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أثر إستراتيجية خلايا التعلم في تنمية التفكير الناقد والتفكير التأملي لدى طلاب الصف الخامس الأدبي في مادة الجغرافية
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Find extract This research aims to find out (after learning strategy cells in the development of critical thinking and reflective thinking at the fifth-grade students in the geographic literary material). And follow researcher Almhnj demo for the purpose of achieving the goals of current research and design on an experimental group and a control with a test group after me and adopted chose researcher sample Find a way Mqsidih students of junior high Kadhimiya Boys of the breeding Baghdad / Karkh II and to verify the effectiveness of the search coined researcher hypotheses following cases: - 1. No statistically significant between the mean scores of the experimental group and the students taught her students that strategy differences (learning cells) and the control group that teaches its students in the traditional way in the development of critical thinking in the geographical material. 2. No statistically significant between the mean of the experimental group students by students studying strategy differences (learning cells) and the control group that teaches its students in the traditional way in the development of reflective thinking in the geographical material. The sample of the research (66) students by (34) the experimental group which is studying the geographical material on the strategy of learning cells and (32) students of the control group taught the same material in the traditional manner and have rewarded researcher experimental group and control group students in chronological age variables Students-month period, the level of intelligence, academic achievement for mothers, test critical thinking, reflective thinking test. Select Dr material covered by the search for teaching fifth grade literary students and included the first three of the vocabulary of the prescribed curriculum geographical material for the academic year seasons (2013 - 2014) and in the light of the content coined researcher number of Aslukih objectives according to levels (Bloom) minimum (knowledge, understanding, application) and total (100) behaviorally target and promising researcher plans on teaching-learning strategy in accordance with the cells of the control group and the number of these plans (16) study plan. And to see the effect of learning cells strategy in personnel variables for this study (critical thinking and reflective thinking) Researcher adopted the measure ready for critical thinking and is a measure of (al-Kaabi, 2005) critical thinking component of (99) test paragraph and which covered (5) the capacity of thinking Critic is a reproduction and knowledge of assumptions or postulates, deduction, interpretation, calendar pilgrims, as a promising researcher himself a measure of reflective thinking fits with the nature of the course material, students and be the scale of (30) items distributed among the five skills of reflective thinking and are (meditation and observation , disclosure of events, access to conclusions, to give convincing explanations, put the proposed solutions and check out the virtual charity and applied to exploratory sample of (50) Tbalba and ensure the effectiveness of the false alternatives and ratified the selection and steadfastness and at the end of the experiment researcher tests applied to Standart critical thinking and reflective thinking on the experimental group and the control and the use of appropriate statistical methods researcher students to address the findings of the current research, which yielded the following results: - 1. The existence of differences statistically significant at the level (0.05) between the experimental group taught according to students learning strategy cells and the control group, which is considering the geographical material itself in the traditional way of thinking and critic for the experimental group and thus rejects the hypothesis Asfrah first. 2. there is a statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the experimental group which is studying the geographical material in accordance with the learning strategy cells and the control group students taught the same material in the traditional way of thinking and contemplative for the experimental group and thus rejects the hypothesis Asfrah first. And the researcher to a number of conclusions in the light of the results of the search, including: - 1. develop the skills of critical thinking skills and reflective thinking to the fifth grade in literary geographical material students through the use of strategy (learning cells). 2. Students feeling in the bilateral groups in the strategy of learning cells that they perform their duties classroom bilaterally and collectively cooperative and their sense of being responsible for their duties in bilateral their groups towards achieving the goals lead to learning an active and effective over the way Altqldeh, which led to the development of critical thinking skills and reflective thinking for students Group Altgeraah skills. 3. The use of Zdhu practice (learning cells) as an activity of intellectual activity leads to increased student information in geographical material and giving them Mtaadh skills such as the ability to reflect and think and disposal and the analysis and planning of the activities of their cooperation and teamwork and respect for the views of others . And researcher recommended in light of the results, including the following: - 1. cells use learning strategy in teaching geographical material for the preparatory phase for the purpose of further development of skills Altvkiran critic and contemplative. 2. Working on the teaching of teachers in-service by the Ministry of Education on how to use the cells to learn strategy and economy baptized on teaching methods that rely conservation and indoctrination. And researcher suggested in light of the results as follows: - 1. conduct a similar study on the other stages of the study and both sexes to see the effect of using the cells learning strategy in the development of critical thinking skills and reflective thinking skills of students in the geographical material. 2. further studies to determine the impact of the use of learning strategy cells in variables other than critical thinking and contemplative Mthelalatjahat about geographical material and retention of information and motivation to learn.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Investigating Adverbs' in Vatan yahut Silistre by Namik Kemal: Namık Kemal'ın ''Vatan Yahut Silistre'' Başlıklı Tiyatrosu'nda Geçen Zarfların İncelenmesi
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       It is a common Knowledge that adverbs in Turkish languages can modify verbs, adjectives, nouns or other adverbs. Moreover, adverbs can determine the meanings of nouns and verbs in a sentence as far as time, place, manner, quantity and interrogative are concerned. The present study debates adverbs’ functions in Namiq Kamal’s play Vatan yahut Silistre.

