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تحليل محتوى كتاب الرياضيات للصف الاول المتوسط على وفق مكونات المعرفة
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هدفت الدراسة الى تحليل محتوى كتاب الرياضيات للصف الاول متوسط على وفق مكونات المعرفة الرياضية (المفاهيم الرياضية , التعميمات الرياضية, المهارات الرياضية والمسائل الرياضية )

وتفرعت منه الاسئلة الاتية :

مانسبة المفاهيم الرياضية المتضمنة في كل فصل من فصول كتاب الرياضيات للصف الاول متوسط  وللكتاب ككل ؟

مانسبة المهارات الرياضية المتضمنة في كل فصل من فصول كتاب الرياضيات للصف الاول متوسط  وللكتاب ككل ؟

مانسبة التعميمات الرياضية المتضمنة في كل فصل من فصول كتاب الرياضيات للصف الاول متوسط  وللكتاب ككل ؟

مانسبة التمارين والمسائل الرياضية المتضمنة في كل فصل من فصول كتاب الرياضيات للصف الاول متوسط  وللكتاب ككل ؟

واستخدمت الباحثة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي لملائمته لطبيعة هدف البحث .

اعتمدت الباحثة النسب المئوية والتكرارات لتحديد مكونات المعرفة الرياضية المتضمنة في محتوى كتاب الرياضيات للصف الاول المتوسط واستخدمت معادلة ( Holiste) لحساب الثبات التحليل بين الباحثة ونفسها عبر الزمن وبينها وبين باحث اخر .

وقد توصلت الدراسة الى النتائج الاتية : نسب المفاهيم الرياضية (13,53%) وبتكرار (70) مفهوم من مجموع مكونات المعرفة الرياضية للكتاب ككل. نسب المهارات الرياضية (21,09%) وبتكرار (109) مهارة من مجموع مكونات المعرفة الرياضية للكتاب ككل . نسب التعميمات الرياضية (7,15%) وبتكرار (37) تعميم من مجموع مكونات المعرفة الرياضية للكتاب كله . نسب التمارين والمسائل الرياضية (58,23%) وبتكرار (301) تمرين ومسألة رياضية من مجموع مكونات المعرفة الرياضية للكتاب ككل .

وفي ضوء نتائج الدراسة اوصت الباحثة تطوير كتب الرياضيات للمرحلة المتوسطة بحيث يحقق محتواها الاهتمام بتدرج البناء الرياضي واهمها المفاهيم الرياضية التي هي اللبنات الاساسية لهذا البناء .

واقترحت الباحثة دراسة مدى التعرف على مطابقة مكونات المعرفة الرياضية في كتب الرياضيات للمرحلة المتوسطة على وفق معايير المجلس القومي لمعلمي الرياضيات  ( NCTM)


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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
بعض الملاحظــات المنهجيـة على موارد كتاب الشوكاني(البدر الطالع)
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يأخذ هذا النوع من الدراسات اهميته في مجال الكتابة التاريخية لما لها من اهمية في بناء التراث الفكري الحضاري للامة العربية الاسلامية.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Tacit knowledge of auditors and their reflection on the effectiveness of the performance to some inspectors general offices
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This research aims to find out the extent the reflection of tacit knowledge dimensions (experience, skill, intuition, the ability to think) on Organizational performance of the offices of inspectors general dimensions (internal processes, growth and learning the focus, the focus on the customer) and the measurement and analysis of the type of impact the tacit knowledge of auditors on performance Organizational in inspectors general offices, the research seeks to diagnose the extent of awareness of Office Management knowledge implicit and the attention span of the administration in determining levels and performance levels, and the resolution means the main information-gathering adopted by the researcher, which, as well as his exp

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Infrastructure components Reading in selected texts from the letters of the Brothers of Purity
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The letters of the Al-Safa Brothers contain many tales, in which each story is a literary text that is independent from the other texts, but it constitutes a unified entity in its entirety, because these stories contain recurring structural elements that go into building each one of them. The stories - the subject of the analysis - were not keen on something that was keen on adhering to the Sufi vision and its apparent effect on the tales of the messages, starting with the announcement of the narration to the narrator and his attempt to persuade the recipient of the truth of what is being told and its realism, and made him believe it. The stories correspond to the formal construction of the ideal style defined by th

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of internal control system over according misleading accounting information
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The economic and financial crises in the world economy series led to increased awareness of the importance of the internal control system, because it is one of the main pillars of any economic unit, as it works to verify the application of policies, regulations and laws and verification of asset protection from theft and embezzlement procedures, it is also working on trust accounting information imparted through the validation of accounting information, analyze and detect the misleading.

