotiamine also improves the histological changes produced by doxorubicin in the cardiac muscle compared to control. In conclusion, benfotiamine when used concomitantly with doxorubicin protects the myocardium against the cardiotoxicity induced by this cytotoxic drug.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Protective Effect of Cafestol on Doxorubicin-induced Genotoxicity in Rats
Doxorubicin is an efficient antineoplastic agent that has a broad antitumour spectrum; however, its genotoxic adverse effects on normal cells can be produced through oxidative damage, and this limits its clinical application. Cafestol is a naturally-occurring diterpene in unfiltered coffee with noteworthy antioxidant, antimutagenic and anti-inflammatory activities.

The present study aimed to investigate the possible protective effect of cafestol against doxorubicin-induced chromosomal and DNA damage in rat bone marrow cells. Wistar

Albino rats of both sexes were administered cafestol (5mg/kg body weight once

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jun 25 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Effects of Two Different Doses of Zinc Sulfate on Serum Troponin I 3 Enzyme Level and Cardiac Malondialdehyde Contents in Mitoxantrone-Induced Cardiotoxicity in Rats


   Mitoxantrone is an antitumor agent used in the treatment of breast and prostate cancer, acute leukemia, lymphoma, and also in the treatment of multiple sclerosis due to its immunosuppressive properties. The mitoxantrone's cardiotoxicity is irreversible, dose-dependent, and it may occur years after treatment. Zinc is considered as an essential mineral for cell division and the synthesis of DNA and protein; furthermore, such mineral has an important role in states of cardiovascular diseases; and may have protective effects in coronary artery disease and cardiomyopathy.

Objective: The current study is designed to investigate effects of two different doses of zinc sulfat

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Protective Effect of Ginger Extract Against Cisplatin-Induced Hepatotoxicity and Cardiotoxicity in Rats.

The protective effect of ginger extract against cisplatin-induced hepatotoxicity and cardiotoxicity was evaluated in 30 albino white rats(weighing 200-300 gm ) classified into 5groups (6 rats per each group). The rats were treated with 0.5g/kg/day or         1g/kg/day ginger extract orally 5 successive days before and 5 successive days after induction of toxicity with intraperitoneal (IP) injection of (10mg/kg ) cisplatin, resulted in a significant reduction in the levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) , total serum  billirubin(TSB) , lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and creatine kinase(CK) enzymes in comparison with the cisplatin treated animals; ginger extract

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 29 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Advanced Pharmacy Education And Research
Evaluating the effects of different doses of fimasartan on methotrexate-induced renal inflammation in rats

The nephrotoxicity induced by methotrexate is a severe condition that greatly affects its therapeutic potential and has a significant inflammatory component. Fimasartan is an angiotensin receptor blocker that offers organ-protective effects and may be useful in mitigating renal injury. The present study explored the anti-inflammatory potential of two doses of fimasartan against methotrexate-mediated nephrotoxicity. Albino rats were intraperitoneally administered a single methotrexate (20 mg/kg). Intraperitoneal treatment with fimasartan (5 or 10 mg/kg/day) was initiated on day two after methotrexate injection and continued for seven consecutive days. Methotrexate significantly increased serum urea, creatinine, and NGAL concentrations. It al

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmaceutical Negative Results
Total Oxidants, Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidant Capacity in the Serum of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

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