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المواطنة وعلاقتها بالمسؤولية الاجتماعية لدى طلبة الجامعة
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Represents the individual's sense of responsibility in various forms, important for personal normal traits, whether the responsibility towards the family, or the institution in which it operates, or about colleagues and friends and neighbors and other people who mingle with them, or about society in general, or about humanity as a whole, though the hair everyone in the community of responsibility towards other people who are assigned to care for them and take care of them, and some noticeable work that people anywhere if Have the social responsibility, and stressed in their actions to the general principles of such cooperation, sacrifice and altruism and love and helping others, and if it prevailed in such behaviors, it will be reflected on the nature of society and the degree of stability, but if there was the contrary, this society, will suffer from the sharp deterioration of the divisions in the community structure, and that it was up as well as to what is going through this community of force majeure, both politically and economically and which affects the social offender where and Kdaany Iraqi society from multiple problems, led to the lack of political and social stability, and therefore, the loss of a sense of belonging to the homeland and social integration with the community leads to the direction of the individual to the narrow tribal loyalties, tribal, sectarian and nationalist  ( al-Jubouri, 2009:55 )

Thus, the verification of the above case is a problem that tries to look her studies by identifying the relationship between citizenship and social responsibility among university students

Research Goals aims to identify research:

1- citizenship among university students

2- social responsibility among university students

3- relationship between citizenship and social responsibility among university students

In order to achieve the goals of current research, the researcher building Standart citizenship and social responsibility in accordance with the view adopted in this research has citizenship measure be 30 paragraph Lama social responsibility scale may be a 35-paragraph has been checked reliability and validity of scales and then it has been applied to a sample search (400) students have reached the current search:

1-The research sample have a sense of belonging and ensuring the country succumbed to the circumstances faced by the country.

2- that Aebenh current research have high sense of social responsibility.

3-azart results that there is a link between citizenship and social responsibility as it can be explained by a sense of belonging, which is a key indication for citizenship as well as the sense of duty towards society

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
The Aestheticof Balance And Its Relationship To The Design of The Industrial Product Shape
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The study tagged: (The aesthetics of balance and its relationship to the design of the body of the industrial product) discussed the role of balance in the design of industrial products of different shapes, colors and sizes, as well as their function. Based on the research problem that was determined by the following question: What is the relationship between balance and the design of the body of the industrial product? The aim of the research is to: reveal the statement of the effectiveness of the balance in the design of the industrial product body.
The study was defined in four chapters: in the first chapter, a problem, the importance, and the aim of the research were presented. The second chapter contained the theoretical framewor

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Infants’ Obesity and Overweight in Relation to Type of Feeding
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Abstract Objective (s): To identify the prevalence of obesity and overweight in infants and children less than 2 years of age and its relationship with type of feeding in a sample of children attending Al- Kadhymia primary health care center. Methodology: This study was a descriptive survey carried out in, the primary health care centre of Al-Kadhymia town in Baghdad during the period from 5th of July 2009-1st of May 2010. Sample was chosen by non probability convenience sampling and it included 744 infant and children. Data were gathered by a combination of a structured questionnaire and measurements o

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Obesity in kindergarten children and its relation with some variables Family
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Obesity is a common disease that resulted from over-nutrition in adults and children. It rarely causes damage to the centers of food in the brain. Obesity is defined as an increased body weight from its natural limit which is resulted from the accumulation of excessive amounts of fatty tissue incredibly up to 20% in males, 30 % in females unless this increase is not due to an increase in muscles as in athletes or accumulation of water in the body which is resulted from Mesothelioma or the magnitude of the skeleton.Obesity is the increase of the total average of fat in the body compared to other tissues, which causes an increasing body weight, thereby increasing body mass. The fatty child has an increase in the stored fatty layer under th

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The status of the state and its relationship to the concept of force in international relations
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The concept of power despite its implications unclear and unknown was one of the most standards in international relations ambiguity and lack of clarity, however was more standards important and influential in the conduct of international relations, and since that time until today since that ambiguity in the meaning of power and use it as a factor of international relations factors and drive the engines were very different and irony from case to case and from researcher to another, but it may be classified force as the international status enjoyed by the state in the international ocean and here is a structure formed of forces posed by the state, such as economic and political nature of the political system and military power and concept

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 04 2004
Journal Name
البنية الشكلية لتصاميم الحقائب الجلدية وعلاقتها بجذب المستهلك
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البنية الشكلية لتصاميم الحقائب الجلدية وعلاقتها بجذب المستهلك

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الضغــــوط المهنية وعلاقتها بالتوافق المهني لــدى أســــاتذة الجـــــامعـــة
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تكمن المشكلة  في ان معظم العاملين في عصرنا الحالي يواجهون انواعا متعددة من الضغوط اثناء العمل، ولهذا يعد اتجاه العامل نحو دوره في العمل عنصر مهم في زيادة الاداء الوظيفي وتحقيق التوافق النفسي السوي للعامل داخل عمله.

ان هناك ضغوط في بيئة العمل قد تسبب الشعور بالتوتر وتكمن خطورة الضغوط في الاصابة بالاحتراق النفسي والتي تتمثل في حالات التشاؤم واللامبالاة وعدم دقة الاداء وسوء التوافق العام

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
المجلة السياسية والدولية
الديمقراطية في الفكر الاسلامي المعاصر وعلاقتها بنظرية الشورى
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الديمقراطية في الفكر الاسلامي المعاصر وعلاقتها بنظرية الشورى

Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Developing the Social Studies Curriculum at the Primary Stage in View of the Standards of the Next Generation
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The aim of the current research is to develop the social studies curriculum at the primary stage in light of the standards of the next generation, which was represented in three main dimensions (pivotal ideas, scientific practices, and comprehensive concepts). The researcher designed a tool for the study, which is a content analysis card in the light of (NGSS) standards, based on the previous main dimensions. The descriptive analytical approach was adopted in analyzing the social studies curriculum for the primary stage to determine the degree to which the standards of the next generation are available, as well as to establish the theoretical framework related to the research variables. To develop the social studies curriculum in light o

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Using Waks Strategy Upon Acquisition The Psychological Concepts And Mind Habits for Students of College of Education
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  The aim of research is to identify the effect of using Waks strategy upon acquiring the psychological concepts and mind habits for students in the college of education. An experimental design with a partial adjustment of two experimental and control groups as well as a posttest were employed. The researcher divided the study sample into two groups: group one consisted of (38) students to represent the experimental group that was taught according to the waks strategy, and group two consisted of (35) students to represent the control group that was taught according to the traditional method. The sample was chosen based on some variables namely (Intelligence, Prior knowledge). The researcher has designed the research tools as th

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of the probing questions in the collection of literature for students of the Kurdish language department in the College of Education / Ibn Rushd for the Humanities
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    The goal of this research to identify the effect of the probing questions in the collection of material literature with students of the Kurdish language department, to achieve the aim of the research, the researcher has chosen a sample from the students of third stage of the Kurdish language Department, Faculty of Education / Ibn Rushd as a field for the application of experiment.The number of sample  reached (71) students divided into two groups represented two divisions of the experimental groups under study to the style of questions sounding by (35) students, and represented the other division of the control group, which studied in the way normal and by (36) students, as rewarded r

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