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Factors associated with the phenomenon of marriage outside the court And the consequences of it A field study in Sadr City
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Marriage outside the court is a manifestation of the oppression that women are subjected to in Iraq its seriousness comes out of the consequences that it leads to The. It overlooks the age of the girl and her marriage in younger age or coerced to marry as it leads to neglecting the affordability of marital relationship as long as the marriage does not have any legal or material consequences. The present study aims to detect Characteristics of both wives, husbands and families Who agree to marry her daughters outside the court. And the reasons that lead them to marry outside the courts. It also aims to provide information on the circumstances of marriage and reasons for refusing to ratify it in court. The study was based on the sample social survey. And study sample included 300 women married outside the court. Who have been directed to the non - governmental organizations support centers in Sadr City for help. The main tool for this research is the questionnaire. The main findings of the study 1. Marriage outside the court is related to the marriage of children and more from 58% of the the sample Have been married before Their attainment Legal age status For marriage, 2 - Approximately half of the marriages which are concluded outside the court (48%) Do not continue and end in Divorce, separation, abandonment or the death of a spouse, 3- Low educational level is the dominant feature for wives and for couples and fathers and mothers of married women outside the court. 4. The decision to marry the girl taken by father often , and nearly 32% of women who were married outside the court had not taken their views or consent waver on marriage, And that a quarter of marriages concluded outside the court are forced marriages were coerced. 5. The 13% of marriages entered into outside the court marriages are not allowed by law and harmful practices associated with women (marriage as blood money or to stay under relative mandate). And 20% of married women outside the court are second or a third wives. 6 - Lack of interest in the civil contract by parents was the first reason behind the marriage outside the court. Followed by the complex procedure for marriage within the court. The promise to ratify the marriage came later in the third order. As for the young woman's age came fourth in order . 7- Marriages were attributed to non - certified in court and face the risk of general collapse, dismantling the marital bond 36.3%. The husband 's failure to ratify the marriage of the most important reasons not to ratify these marriages from the point of view of women, followed by the arrangement in terms of lack of interest in the ratification of marriage then comes not reaching the wife to the legal age of marriage , which will allow the ratification third place

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
Bn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effects of Different Levels of Urea and Superphosphate Fertilizer in Some Growth Characters and the Yield of Fenugreek plant
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جريت التجربة في اصص فخارية سعة كل اصيص 4 كغم تربة في البيت الزجاجي التابع لقسم علوم الحياة/كلية التربية ابن الهيثـــــــــم/جـامعــة بـغداد لموســم النمـو 2008-2009 لدراســة تأثيــر اربعـــة مستويـــــات من سمــــاد اليوريـــا وهي (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4) غم/اصيص والتي تعادل (0, 100, 200, 400) كغم/هكتار وثلاث مستويات من سماد السوبر فوسفات وهي (0, 0.1, 0.2) غم/اصيص والتي تعادل (0, 100, 200) كغم/هكتارفي مكونـات الحاصـــل لنبــات الحلبـــة Trigonella foe

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effects of Different Levels of Urea and Superphosphate Fertilizer in Some Growth Characters and the Yield of Fenugreek plant
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An experiment was conducted in pots with 4 Kg soil per pot in the green house of Biology department, College of Education (Ibn Al-Haithum), university of Baghdad, the growing season of (2008-2009), to study the effects of four levels of urea (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4) g/pot, that equivalent to (0, 100, 200 and 400) Kg/ha. Also three levels of superphosphate fertilizer (0.2, 0.1, and 0) g/pot, that equivalent to (200, 100, and 0) Kg/ha were added to the local yields components. The result showed that the high level of both fertilizer (400 Kg urea/ha and 200 Kg superphosphate/ha) caused a significant increase in number of pods/plant, dry weight of pods, the weight of 100 seeds and the weight of all seeds/plant, with a significant decrease in the c

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 21 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conf. Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Synthesis, spectroscopic study, biological activity and dyeing application of curcumin - Schiff base with various metal ions complexes
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A tetradentate (N2O2) Schiff base (H2Ldfm) was successfully synthesized via condensation of curcumin / diferuloylmethane (dfm) and L-leucine amino acid (HL). There were three different methods that used for synthesizing H2Ldfm; (refluxing, grading, and fusion). Ten different metal complexes were also successfully synthesized by combination of the Schiff base (H2Ldfm) and 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) ligand to form a hexadentate (N4O2) mixed ligands (Ldfm , phen) with ten different metal salts (M) where{ M= Al(III), Mn(II), Fe(III), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Ag(I), Cd(II), Hg(II), and Pb(II)}. The molar ratio of reactants was (1:1:1) (M: H2Ldfm : phen). The new Schiff base and its new complexes were characterized by different physicochemical tec

