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موقف القيادات الجامعية في الأردن من إلغاء وزارة التعليم العالي مدخلا لتنمية المجتمع
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  • The study aimed to identify the position of the university leaders from the proposed abolition of the Ministry of Higher Education in Jordan as un approach for the development of society, the study relied descriptive method survey with the assistance consists of (33) items, and check validity and reliability of the instrument, and was applied to a sample of university leaders, (57) a leading university presidents and their assistants and deans and their assistants, and after processing the data bagful statistical( spss) overall results showed the to arithmetic average of (2.74) and the degree of medium and this means that most respondents moderately support the abolition of the ministry, the most prominent item that makes pay sample approval is a policy of discrimination adopted by the ministry in dealings between public universities and private universities, the study provided Vophsi eventually a number of recommendations and proposals.


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Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Technology of Education and the Technical Reality of Education in Sudan: Analytical Samples: أسماء محمد الأمين محمد البشير
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This study aims to examine the technologies of education and their importance, shedding light on their reality and  status in Sudan especially in the secondary stage. It has become necessary to invest these technologies and include them in different aspects of the technical education curricula. Such a step helps cope with the innovative scientific development in the advanced countries, qualify professors and technicians, develop the factories and workshops, and create an attractive technical educational environment to the pupils. Thus, the researcher has adopted a descriptive analytical approach that is based on conducting pilot visits to certain technical schools in Al-Khartoum state. Different aspects of such schools were examined

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
knowledge strategic abilities And impact in the building of competitive advantage Field research the views of a sample of the administrative leaders of the Iraqi private banks
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The research synthesis variables of competitive advantage and the mechanism achieved by focusing on knowledge abilities and strategic of the administrative leadership, and governments and the developed countries took the racing frantically and my destiny to invest more money and resources to development of wealth and human knowledge is so choice investment winner always and who Aaikhyee never, because God Almighty give humans the abilities of all other creatures and that these abilities varying from person to person, there is the problem of search provoking questions about the essence of what it's about research and both sides theoretical and field, the objective of this research

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 02 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
التكيف للحياة الجامعية وعلاقته بالصف الدراسي لدى طالبات الاقسام الداخلية في الجامعة المستنصرية
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يواجه الكثير من الافراد مشكلات في التكيف، خاصة الطلبة الذين ينتقلون من المرحلة الدراسية الثانوية الى المرحلة الجامعية، حيث يرافق هذه البيئة الثقافية الاجتماعية العديد من الضغوط والمواقف التي تحتم على الطالب الوصول الى تكيف مثالي.

ان التعليم الجامعي يوفر مجالات عديدة للتخصص تعمل على تحقيق طموحات الشباب التي تناسب قدراتهم وميولهم واهتماماتهم، وهو بذلك يمثل نوعية من التعليم تختلف عن النم

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Role of Strategic Leadership in Achieving University Governance Requirements: A Survey of a Sample of Teaching Staff at College of Administration and Economics/University of Mosul
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Aim of the Study: The paper aims at identifying the extent of the role of strategic leadership represented by its four dimensions (administrative, transformational, political, moral) in fulfilling the requirements of university governance (Context, message and Goal, Management orientation, Independence, Issue, Sharing)

Methodology: A survey is applied to (107) members of the teaching staff at the college of Administration and Economics/ University of Mosul.  To achieve the goals of the study, the researcher makes use of a number of tools such as:  questionnaire, statistical tools and methods (repetitions, perce

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
قياس الاتجاه نحو البحث العلمي وأسباب قلة ارتياد المكتبات الجامعية
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يعد موضوع الاتجاهات ((Attitudes)) من الموضوعات الهامة في مجال علم النفس الاجتماعي، فالاتجاه هو المحرك للسلوك، ويرى البورت أن مفهوم الاتجاه يمثل حجر الزاوية في علم النفس الاجتماعي وتحتل دراسة الاتجاهات مكاناً بارزاً في دراسات الشخصية وديناميات الجماعة وتوجيه الرأي العام، وان العلاج النفسي ما هو إلا محاولة لتغيير اتجاهات الفرد نحو ذاته ونحو الآخرين ونحو عالمه الذي يعيش فيه.


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Publication Date
Fri Jun 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
التنظيم الدستوري والقانوني للحق في التعليم
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The right of education is regarded renewable human rights, which is almost the different constitutions and laws organized the matter relate to it, the reason of special arrangement is the right measure of urbanization and the progress of society and any state.

In this sense, our research was to shed light on the constitutional and legal regulation of the right to education in Iraq compared with the other countries of the Arab republic of Egypt in order to put controls govern this right and how to enjoy it.



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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Degree of Academic Leaders Practice at the University of Northern Border for Creative Leadership "Empirical Study"
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The study aimed to identify the degree of academic leaders practices at the University of Northern Border for creative leadership, which attribute to different variables (nature of work, employer, gender, years of experience in administrative work at the university). To achieve the goal of the study, the researcher used the descriptive approach survey. Therefore, the researcher used a questionnaire as a study tool, which consisted of (40) items that included dimensions (sensitivity to problems, initiative, originality, flexibility). The study sample consisted of (240) participants included (agents of colleges, and supporting deanships, and their employees) during the second semester of the academic year 1439/1440 AH. The results showed t

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Building a Training Program on Developing Executive Functions for Kindergarten Children
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The research aims to build a training program to develop some executive functions for kindergarten children. To achieve this goal, the two researchers built the program according to the following steps:
1. Determining the general objective of the program.
2. Determining the behavioral objectives of the program.
3. Determining the included content in the program.
4. Implementing the content of the activities of the program.
5. Evaluating the Program.
The program included (12) training activities, the training activities included several items: the title of the activity, the time of implementation of the activity, the general objective of the activity, the procedural behavioral objective, the means and tools u

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Extent of Organizational Dynamic Capabilities' Contribution to Human Talent Management: An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Administrative Leaders in the Presidency of the University of Mosul.
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Actual and effective organizational dynamic capabilities in the work environment contribute to a number of factors that contribute to the organization's ability to manage its human talents. Thus, the study sought to identify the level of contribution of organizational dynamic capabilities to human talent management based on their dimensions in the investigated organization by determining the level of relationship and impact between these variables. The presidency of Mosul University was chosen as a field for the current study, and data were collected by adopting the questionnaire form as the main tool for the study. The study used a deliberate sample of (42)  administrative leaders in the investigated organization and adopte

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Decision Making Styles And their effect on Performance Excellence the university" An exploratory search for a sample of the administrative leaderships in the Mustansiriya University"
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   Addressed this research the impact of intelligence emotional dimensions of the main(self awareness, and self-management, and social awareness, and relationship management) in the performance excellence the university(performance optimization, and strategic development) this is by middling the styles decision making which are (rational and intuitive, and dependent, and spontaneous, and avoidant), and Go search of an intellectual dilemma raise fundamental questions revolve around the search was to answer those questions through a theoretical framework for search variables first and test models of the relationship and second through the impact six hypotheses President.The objective of the research to make sure the contr

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