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The impact of the model and follows on the collection and Retention of fifth grade students (oiterary) in history
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The first chapter the importance of research and need for education scientists see that the roots of the use of a specimen Wheatley in learning and teaching back to Grayson Wheatley, one of the largest supporters of a modern construction, which lay the groundwork for the specimen stage and the form in which it is. That was attributed to him, often called his name called while some educators based learning strategy on the issue. He sees the learner in this model make him a meaningful understanding of problems during his progress, thereby acting with his colleagues to find solutions to them in small groups. He

        Borders Search: Search by students is determined by the current fifth grade (literary) in high school and junior high in Baghdad governorate / center

        Chapter II of Arab studies and foreignStudies on the model followed in the collection and retention

        Chapter III experimental design: researcher determined experimentally adopted a two experimental and control group

Rewarded researcher b prior knowledge test,

Research tools to prepare for the test after the collection of statistical procedures in terms of difficulty and discrimination

After the completion of the requirements of the experiment, the search experience began on Sunday, 08.10.2014 dish and post test to acquire a historical concepts Wednesday, 12/17/2013, and thus the search experience ended in the retention test article after (21) days from the end of the experiment

        Chapter IV presented in this chapter the researcher's findings on according to objective research and hypotheses rejected FrdahseatThe results showed that there are significant differences between the two groups differences degrees students


- The specimen is followed by a new strategy led to increased attention and looking forward to the students of history, and increased the desire to know the course material and prepare them for her


 - Encourage and train  students on the specimen is followed and get them used


similar study procedures for various stages of the variable sex-

- study reveals the impact of a prototypical followed on critical and creative thinking

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 02 2021
Journal Name
مجلة بحوث الشرق الأوسط
PROPÓSITOS RETÓRICOS DE LA VOZ PASIVA EN EL NOBLE CORÁN Estudio comparativo entre dos versiones españolas الأغراض البلاغية لصيغة المبنى للمجهول فى القرآن الکريم «دراسة مقارنة بين ترجمتين للقرآن الکريم»
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This research deals with the rhetoric purposes of the passive voice in the holy Quran. First, we put an introductory to the concept of the Quran language and its difference of the spoken Arabic language during the revelation period. Besides; we gave a brief about the structure passive voice form of Arabic language. Second, we explained the purposes of passive voice used in the holly Quran with sufficient examples, commentaries and clarifications about all the cases. Rhetoric purposes that we deals with are: concision, emphasize an idea, avoid using the subject because it is known and clear for all or because it is really unknown, etc. This part has contained the most important purposes for the use of passive voice in holy Quran. At the end

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Health Awareness Throush Communication Media
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Means of communication has a great impact on all fields of awareness including health awareness by increasing the knowledge of community about health and developing their abilities to improve human health and cultural awareness. According to the importance of health awareness for a community to develop their intellectual and physical integrity, the researcher has found that it is essential to know the role of means of communication as a source of information for many students being active and main segments to build their society intellectually, socially and economically.

The research has focused on the study of health awareness among students and their health knowledge derived from the means of communicat

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Jun 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Survey In Fisheries Sciences
Spectrum Analyzing X-ray Data Image (FITS) Using Ds9 Program
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n this study, data or X-ray images Fixable Image Transport System (FITS) of objects were analyzed, where energy was collected from the body by several sensors; each sensor receives energy within a specific range, and when energy was collected from all sensors, the image was formed carrying information about that body. The images can be transferred and stored easily. The images were analyzed using the DS9 program to obtain a spectrum for each object,an energy corresponding to the photons collected per second. This study analyzed images for two types of objects (globular and open clusters). The results showed that the five open star clusters contain roughly t

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 09 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Pose Invariant Palm Vein Identification System using Convolutional Neural Network
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Palm vein recognition is a one of the most efficient biometric technologies, each individual can be identified through its veins unique characteristics, palm vein acquisition techniques is either contact based or contactless based, as the individual's hand contact or not the peg of the palm imaging device, the needs a contactless palm vein system in modern applications rise tow problems, the pose variations (rotation, scaling and translation transformations) since the imaging device cannot aligned correctly with the surface of the palm, and a delay of matching process especially for large systems, trying to solve these problems. This paper proposed a pose invariant identification system for contactless palm vein which include three main

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Scopus (23)
Crossref (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
مقارنة مقدرات بيز لدالة المعولية لتوزيع باريتو من النوع الاول باستعمال دوال معلوماتية مضاعفة مختلفة
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The comparison of double informative priors which are assumed for the reliability function of Pareto type I distribution. To estimate the reliability function of Pareto type I distribution by using Bayes estimation, will be  used two different kind of information in the Bayes estimation; two different priors have been selected for the parameter of Pareto  type I distribution . Assuming distribution of three double prior’s chi- gamma squared distribution, gamma - erlang distribution, and erlang- exponential distribution as double priors. The results of the derivaties of these estimators under the squared error loss function with two different double priors. Using the simulation technique, to compare the performance for

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A New Three Step Iterative Method without Second Derivative for Solving Nonlinear Equations
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In this paper , an efficient new procedure is proposed to modify third –order iterative method obtained by Rostom and Fuad [Saeed. R. K. and Khthr. F.W. New third –order iterative method for solving nonlinear equations. J. Appl. Sci .7(2011): 916-921] , using three steps based on Newton equation , finite difference method and linear interpolation. Analysis of convergence is given to show the efficiency and the performance of the new method for solving nonlinear equations. The efficiency of the new method is demonstrated by numerical examples.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Deep Vein Thrombosis Predisposing Factors Analysis Using Association Rules Mining
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Background: DVT is a very common problem with a very serious complications like pulmonary embolism (PE) which carries a high mortality,and many other chronic and annoying complications ( like chronic DVT, post-phlebitic syndrome, and chronic venous insufficiency) ,and it has many risk factors that affect its course, severity ,and response to treatment. Objectives: Most of those risk factors are modifiable, and a better understanding of the relationships between them can be beneficial for better assessment for liable pfatients , prevention of disease, and the effectiveness of our treatment modalities. Male to female ratio was nearly equal , so we didn’t discuss the gender among other risk factors. Type of the study:A cross- secti

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Wastewater Bio-solids Management for Fertilizer Quality Using Co- composting Process
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Co-composting process can be acquired by combining organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) with sewage sludge (SS) and mature compost (MC) as enhancement and bulking agent to overcome the problems of municipal solid waste and wastewater treatment plants besides the finally produced fertilizer usage for agriculture and horticulture. The effects of different mixture ratios of (OFMSW), (SS) and (MC) on the performance of composting process were investigated in this study. Piles of about 10 kg were prepared by mixing OFMSW, SS and MC in three different ratios (w/w) [OFMSW: SS: MC= 3:1:1, 3:2:1, and 3:3:1]. Results showed that the pile [3:1:1] was most beneficial to composting. The final compost products contained a

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-dhad Book Store And Publishing
Calculus part 1
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This book includes three main chapters: 1. Functions & Their Derivatives. 2. Minimum, Maximum and Inflection points. 3. Partial Derivative. In addition to many examples and exercises for the purpose of acquiring the student's ability to think correctly in solving mathematical questions.

Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-dhad Book Store And Publishing
Calculus part 2
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This book includes four main chapters: 1. Indefinite Integral. 2. Methods of Integration. 3. Definite Integral. 4. Multiple Integral. In addition to many examples and exercises for the purpose of acquiring the student's ability to think correctly in solving mathematical questions.