عرفت النظم القانونية انواعا مختلفة من الشركات اذ تعتبر الشركة الوعاء القانوني الاكثر ملائمة لغرض توظيف اموال المستثمرين في مشاريع ذات اهمية والذي يحقق نفا لاصحاب رؤوس الاموال المستثمرة فضلا عن اثرها البالغ على اقتصاد الدول وقد كان للشركة القابضة نصيب من هذا الاهتمام منذ القدم لدى العديد من الدول ووضعت لها احكاما تفصيلية تتناسب مع الاهمية التي يحظى بها هذا النوع من الشركات كونها تجمع لعدة شركات فرعية تسيطر عليها شركة اخرى لتتولى نتيجة هذا التجمع استغلال رؤوس الاموال بمشاريع مهمة وهذا ما دعى المشرع العراقي الى تنظيم هذا النوع من الشركات بموجب تعديل قانون الشركات العراقي رقم (١٧) لسنة ٢٠١٩ حيث نص على تعريف الشركة القابضة وبيان اوجه السيطرة على الشركات التابعة مكتفيا باحالة ما يعتري التعديل من نصوص الى احكام الشركات المساهمة والمحدودة الى الحد الذي يمكن من خلاله القول ان الشركة القابضة ليست شكلا جديدا من الشركات يمكن اضافته الى الانواع الاخرى
تعد المنافسة من متطلبات الإقتصاد الحر و ركيزة أساسية لتفعيل الإصلاحات الإقتصادية , إذ يقوم الاقتصاد الحر على مبداء حرية التجارة والصناعة وحرية المنافسة , أي التنافس بين مختلف المؤسسات الاقتصادية التي تقدم الخدمات و السلع المتماثلة أو المتشابهة,إذ تعتبر المنافسة التجارية المشروعة من الأساليب المثلى في التنمية و التطوير في المجالات التجارية , فلكل تاجر الحق في ممارسة أعماله التجارية بطريقة مشروعة
... Show MoreQuasi-contract is considered as one of the well-established legal systems of the English Common law of customary origins, which is unwritten and based upon judicial precedents of the English courts. It is worth-bearing in mind that the legal basis of quasi-contract passed into two different stages: in the first stage the English judicature, supported by some juristic opinions regarded it as an implied Contract made by courts to prevent one party from being unjustly enriched at the expense of the other. Whereas in the second stage the English judicature considered it as an independent source of obligation، based upon the law of restitution. and having nothing to do with the law of contract. The Iraqi civil law No. (40) of 1951 regulated
... Show MoreThe economic tortious liability in the English law is based upon economic Torts are considered as a type of the ancient and deep-rooted torts, aiming at breaching the rules of legal and equitable trade competition. and which are included in the customary English law of torts, based upon the judicial precedents decided by English courts. It is worth-bearing in mind that the economic torts are classified into two main types. That is to say, the general economic torts and the misrepresentation economic torts. Whereas the Iraqi legislator left the regulation of the illegal competition to the general rules of the delictual liability in the Iraqi civil law No. (40) of 1951.
This research Sheds highlights the procedural protections that must be enjoyed by the consumer in the face of the product, which is the protection of no less dangerous than the substantive protection of our obligations and duties delivered by the legislature upon the product of consumer interest, what is the benefit of the right if the access road to him complicated, so know The consumer has a right to the face of the product, but leaves the claim, either to ignorance For access to this right either to the difficulty of connecting to him.
That this research modest attempt we tried through which to focus on the way to the consumer behavior of arrived right, as we tried to highlight the weaknesses and the complexity of the procedure to
Ensure authority, contract whereby a person ensure that the implementation of the commitment to the creditor undertakes to fulfill this obligation if he does not do the original debtor and the guarantor of the debt, which he took to ensure his commitment.z
Valmsedk, the second is the guarantor of the debt after the sponsor, the subject of his commitment
Do not focus on ensuring the religion of the debtor, but the focus is on ensuring the commitment of the sponsor.
It is here to be a creditor of three people responsible for one religion they are all of the debtor - the sponsor - authority
This research deals with the legal status of certified by definition Palmsedk statement and conditions that should be co
... Show MoreThe Gift is considered as a legal voluntary non-contractual transaction or disposition to transfer the granted property from the donor to donee gratuitously or without consideration. It is also worth-bearing in mind that the want of the requirement of consideration is the reason that the gift is not classified within the scope of the contract. And it is normally classified into two types: The inter vivos gift and gift causa mortis. It should also be noted that the donatio (or gift) inter vivos is applied to both the personal property or chattels and real property equally. As opposed to the gift causa mortis, which is applied to the personal property or chattels rather than the real property. Whereas both the Iraqi Civil Law N
... Show Moreالحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على محمد سيد المرسلين وعلى آله الطيبين الطاهرين.
أما بعد
فلم يعد حق الملكية في العهد الحالي كما كان العهد عليه في العهود السابقة حقاً مطلقاً، بل أصبح حقا مقيداً بقيود متعددة تزداد يوما بعد يوم، وما شرط المنع التصرف الا صورة من هذه القيود.
وهذا البحث هو محاولة متواضعة لدراسة هذا الشرط في القانون المدني العراقي عقارنا بالقان
... Show MoreThe reliance damages for depending upon the contract are considered as a type of damages arising from the breach of the contract, which are included within the common law remedies for the damage and loss suffered by the non-breaching party. It is worth-bearing in mind that the reliance damages are monetary in nature, and different from such equitable remedies as the specific performance and the injunction which are of real nature. It is to be noted that this piece of research is dedicated to study the concept of the reliance damages in the English law, as well as their states, the judicial doctrines upon which this type of damages is based, and the manner how the courts estimate them. Compared with situation of the Iraqi civil law No. (4
... Show MoreThe occupier’s civil liability in English law is considered as one of the main types of the responsibility imposed by the law of Torts. and is regarded as a special system of the civil liability arising from negligence, as well as two other systems, that is to say , the employer’s non-contractual liability and The liability from defective products. It is worth-bearing in mind that the common law has imposed on the occupier of the premises a duty of safety towards those who enter his premises. And two English legislations have been enacted later to regulate this type of liability legislatively, namely, the Occupier's liability Act 1957 and the Occupier's liability Act 1984. Whereas the Iraqi civil law No. 40 of 1951 has regulate
... Show MoreThe Catering contract is considered as a type of hospitality contracts in the English common law of customary origins. Which is unwritten and based upon judicial precedents of the English courts. It is a complex contract of mixed nature، Is Regarded as a contract for the sale of meals of food and drink،, and is considered as a contract for supply of services concerning the preparation of food and drink، for providing them to the customer، as well as being a bailment contract. It is worth-bearing in mind that this contract is subject to the rules of three important English legislations: The Sale of Goods Act 1979، The Supply of Goods and Services 1982، The Consumer Protection Act 1987، and The Consumer Rights Act 2015. It is also w
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