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Constructing a Scale of Emotional Adjustment among Kindergarten Children
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The aim of the current research is to construct a scale of emotional adjustment for kindergarten children and to set a standard for its evaluation. To achieve this, a scale consisting of (19) items was prepared. The mother of the child answered by adopting the method of self-report, which is expressed in the form of reporting terms, as each item represents a situation in the child's life and each situation has three alternatives to answer that represent various responses to the mentioned situation. One of the alternatives represents the emotionally adaptive response, which is given a degree (3), the second response expresses the emotional adjustment partly that took the degree of (2), and the third response expresses the weakness of emotional adjustment, which took the degree (1). The psychometric characteristics of the scale were verified in terms of validity and reliability by presenting the scale to a number of specialists in childhood and psychology to verify the validity of the scale items logically. The validity of the construction indicators were also verified by extracting the discriminatory power of the items and the validity of the items (the relationship of the item score to the total score) after applying it to a sample of kindergarten children whose number reached (400). As for the reliability of the scale, it was estimated by using the Alpha Cronbach equation that it recorded (0.83). A standard for evaluating emotional adjustment has been set within three ranges: the range (19-31) shows poor emotional adjustment. The range (32-44) shows moderate emotional adjustment. The range (45-57) shows high emotional adjustment. Finally, the researcher recommended using the tool, which has constructed in the current research for identifying the adjusted & unadjusted emotional children by the specialization of childhood & psychological health as endeavor to reduce the emotional adjustment on them.


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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
משבר הזהות במודרניזם של יהושע עיון בנובלה " שתיקה הולכת ונמשכת של משורר "* Identity crisis in modernity of Yahoshaa Study of “continuous silence of the poet"
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   המשבר הוא מצב מצוי רב בחברת המדינות אחרי המלחמות  והשינויים הגדולים במאה העשרים, ומשבר הזהות הוא ממשברי המאה העשרים שזכה בהתעניינות רבה בכל תחומי המדעים האנושיים, ומהם תחום הספרות. ובספרות העברית היה הסופר א. ב. יהושע מהסופרים החשובים שהתעניין בנושא הזהות בישות הציונית, הוא התווכח בנושא ביצירותיו, ראיוניו ורוב הכנסים התרבותיים והפוליטיים שנכח אותם, הוא השתמש באסכולה ספרותית מאו

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Publication Date
Wed May 12 2021
Journal Name
Annals Of The Romanian Society For Cell Biology
Contribution Ratio of Cognitive Learning Outcome in the Performance of the Two Skills of Mastering by Parallel Spherical Standing and Equilibrium on the Balance Beam
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The purpose of this paper is to identify the statistical indicators of the searched variables and identify the relationship between the cognitive learning outcome and the performance of the two mastering skills by parallel spherical standing and equilibrium on the balance beam. And the identification of the percentage of the cognitive learning outcome contribution to the performance of the two mastering skills by parallel spherical standing and the equilibrium on the balance beam. The two researchers used the descriptive approach in the survey method and the correlational relations, being the most appropriate to the nature of the research problem. The research community for the second stage students in the College of Physical Education and

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of Cytotoxic Effect of Aqueous Extract Fenugreek(Trigonella Foenum Graecum L.S) Seeds and The New Complexes of Rh (?) and Pd (?) on Cancer Cell Lines
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The effect of the aqueous extract of fenugreek seeds (Trigonella Foenum Graecum L.), Rhodium complex (?) with formula [RhL2CLH2O].1 1/2 ETOH and palladium (?) [pdl2].2ETOH,where L=2-hydroxy phenyl piperonalidine was studied on two cancer cell lines. The first cell line was intestine cancer of female albino mice (L20B), the second one was Rhabdomysarcomas (RD)cell line in human. The activity of the new complexes and the aqueous extract was compared to the well-known anticancer drug (cis-platin) by utilizing the in vitro system. The cell lines were treated with four concentrations of cis-platin 31.25,62.5,125 and 250 ?g/ml for 72 hour exposure time. The same concentrations were used with extract and the new complexes. This study showed that t

