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Factors associated with the phenomenon of marriage outside the court And the consequences of it A field study in Sadr City
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Marriage outside the court is a manifestation of the oppression that women are subjected to in Iraq its seriousness comes out of the consequences that it leads to The. It overlooks the age of the girl and her marriage in younger age or coerced to marry as it leads to neglecting the affordability of marital relationship as long as the marriage does not have any legal or material consequences. The present study aims to detect Characteristics of both wives, husbands and families Who agree to marry her daughters outside the court. And the reasons that lead them to marry outside the courts. It also aims to provide information on the circumstances of marriage and reasons for refusing to ratify it in court. The study was based on the sample social survey. And study sample included 300 women married outside the court. Who have been directed to the non - governmental organizations support centers in Sadr City for help. The main tool for this research is the questionnaire. The main findings of the study 1. Marriage outside the court is related to the marriage of children and more from 58% of the the sample Have been married before Their attainment Legal age status For marriage, 2 - Approximately half of the marriages which are concluded outside the court (48%) Do not continue and end in Divorce, separation, abandonment or the death of a spouse, 3- Low educational level is the dominant feature for wives and for couples and fathers and mothers of married women outside the court. 4. The decision to marry the girl taken by father often , and nearly 32% of women who were married outside the court had not taken their views or consent waver on marriage, And that a quarter of marriages concluded outside the court are forced marriages were coerced. 5. The 13% of marriages entered into outside the court marriages are not allowed by law and harmful practices associated with women (marriage as blood money or to stay under relative mandate). And 20% of married women outside the court are second or a third wives. 6 - Lack of interest in the civil contract by parents was the first reason behind the marriage outside the court. Followed by the complex procedure for marriage within the court. The promise to ratify the marriage came later in the third order. As for the young woman's age came fourth in order . 7- Marriages were attributed to non - certified in court and face the risk of general collapse, dismantling the marital bond 36.3%. The husband 's failure to ratify the marriage of the most important reasons not to ratify these marriages from the point of view of women, followed by the arrangement in terms of lack of interest in the ratification of marriage then comes not reaching the wife to the legal age of marriage , which will allow the ratification third place

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 10 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Sport And Health Research
Personal social and self-intelligence and its relationship to the performance of the individual and collective kinetic formation rhythmic gymnastics of school students.
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The study aims to follow modern methods in teaching rhythmic gymnastics skills by directing learners to develop their perceptions and absorb what the world deals with today and develop intelligence among learners, the researchers searched for the strengths of the learner by providing them with an opportunity to form their kinetic formation, hence the problem came by introducing a method of self-intelligence and social to guide the learner in the search for ways and solutions to overcome boredom and economy Time and effort in the educational process in learning and give them the freedom to express their ideas And their skills and here came the role of social and self-intelligence to teach the individual and collective kinetic formati

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Mar 27 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Isolation and Characterization of Iridoid Glycoside (Gardenoside) Present in the Leaves of Gardenia jasminoides J.Ellis Cultivated in Iraq
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Iridoid glycosides are a group of naturally occurring chemical compounds. They are a large family of compounds biosynthesized by plants, they often have pharmacological effects. The aim of this study is to isolate and identified iridoid glycoside in a newly studied, cultivated in Iraq named Gardenis jasminoides. The medicinal importance of iridoid glycoside, on one hand and absence of phytochemical investigation on leaves of Gardenia on the other hand, acquired this study its importance. Many compounds were isolated from leaves plant part one of these compounds was identified by different chemical analysis like: melting point (MP), thin layer chromatography (TLC), Fourier transforms infrared spectra (FTIR) and high performance l

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Administrative Skills and Their Role in Distinguishing the Institutional Performance of Directors of Sports Activity in Iraqi Universities
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The research aims to identify the administrative skills and their role in institutional performance, and used the descriptive approach in a survey style and correlational relations to suit the nature of the problem to be studied.The research community was identified with the directors of sports activity in the Iraqi universities in a deliberate manner, and their number is (134) directors, where two scales (administrative skills and institutional performance) were used and the two scales were distributed to the above-mentioned sample in order to obtain answers that meet the required and representative sample of the community on the day 3/12/2021. The answers to all the statements were completed and after processing the results statistically

