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Discipline in the classroom (problems and solutions)
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Research Summary

First: the problem of research and its importance

      The teacher's success in facilitating the students' learning and growth according to the educational and educational goals set out, he must identify the problems of discipline of students in the classroom in terms of sources and reasons and types and methods of prevention and treatment and the teacher to remember that success in his teaching and instruction is not completed more fully once he has the information And knowledge of the subject of the lesson, but must understand the dynamics of the group (class group) and master the skills of classroom management, such as providing the psychological and social climate appropriate to the process of learning and the use of methods and methods of learning and education based on participation and cooperation and dialogue Consultation to reach the common goals of teaching and learning processes. For this arrogating the researcher to identify the discipline in class solutions and problems

Second: The limits of research were limited to information that could achieve the research objectives

Chapter II Research Methodology The researcher followed an analytical descriptive approach to identify problems and solutions of discipline within the classroom

Class discipline concept

Learning environment

The role of the teacher in controlling the learning environment?

Strategies for solving classroom discipline problems

Chapter III: This chapter contains a number of recommendations and proposals

 First: Recommendations

Minimize the use of corporal punishment, especially to the lowest degree possible

. To give the student an opportunity to discourage bad behavior or direct him to do the right behavior to encourage and strengthen his direction immediately.

Second: Proposals

Preparing a guide for the teacher to familiarize himself with the problems encountered during teaching and the strategy of solving them to achieve discipline class system

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 07 2022
Journal Name
Public Works Management & Policy
Impact of Pandemic SARS COVID-19 on Different Construction Project Management: Problems and Solutions
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This study discusses risk management strategies caused by pandemic-related (Covid-19) suspensions in thirty-six engineering projects of different types and sizes selected from countries in the middle east and especially Iraq. The primary data collection method was a survey and questionnaire completed by selected project crew and laborers. Data were processed using Microsoft Excel to construct models to help decision-makers find solutions to the scheduling problems that may be expected to occur during a pandemic. A theoretical and practical concept for project risk management that addresses a range of global and local issues that affect schedule and cost is presented and results indicate that the most significant delays are due to a

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
School s’ Violence and its relation to academic Failed and School s’ Drop - Out among Intermediate stage Pupils
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The present research aims to know the relation of Violence on academic Failed and School s’ Drop - out among Intermediate stage Pupils. The sample of the research reached (400) male and female pupils (failed and not failed ), and (69) male and female that Drop – out from Intermediate stage. The researcher used scale of Violence that constructed by (AL- qaysi , 2004) after she got Validity and Reliability to it . So that she used t- test for one sample, t- test for two independent sample, and Person correlation coefficient as a statistical means. The research reached to the results that indicates raising of level of Violence among the Intermediate stage pupils (failed and not failed) and the male and female that Drop – out from Inte

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The extent of the social worker’s use of group discussion technique in professional practice with school activity groups in Tubas Governorate schools
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This study aimed at identifying the extent to which the social worker used the techniques of group discussion in the professional practice with the groups of school activity in the schools of Tubas governorate in light of some variables (gender, years of experience, academic qualification). The analytical descriptive method was used due to its suitability for the objectives of the study.  A questionnaire was designed to collect data that included (30) items, distributed in three areas .The validity and reliability of the tool were verified and then distributed to the study sample.


The results of the study showed that the highest averages were in the discussion stage domain, where the pre-discussion stage was m

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Reading Trend in the Recent School Book
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Reading Trend in the Recent school book

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The professional self and its relationship with the school climate among educational counselors in secondary schools.
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The research aims to reveal the professional self and the school climate among the educational counselors. The research problem is crystallized in the following:

1-Identifying the professional level of the educational counselors.

2- Knowing the level of the school climate with the educational counselors.

3- Are there statistically significant differences in the professional self and the school climate between the educational counselors of different gender (male / female)?

4- Is there a relationship between the professional self and the school climate of the research sample?

To answer these questions, the research was conducted on educational counselors in secondary schools in the district of Falluj

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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        La traducción de los refranes, que son unas sentencias breves, habitualmente, de autor desconocido y lo mismo que el proverbio, aunque en su parte universalizable refleja una experiencia humana, hace referencia en parte particularizante e idiosincrática a una experiencia sin paralelo en la lengua de destino, no es una tarea tan sencilla ni tan fácil como piensan muchas personas, sino al contrario por completo, es algo tan difícil y tan complicado. Por eso, la traducción de los refranes  no es una transferencia de un significado, un párrafo o una frase de un cierto idioma a otro, porque si aceptamos ese concepto, el proceso de traducción de refranes sería muy sencill

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
Journal Name
Employment educational and artistic style of fiction in the textbook materials
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Find goal to detect educational and technical staffing of style fiction in book reading school materials so determine the current research on the specific book reading in fourth grade of primary for the academic year 2014 issued by the Ministry of Education / Republic Iraq stories. Come in the importance of research to draw attention to the best of these stories and strengthened, and the negative deny it and claim his deportation in order to protect the thought of the learner, and the study may contribute to the development of some frameworks to write a story appropriate for elementary school. This McCann within the first chapter The second chapter included the theoretical framework has been contained on two main sections included the co

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of the School Garden, and its Importance in the school Building - A field study in the social school service
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This research concerns the fact of the school garden and how can we tackle this issue. The research starts with a question forwarded to those who are interested in the ministry of education matters; the question is that how is the extent of interest in the school garden project? And how it is activated in the Iraqi Educational Institution program? In addition, the analysis reveals the importance of the school garden since we, as teachers and students, suffer from seeing the view of the trashes, the wastes of school furniture, the stinking water and the weeds and how it is accumulated in the back yard of the school. To add fuel to the fire, the increase in number of the students; year after year. This increase leads to adding more classes

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
Investigating Classroom Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
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The present study aims at investigating classroom verbal and nonverbal communication at the departments of English language . An observation checklist has been constructed , which is distributed into several domains that include a number of items to investigate classroom communication . Face validity and reliability coefficient have been computed. The checklist has been applied on 86 instructors at the Colleges of Education and Arts, Departments of English Language at the Universities of ThiQar, Basrah ,and Maysan . One sample t- test and Two independent sample t-test formulas have been used. Final results reveal that college instructors use verbal communication inside their classrooms and non- verbal communication has not been employed by

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 05 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Education College Wasit University
Teaching Culture Strategies in EFL Classroom
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الثقافة هي النظرية حول العالم والناسواساليب توزيع خبراته عليهم . انها الكل المعقد والتي تشمل المعرفةوالمعتقدات والفن والاخلاق والقوانين والعادات واية امكانيات وعادات يكتسبها الانسان كونه احد اعضاء المجتمع . ان ادراك ثقافة اللغة الاجنبية ينبغي ان يُنظرلها كمكونمهم في عملية تعليم / تعلم اللغة الانكليزية بوصفها لغةاجنبية وتتضمن الثقافة فهم داخلي وتدريجي للمساواة بين الثقافات ، ومنهن متزايد لثقافة الفرد

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