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Dental Hypotheses
Assessment of the Impact of Adhesive and Wires Types on the Tensile Bond Strength of Fixed Lingual Retainers Used in Orthodontics: An In Vitro Study
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Introduction: We aimed to assess the impact of adhesive and wires types on the tensile bond strength of fixed lingual retainers. Methods: A total of 160 intact bovine teeth were collected, cleaned, stored in 25% sodium hypochlorite, and randomly assigned to two groups based on the adhesive type: a two-step adhesive and a one-step adhesive. Each group was further divided into four subgroups based on the type of lingual retainer wire, which included (A) 8-strand braided stainless steel wire, (B) three-strand titanium retainer wire, (C) stainless steel chain, and (D) fiber-reinforced retainer. A tensile bond strength test was conducted using a universal testing machine at a controlled speed of 10 mm/min. Result: The 8-strand braided stainles

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 10 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education
The effect of reciprocal style exercises in developing some physical abilities in learning the performance of female players for the effectiveness of the long jump
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The importance of the research lies in knowing the effect of the exercises of the reciprocal method in developing some physical abilities in learning the performance of the players for the effectiveness of the long jump in an economical manner in terms of time and effort and knowing their positive impact and the extent of their impact in creating the required learning for students, and the research aims to prepare reciprocal style exercises in developing some abilities The researchers used the experimental method in the pre and post test for the experimental and control groups to suit the nature of the research, and the research community was identified for the long jump players, the Specialized School for Talent Care in the 2022 sports sea

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Determination of Radionuclides and Heavy Elements in the Rising Dust in the Small Side of Diwaniyah City due to the Movement of Wheels and Cars
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Abstract<p>This research aims to determine the concentration of radionuclides in dust samples on the public streets of the small side of Diwaniyah city in Iraq as a result of movements of wheels and cars using the gamma spectra and high purity germanium detector (HPGe) with resolution of (2.3 keV) for energy (1.332 MeV) of cobalt <sup>60</sup>Co. Dust samples were collected from the streets Diwaniyah city with (26) samples prepared for measurement. The results of the specific activity concentration of Uranium-238, Thorium-232, Potassium-40 and Cesium-137 were (14.66 ± 0.950, 26.29 ± 2.431, 219.04 ± 15.150 and 11.49 ± 0.876) Bq/kg respectively. The radiation parameters Ra<sub>e</sub></p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of political thinking on the decision maker in analyzing the strategic environment of the state (applied study in the Iraqi Ministry of Finance)
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The Political Thinking Regarded as an important element for the formulation of the stat, weather in its formation, the structure of it s entity, its political system and it s governmental instruments .The political thinking can not act without determined strategy, So they intend to work hard to formulate a railed strategy that make them able to determine its  directions to general issues.

   The Study aimed to solve the problem through the following question:

1- What are the levels of Political Thinking and Strategic Analysis in the financial ministry?

2- What are the relation ship between the dimensions of Political  T

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Radiological Evaluation of the Anatomic Characteristic of Lingual Foramina and Their Vascular Canals in the Anterior Region of the Mandible Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography
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Background: presence of lingual vascular foramina and canals in the interforaminal region may increase the risk ofsurgical complications during implant placement or any surgical procedure in this area. Aim of this study is the radiological evaluation of the anatomic characteristic of the lingual foramina and their vascular canals in the anterior of the mandible using cone beam computed tomography. Materials and Methods: Prospective study including 72 Iraqi subjects (31 male and 41 female) ranging from 20 to 59 years, all subjects attended Al-Sharaa dental clinic in AL-Najaf AL-Ashraf city, scanned with CBCT from September 2016 to February 2017. Using 3dimentional and sagittal cross section to detect lingual foramina and their vascular canal

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the relationship between Government spending compression and the window of the currency and its impact on the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar
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The exchange rate is the backbone of  any economy in the world, whether  developed or developing, where most countries adopted  many policies, in order to ensure the stability of the exchange rate of the currency, because of its importance as a link between the local economy and the others ,And it contribute in the achievement of internal and external balance and despite the many different factors that affect it, but there is wide consensus on the effectiveness of the role of spending and the currency window in the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar, especially in the Iraqi economy, effectiveness As the increase in government spending lead to an increase in the supply of money and increase domestic demand and high pr

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees21gr
The possibility of implementing smart mobility in the traditional city: Studying the possibility of establishing an intelligent transportation system in the city center of Kadhimiya
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The possibility of implementing smart mobility in the traditional city: Studying the possibility of establishing an intelligent transportation system in the city center of Kadhimiya

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