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Communicative Competence of University Students
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The current research aims to identify the communicative competence of university students, to identify the levels of communicative competence among university students and which of these levels are more common, and to identify the significance of differences in communicative competence among university students according to the variables of gender and specialization. The study population consisted of (782) male and female students, as the statistical analysis sample was limited to (400) male and female students to extract the psychometric properties of the current research tool. The study sample included (382) male and female students at the University of Baghdad who were chosen by the stratified random method from the scientific and humanity colleges. To achieve the objectives of the current study, the researcher developed a communicative competence test according to (Hymes, 1972) theory.  A stands for the high level of communicative competence given (3) degrees, b represents the medium level of communicative competence and is given (2) degrees, and c represents the low level of communicative competence and is given (1) degree. The results showed that university students have communicative competence. The moderate level (b) of communicative competence is the dominant and the most common level. There are no statistically significant differences between males and females. There are no statistically significant differences according to the specialization variable (scientific, human). Finally, there is no interaction between gender and the specialization of the study sample.

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 20 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study on the Physiological Function of a - Tocopherol, Vitamin (E) on Lipoproteins Levels in Serum of Apparantly Healthy Individuals
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The  role  of  free  radicals  generation  and  Lipid  Peroxidation

during the course of ischemic heart disease is well establshed as a basic for Pthogenesis and subsequent tissue damage consequenes . In an attempt to shed a light on the possible relationship between lipid peroxidation and some antioxidant.

The effect of vitamine E  (as a potent antioxidant free radical scavenger) . On the serum levels of the Lipoproteins, (HDLc) High Density Lipoprotein , (LDLc) Low Density Lipoprotein and (VLDLc) very Low Density Lipoprotein in healthy donors.

The  study  includes  (50) healthy  donors  from  males  and  females  ,

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Necessity of Teaching Diabetic Patients the Correct way of Insulin Administration: A Clinical Trial to Improve Glycemic Control
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Background: It is important to achieve good glycemic control to avoid long-term diabetic complications. It has been largely debated about the role of correct way of insulin administration to get the desired glycemic control.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of teaching diabetic patients who are on insulin therapy the correct way of injecting insulin and its effect on glycemic control.
Methods: A non randomized clinical trial with 820 diabetic patients on insulin therapy on whom A1 c estimation was performed before and after three months of teaching them the right injection technique.
Results : Sixty seven patients (8.17%) had A1 c 6.5% before they were enrolled in the study while the majority (753 patents, 91.82%) had A1 c 6.5%

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Comparison of the Marginal Fitness of the Ceramic Crowns Fabricated with Different CAD/CAM Systems (An In Vitro Study)
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Background: The marginal fit is the most characteristic that closely related to the longevity or success of a restoration, which is absolutely affected by the fabrication technique. The objective of present in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of four different CAD/CAM systems on the marginal fit of lithiµm disilicate all ceramic crowns. Materials and Methods: Adentoform tooth of a right mandibular first molar was prepared to receive all ceramic crown restoration with deep chamfer finishing line (1mm) and axial reduction convergence angle of 6 degree, dentoform model duplicated to have Nickel-Chromiµm master die. Thirty two stone dies produce from master die and distributed randomly in to four groups (8 dies for each group) accor

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Determination of the Shape and Dimensions of the Sensitive Volume for Solid State Detectors Using Monte Carlo Computer Technique
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In this research the active volume for a number of solid-state detectors of the type of high-purity germanium (HPGe) crystal was evaluated with different radii and depths using scanning method for diagonal (front) and lateral (side). It has been used for this purpose Monte-Carlo efficiency program after its development by adding a subroutine-program for its (subroutine scanning).Also a program has been written to calculate the stopping power and range for incident charged particle on the detector, in order to determine the exact sufficient energy to stop it inside the detector material. The calculations of our results of efficiency were compared with the results of published efficiency and the comparison is very good in terms of improvin

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Study of the impact of foreign direct investment in the Iraqi tax system using the factorial analysis: (principal components)
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The tax system, like any other system, as a set of elements and parts that complement each other and are interrelated and interact to achieve specific goals, and is a natural  reflection of the economic, social and political conditions prevailing in society, and therefore the objectives of tax policy formulated in line with the objectives of economic policy in general, which means that any change in economic policy clearly affects fiscal policy measures and fiscal policy in particular.

