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School Refusal Behavior of Primary First Class Pupils in Baghdad
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Objectives: The study aims to assess the school refusal behavior of first class pupils at primary schools and identifying the relationship between the school refusal behavior and some of socio-demographic characteristics for the pupils.

Methodology:  A descriptive-analytic study was initiated from November 1st, 2012 to April 1st, 2013. A random sample of 411 students is selected from a probability stratified sample of 17 primary schools for both sexes in 4 sectors in Baghdad Al-Rasafa and Al-Karkh districts which are selected randomly from first class of primary school. A Self administrative questionnaire (Parents' Version) which constructed by the researcher includes two parts: the socio- demographic variables of the pupils and school refusal behavior scale items. Content validity was determined through the use of panel experts. The internal consistency of the instrument was determined through the computation of Alpha Correlation Coefficient which is statistically acceptable (r = 0.77). Data are analyzed through the application of descriptive and inferential statistical approaches by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16.0.

Results: The finding of the study revealed that Most of the pupils are firstborn male live in nuclear family with 1-3 children in the family resident in crowded city; they do not attend preschool or kindergarten. The school refusal behavior has been shown to be low level among pupils. There is positive relationship between gender and child's order and there is moderate relationship among other variables. There is positive relationship between school refusal behavior, family type, and residency place while there is negative relationship between school refusal behavior and numbers of children. The findings reveal also negative relationship between residency place and family type.

Recommendations: The study recommended to conduct research with different variables on a large sample to be national survey for assessing school refusal behavior and exploring school refusal behavior associated with psychiatric problems such as bipolar disorder, depressive disorder and separation anxiety disorder.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التربية التربية في المنظور الإسلامي
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 The Islamic religion approach Rabbani urges and seeks to bring happiness to people, as Allah says: ((We sent thee not all people glad tidings and a warner, but most people do not know))

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
مكتبة القانون المقارن - جامعة بغداد
تنازع الاختصاصات في الاجراءات الجزائية
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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2006
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
النظام السياسي في تركيا وايران
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النظام السياسي في تركيا وايران 

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 19 2017
Journal Name
Effectively receive interactive theatre
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This research to study the effectiveness of the reception in the interactive theatre revealed the impact of this receipt in the educational process, and has focused on regarding the role of interactive theatre in education, the role of the interactive receiver, and how this type of theater that have an impact on the process of learning and education aimed at the receiver positive actor, this research was to examine this in detail through theatrical prepared for this purpose with a group of students (fine arts Institute for girls/morning), and marking research under Address (effectively receive interactive theatre) as taken from the theme Finder receive education through theatre material for consideration, as follows:

  1. 1. Ch

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Interactive Communication and its Reflection on Social Capital
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The Internet makes the world like a small village. It has the ability to make groups of the same ideas, thoughts, and identity close to each other by gathering them in one place. It is a way to communicate and share information and opinion; shaping and sharing of comprising individuals with common interests and the participation of individuals in a fruitful dialogue results in achieving a set of goals promote ideas and mobilizing people about issues and events of common interests.

To address the relationship of the internet via interactive communication and its ability to achieve social capital and discuss issues and various social events, the study sees that the problem of the study could be formulated as follows:


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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
حوالات الخزينة واستخداماتها في العراق
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The Iraqi Government had used all Possible methods of financing the fiscal deficit according to the economic and Political Circumstances at the time. It had borrowed from abroad during the 1980s. Those methods of borrowing led to negative impacts on the Iraqi economy such as increased external dept burden, higher inflation rate, negative interest rate and accumulation of domestic debt.

The "Financial Management and Public Debt" law no 95/ 2004 made a great change in those methods of Financing fiscal deficit in Iraq. Before 2004, the deficit was financed by issuing Treasury Bills and selling them to the Central Bank of Iraq with a prefixed interest rate. Thus, i

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Epische Bearbeitungen im ägyptischen Theater
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Der ägyptische christliche Schriftsteller und Dramaturg Alfred
Faradj wurde 1929 in El-Zaqazek/ Alexandria geboren. An der
philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Alexandria erhielt er 1949 den
B.A. Grad. Von 1949 bis 1950 arbeitete er als Lehrer und als
Theaterkritiker bei verschiedenen Zeitungen wie Akhir Sa’a, Ros El-
Yousef, El- Ghad und El-Djiel. 1952 erhielt er den Sultan-ElAwies-Preis
für Literatur. Die goldene Medaille für Künste und Literaturschaffen
bekam Faradj 1956 für seinen ersten Einakter Saut Missr’/ Die Stimme
Ägyptens. Dieses Stück wurde im Dezember 1956 am Nationaltheater in
Kairo aufgeführt und von Hamdy Ghaith inszeniert.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
مؤخّر الصداق في الفقه الإسلامي
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The science of jurisprudence of the most honorable science, and engaged in the great reward with God Almighty; Today, they strive to highlight this tremendous wealth by searching for it, studying it, realizing it and presenting it to mankind for the purpose of benefiting from it.
   It is a blessing to me that guided me to write in jurisprudence on the subject: (Delayed dowry in Islamic jurisprudence) Islamic law has preserved the rights of the wife to her husband, which is a financial and moral right. It is one of the provisions of the marriage contract and not a health condition and therefore marriage is held without mentioning in the contract.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 29 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
السخرية والتندر في الشعر الأندلسي
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After this trip in the poetry of irony fields, which  restricted to the second Abbasid poetry .it is necessary to mention the most notable results that the research reached

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
مجلة الاداب، جامعة بغداد
مفارقة ُ الذائعِ في التقديم والتأخير
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مارسَ التراث بغير قصد دوراً تحكّمياً في العلل البلاغية ، إذ أمكث في كل موضوع علّة ً في عليائها بـها يقارع وبفضلها يداول ، ممـا كفل ديمومتها وتوجّـه الخاطر إليها، ومـن تلك العلل ( العناية بالمتقدّم لأنـــه الأهمّ ) الماثلة في موضوع( التقديم والتأخير) ، فقد تركت هذه العلّة لقوّة ركائزها بصمتها بنجاح لتكون مدخلاً إلى علل أخرى في إطار مفاهيمي مستوفٍ حقائق موضوعية وهواتف نفسية يغذيها الواقع، ولكن بمتابعة نصـوص قرآ

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