The existence the internal control system a factor in many of the accounting practices that limit the ability of the administration to produce misleading financial reporting


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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Reading the visual discourse according to the design structures of the internal environments
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The current research dealt with contrastive structures and the culture of reception in the design of interior spaces as embodying a rhetorical aspect that reveals formal values related to the meanings of beauty through the mechanisms of symbolism and interpretation that drives mental behavior and is in harmony with intellectual data and its performance function.
Hence, the research in the first chapter dealt with the research problem, the need for it, and the extent of the necessity that calls for studying contrastive structures in interior design and architecture, and touching and searching for what is the paradox and its representations for the recipient, in which the interior designer plays an active role in presenting the best cre

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
التلكؤ االكاديمي لطلبة الاول متوسط (مدارس المتميزين )
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الملخص: لتحقيق أهداف البحث قامت الباحثة اعداد مقياس التلكؤ الاكاديمي اعتمادا على نظرية (باندورا) وتكون المقياس بصورته النهائية من (21) فقرة ، وطبق المقياس على عينة البحث البالغة (100) طالب وطالبة تم اختيارهم بالطريقة العشوائية البسيطة من مجتمع البحث ،وبعد جمع البيانات تم معالجتها باستعمال الوسائل الإحصائية المناسبة، توصل البحث الى النتائج الأتية : الى ان الطلبة ليس لديهم تلكؤ اكاديمي و اعلى من المتوسط، لا توج

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 28 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
The Effect of Cooking Utensils in the Food Content of Elements.: The Effect of Cooking Utensils in the Food Content of Elements.
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the study aimed to identify the impact of the types of cooking utensils in transition metal elements to food and the effect of acid and storage in the concentration of these elements. used five types of cooking utensils including aluminum. tefal, astainls steel, glass. (pyrex), and ceramic prepared in it the food meal. the same meals were repeated add to them acid. the estimate of mineral elements in the meal prepared before storage and after storage in refrigerator temperature degree. the result shows the increase of aluminum concentration in the meals that prepared in aluminum pot reaching 2.913 pmm while reached less concentration in the meal prepared in astainls pot reaching 0.325 pmm. the highest concentration of iron reached 25.2 p

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أسباب عزوف الطلبة عن دخول أقسام الرياضيات في الجامعات
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The current study aimed to know the reasons for the reluctance of
students to apply mathematics department in the Iraqi
universities. In order to achieve the objective of the study the
researchers a tool numbers of 4 - axes included 40 - paragraph,
distributed as follows:
- Set the first axis causes that relate to the student, the 14
- The second axis includes clauses concerning teacher and the
number of paragraphs of Article 9, paragraph.
- Axis III contains clauses concerning the nature of mathematics
and a number of paragraphs 11 paragraphs.
- The fourth, which included reasons related to classmates and
close and the number of paragraphs 6, paragraph.
The resolution offered on a group

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 23 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) by Statistical Methods
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            An image retrieval system is a computer system for browsing, looking and recovering pictures from a huge database of advanced pictures. The objective of Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) methods is essentially to extract, from large (image) databases, a specified number of images similar in visual and semantic content to a so-called query image. The researchers were developing a new mechanism to retrieval systems which is mainly based on two procedures. The first procedure relies on extract the statistical feature of both original, traditional image by using the histogram and statistical characteristics (mean, standard deviation). The second procedure relies on the T-

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Scopus (11)
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 25 2018
Journal Name
وقائع مؤتمر
تطبيقات انماط قيادة التعقيد في المؤسسات المستندة على المعرفة (التعليم العالي انموذجاً)
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