The problem of searching for the impact of foreign direct investment in the Iraqi tax system was focused on the study  the of foreign direct investment and therole played in developing and improving the economic reality and its implicatio

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of the Influence of De-sanding (Recycling System) Process on the Pile Bearing Capacity Using Full Scale Models
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The present study investigates the effect of the de-sanding (recycling system) on the bearing capacity of the bored piles. Full-scale models were conducted on two groups of piles, the first group was implemented without using this system, and the second group was implemented using the recycling system. All piles were tested by static load test, considering the time factor for which the piles were implemented. The test results indicated a significant and clear difference in the bearing capacity of the piles when using this system. The use of the recycling system led to a significant increase in the bearing capacity of the piles by 50% or more. Thus it was possible to reduce the pile length by (15 % or more) thus, and implementation costs

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Types of the Fiber Glass-Mat on Fatigue Characteristic of Composite Materials at Constant Fiber Volume Fraction: Experimental Determination
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The aim of this work is to study the influence of the type of fiber glass –mat on fatigue behavior of composite material which is manufactured from polyester and E-glass (woven roving, chopped strand mat (CSM)) as a laminate with a constant fiber volume fraction (VF) of 33%. The results showed that the laminates reinforced with E-glass (woven roving) [0/90, ±45.0/90] and [0/90, CSM, 0/90] have lower fatigue strength than the laminates reinforced with E-glass [0/90]3,[CSM]3 and [CSM, 0/90, CSM]  although they had different tensile strength; the best laminate was [0/90]3 .

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Reduction of Negative Effects For Moisture Tention of the Corn Plant by Spraying with Proline acid and Abscisic Acid.
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    This experiment was conducted in field of Agricultured Department Baquba/Diyala province in spring season 2011 to study the water stress by using foliar application concentrations of each Proline acid and Abscisic acid on proline content , ABA  content , chlorophyll content, protein conten and water content in leaves of Maize( cultivar, Buhooth 106).  The layout of the experiments was Split-  split plot design as RCBD with three replicates. The three concentrations   of spraying Proline acid levels ( 0 , 150 , 200 mg Proline .l-1 ) Three Abscisic acid levels ( 0 , 15 , 20 mgABA.l-1. ) and three periods of irrigation after(25, 50, 75%) of available water . Folair fertilizer were applied at three

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of the Adoption of IAS.1 on Improving the Qualitative Characteristics Using Financial Indicators - An Applied study
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The international financial accounting and reporting standards IFRS/IAS represent the set of rules and foundations that the economic entity must follow in the measurement, presentation, and disclosure of the elements of the financial statements, the implementation of adopting the international financial reporting standards contributes to improving the qualitative characteristics of accounting information, so the current research aims to explain the role of adopting the International Accounting Standard (IAS) in improving the qualitative characteristics as well as analyzing the impact of the adoption of IAS.1 in improving the qualitative characteristics of accounting information within the financi

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Effect of Manganese Ion Doping on the Size- Strain of SnO2 nanoparticles Using X-Ray Diffraction Data
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In this study, SnO2 nanoparticles were prepared from cost-low tin chloride (SnCl2.2H2O) and ethanol by adding ammonia solution by the sol-gel method, which is one of the lowest-cost and simplest techniques. The SnO2 nanoparticles were dried in a drying oven at a temperature of 70°C for 7 hours. After that, it burned in an oven at a temperature of 200°C for 24 hours. The structure, material, morphological, and optical properties of the synthesized SnO2 in nanoparticle sizes are studied utilizing X-ray diffraction. The Scherrer expression was used to compute nanoparticle sizes according to X-ray diffraction, and the results needed to be scrutinized more closely. The micro-strain indi

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