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 20 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Evaluation with DFT Study of New Two-Amino-4-(4-Chlorophenyl) Thiazole Derivatives
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2-amino-4-(4-chloro phenyl)-1,3-thiazole (1) was synthesized by refluxing thiourea with para-chloro phenacyl bromide in absolute methanol. The condensation of amine compound (1)  with phenylisothiocyanate in the presence of pyridine will  produce 1-(4-(4-chlorophenyl)thiazol-2-yl)-3-phenylthiourea(2), which is  upon treatment with 2,4 dinitrophenyl hydrazine by conventional method, afforded 1- ( 4 - ( 4 – chlorophenyl ) thiazol – 2 – yl ) – 3 - phenylhydrazonamide,N' - ( 2 , 4 -dinitrophenyl) ,(3).The characterization of the titled compounds were performed utilizing FTIR spectroscopy, 1HNMR and CHNS elemental analysis, and by me

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Synthesis and spectroscopic study of highly fluorescent carbon dots derived from orange juice with Stilbene 420 dye
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Highly-fluorescent Carbon Quantum Dots (CQDs) are synthesized in simple step by hydrothermal carbonization method of natural precursor such as orange juice as a carbon source. Hydrothermal method for synthesized CQDs requires simple and inexpensive equipment and raw materials, thus this method are now common synthesis method. The prepared CQDs have ultrafine size up to few nanometers and   several features such as high solubility in water, low toxicity, high biocompatibility, photo-bleaching resistant, Chemical inertness and ease of functionalization which qualifies it for use in many applications such as bio-imaging, photo-labeling and photo-catalysis.

       This research demonstrates the

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Daniel's Model on the Achievement of Chemistry Among Fifth Grade Student
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The aim of this research is to find out the influence of Daniel's model on the skills of the twenty-first century among the students of the scientific-fifth grade at the secondary and preparatory government morning schools for the academic year 2022- 2023. Two groups were chosen out of five groups for the fifth-scientific grade, one of which represents the experimental group that is taught by the Daniel model, and the other is the control group that is taught in the traditional method. The equivalence of the two research groups was verified with a set of variables. As for the research tool, a scale was developed by the researchers for the skills of the twenty-first century, in which they adopted the framework of the Partnership Organizat

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Comparison of Parameters Estimation Methods for the Negative Binomial Regression Model under Multicollinearity Problem by Using Simulation
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This study discussed a biased estimator of the Negative Binomial Regression model known as (Liu Estimator), This estimate was used to reduce variance and overcome the problem Multicollinearity between explanatory variables, Some estimates were used such as Ridge Regression and Maximum Likelihood Estimators, This research aims at the theoretical comparisons between the new estimator (Liu Estimator) and the estimators

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages
The Multifunctional Morphemes in Kurdish Language the Morpheme Le as an example
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Kurdish language multifunctional morphemes indicate the different functional morphological, syntactical, and semantic tasks of the morphemes. The present study discusses the multifunctional task of the Morpheme Le in Kurdish Language. The Morpheme Le has marginally been included in other studies, yet up to the present times, there has not been a research inclusively dedicated to thoroughly discuss and clarify its multifunctional aspects. The present study is divided into two chapters: Chapter one discusses the theoretical aspect of chapter two that is entirely concerned with the practical aspect of the morpheme Le. The first part of chapter one sheds light on the morphological aspect of the morpheme while part two discusses

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Water Injection for Oil Recovery in Mishrif Formation for Amarah Oil Field
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The water injection of the most important technologies to increase oil production from petroleum reservoirs. In this research, we developed a model for oil tank using the software RUBIS for reservoir simulation. This model was used to make comparison in the production of oil and the reservoir pressure for two case studies where the water was not injected in the first case study but adding new vertical wells while, later, it was injected in the second case study. It represents the results of this work that if the water is not injected, the reservoir model that has been upgraded can produce only 2.9% of the original oil in the tank. This case study also represents a drop in reservoir pressure, which was not enough to support oil production

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Radiological age estimation using third molars mineralization in a sample attending orthodontic clinics (A retrospective study)
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Background: The evaluation of the chronological age is a practical method in crime investigation field that assists in identifying individuals to treat them as underage or adult. This study aimed to assess the stages of third molars mineralization in relation to chronological age of Iraqi individuals, determine the gender differences and arches (maxillary/mandibular) differences.

Materials and Methods: A total of 300 orthopantomograms of orthodontic patients were collected according to specific criteria and evaluated visually. The developmental stages of maxillary and mandibular third molars were determined according to Demirjian method. T

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