 The study sheds light on the author’s use of the adverbs to describe the required theatrical actions of the play  and to convey his reflections and thoughts easily to the auidence. One of the main hindrances encountered in conducting the study is the shortage of the  upto date academic resources necessary for

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Inform the people of the Enlightenment including what was said in detail In photography For Mohammed Hashim bin Ahmed footy famous Balva Hashim (Tel: 1349 e)
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Inform the people of the Enlightenment including what was said in detail
In photography
For Mohammed Hashim bin Ahmed footy famous Balva Hashim (Tel: 1349 e)

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
المجلة العلمية للبحوث التجارية في كلية التجارة جامعة جنوب الوادي في جمهورية مصر العربية
استعمال نظام محاسبة العميل كأحد اساليب المحاسبة الادارية الحديثة لتحقيق الميزة التنافسية بحث تطبيقي في عينة من المصارف العراقية
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Publication Date
Fri May 15 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Preservation of heritage markets within an integrated framework to preserve the urban heritage in the historical centers of cities (selected models and experiments)
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This research discusses the rehabilitation of heritage markets in the historical centers of Islamic Arab cities and their use in the field of cultural tourism as one of the most important tourist attractions and the subsequent revival of the national economy in addition to preserving the urban heritage as these markets part of the historical centers of cities. The research also discusses the preservation of the continuity of heritage markets as a product of cultural heritage value within an integrated framework to preserve the urban heritage in the historic centers of cities. The study then reviews a number of experiences of Arab and Islamic countries in the field of preserving and rehabilitating heritage markets, which qualify them to b

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Electrodepositing of Multi-Layer Ni-Ag Coated by Copper Nanoparticles for Solar Absorber
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In this work, the effect of the addition of bright nickel plating and silver carried out by the electroplating method has been studied, on the coating of copper nanoparticles on the copper base metal via the process of thermal evaporation. The improvement of the solar absorber using CuNP in combination with the bright nickel and silver was obtained to be better than copper nanoparticles individually. A bright nickel enhanced the absorbed thermal stability. Also, other optical properties, absorptions, and emissivity slightly decreased from (93% to 87%), while the existence of silver had a slight impact on absorption of about (86.50%). On the other hand, thermal conductivity was evaluated using hot disk analyzer. The results showed a good

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist (IL-1RN) Gene Variable Number Tandem Repeats (VNTR) Polymorphism Association in men Infertility in Erbil City /Kurdistan Iraq
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The interleukin-1 family has multifaceted roles in men٫s reproductive syste. Out  of these is interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RN) which exists in men gonads, and in case of infection and inflammatory process, its activity is increased.  The current study aims to verify a possible linkage of Variable Number Tandem Repeat (VNTR) polymorphism of the IL-1RN gene with human men infertility. The study groups enrolled included 100 infertile men and 100 fertile and healthy men. Their seminal fluids were subjected to analysis. Also peripheral blood samples were collected for the assessment or detection of polymorphic Variable Number  Tandem Repeats (VNTR) polymorphism of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene (IL-1RN). Two a

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Determining the sources of growth of the cement industry in Iraq (analytical study for the period 1990-2014)
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The objective of this study is to determine the sources of growth of the cement industry in Iraq for the period 1990-2014 and to indicate the nature of the technological progress used in it. To achieve this objective we have built an econometric model, by adapting the production function constant elasticity for substitution, using multiple regression, and enforcement, SPSS program, and using the ordinary least squares method (OLS). The results showed that quantitative factors (labour and capital) are the main sources of growth the cement industry in Iraq, and the qualitative factors (technological progress) did not contribute effectively to achieve this growth. And that the production techniques adopted in the cement industry in

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Investigation on the Emission Characteristics of a Dual – Fuel Micro Gas Turbine by Injecting Ethanol into Compressor Inlet Air
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Pollutants generation is strongly dependant on the firing temperature and reaction rates of the gaseous reactants in the gas turbine combustion chamber. An experimental study is conducted on a two-shaft T200D micro-gas turbine engine in order to evaluate the impact of injecting ethanol directly into the compressor inlet air on the exhaust emissions. The study is carried out in constant speed and constant load engine tests. Generally, the results showed that when ethanol was added in a concentration of 20% by volume of fuel flow; NOx emission was reduced by the half, while CO and UHC emissions were almost doubled with respect to their levels when burning conventional LPG fuel alone.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Semantics of the Russian Verbs of Destruction in Contemporary Linguistics: Семантический Анализ Глаголов Деструкции Русского Языка В Современной Лингвистике
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The article states that the Russian verbs of destruction belong to the lexical-semantic group of physical impact. They include verbs with the meaning of “damage” and “destroy”. It is emphasized that each of these groups is relatively independent; the cut line between them is fuzzy and arbitrary. It is postulated that when the object is completely destroyed, then the verb has the meaning of “destruction”,  and when the object is partially destroyed, then the  verb has the meaning of “damage”. It is this feature that individualizes the meaning of verbs. The study distinguishes between the groups and the nature of the object as- animate / inanimate. The object of the action of the “destruction” can only be inan

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Deposit insurance system and its role in financial security for the period (2010-2018) Study the experiences of Selected countries with reference to Iraq
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Founding a System to secure deposits and protecting the depositors is considered one of the important and exchanged subjects out there in the banking system/field in Iraq at the current time, and the reason behind the exchange and spread of this subject is due to the financial crisis of which the banking sector is suffering from and the stumbling of many banks, those factors have had led to the insecurity of the depositors and their mistrust towards banks, thus, it is necessary to create a system to secure deposits in which depositors would be compensated for the losses caused by the banks' failures. in addition, it could be a countermeasure system which maintains the banking stability, protects the rights of depositors and gains

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