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 04 2021
Journal Name
Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils
Using The Aqueous Extract Of Allium Sativum In Improvement Of Some Physiological And Immunological Parameter In Albino Rats
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The current study was designated to investigate the effect ofAllium sativumon some physiological and immunological parameters in rats. thirty adult rats were divided into three groups (10 rat for each). G1: served as healthy control, G2 :rats were treated with 150 mg\kg of Allium sativum, G3: treated with 300 mg\kg of Allium sativum. All treated animals were givenorally for 30 days. The aspartate , ) ALT ( alanine transaminase on some parameters were investigated such as garlic effects of total and differential counts of white blood , ) LDH ( lactate dehydrogenase ), AST ( transaminase cells(WBC) like Lymphocyte, Monocyte, Neutrophil, Basophil, Eosinophil,as

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 22 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Assessment of Some Serum Biomarkers of Fibromyalgia Syndrome in Pre and Postmenopausal Women in Relation to Obesity
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The objective of this study is to evaluate the level of parathyroid hormone, Co enzyme Q and total antioxidant status in serum’s women with fibromyalgia syndrome firstly, then to demonstrate if these biochemical markers affected by age and obesity.

      This study was performed at Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Consultation Unit in Baghdad Teaching Hospital. Venous blood sample were drawn from (59) female with FMS and (30) control (without FMS). The serum was obtained after on standing in order to coagulate then centrifuged. The mean age± SD of FMS group was (42.22±15.34) years and for control was (40.7±18.22) years. Those participants were subdivided into four different groups acc

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Crossref (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Mar 02 2021
Journal Name
Psychology And Education Journal
References for Receiving Explicit and Implicit Knowledge in the Holy Quran
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The research aims to explain the References of receiving the explicit and implicit knowledge mentioned in the Noble Qur'an. The two researchers adopted the documentary and inductive approach to study the topic. Among the conclusions of the research: The Noble Qur'an dealt with many terms and concepts that refer to the References of making explicit knowledge available, including books, which were represented by the divine books (the Qur'an, the Torah, the Zabur and the Gospel) and their concepts (the book, the Qur'an, the guidance, the remembrance, the revelation, the light, the newspapers, the plates). He dealt with many concepts that refer to the References of providing tacit knowledge, which was represented by the communication between tw

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
effect work stress in performance of employees In The general company for vegetable oil industry
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This research theme of the pressures of work , which is one of the important topics in order to recognize the reality of( influencing the pressures of work in the performance of employees in the General Company for Vegetable Oil Industry in Baghdad )through the statement of the existence of the correlation and influence whether or not the statement of the strength of this relationship and its impact in the case of its existence has been provided as part of my Search for variables and their removal in front of the Sub- scientific aspect has been the distribution of the questionnaire on a sample of( 62) people working in the company Mint distributors on several sections where.

Formed resolution of two sets

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Development of Quality Rating Evaluation of Outgoing Product Case Study Applied at the General Company for Vegetable Oils
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Research covers the uses the method of Quality Rating Evaluation to evaluate the
quality of production through which a determination of product quality of its production in
order to determine the amount of sales hence the profits for the company. The most important
function is to satisfy consumer at reasonable prices. Methods were applied to the product
(toothpaste) in the General Company for Vegetable Oil – Almaamoon Factory .
The company's has obtained ISO-certified (ISO 9001-2008). Random samples of
final product intended for sale were collected from the store during months (February, April ,
June , October and December) for the year 2011 to determine the "quality rating " through
the applicat

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 28 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Medicine And Pharmaceutical Sciences (ijmps
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This presented study is to make comparison of cross sections to produce 71As, 72As, 73As and 74As via different reactions with particle incident energy up to 60 MeV of alpha 100 MeV of proton as a part of systematic studies on particle-induced activations on enriched Ge, Ga, Rb and Nb targets and neutron capture. Theoretical calculation of production yield, and suggestion of optimum reaction to produce 71As, 72As, 73As and 74As, based on the main published and approved experimental results of excitation functions were calculated.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study the Effect of Catalyst -to- Oil Ratio Parameter (COR) on Catalytic Cracking of Heavy Vacuum Gas Oil
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This work deals with the production of light fuel cuts of (gasoline, kerosene and gas oil) by catalytic cracking treatment of secondary product mater (heavy vacuum gas oil) which was produced from the vacuum distillation unit in any petroleum refinery. The objective of this research was to study the effect of the catalyst -to- oil ratio parameter on catalytic cracking process of heavy vacuum gas oil feed at constant temperature (450 °C). The first step of this treatment was, catalytic cracking of this material by constructed batch reactor occupied with auxiliary control devices, at selective range of the catalyst –to- oil ratio parameter (  2, 2.5, 3 and 3.5) respectively.  The conversion of heavy vacuum gas

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