The research included four chapters starting with the chapter dealing with the problem of child abuse which was one of the most important educational and social problems faced by children from their parents or family members. The most common forms of abuse are physical and psychological violence. The problem of school delays is also one of the most important educational and psychological issues that concern educators, which occur because of violence and neglect of the family. The study pointed out that domestic violence is one of the issues that has started to alarm both the global and local communities, because childhood is one of the most important stages of the human development system, which is healthy in terms of physical, mental, psychological and social development. And the importance of the effects of domestic violence on the imbalance in educational achievement and the occurrence of the problem of school delays for primary school children. The aim of the research is to identify: the nature of family violence, its prevailing patterns and its causes in society, and the extent of the relationship between domestic violence and school delays in children in primary school. As well as to make some suggestions and recommendations that can contribute to reducing the phenomenon of domestic violence and get rid of the problem of school delays. The research is determined by the children of the primary stage, because this stage of the process of establishing in the two processes (educational and learning). Violence, family, family violence, child, violence against children, school delays, and late studies are also defined. The second chapter dealt with the theoretical framework dealing with forms of violence against children, psychological disorders and personality disorder, the motives of domestic violence, and studies on domestic violence and its impact on school delays. The third chapter deals with the theories of violence, the basic hypotheses of social learning theory, the theories of growth and its stages, the factors affecting scholastic achievement, and the needs of Maslow and its relationship to helping the child achieve scholastic achievement. Chapter IV examined its findings by linking the results of previous studies with theories of violence and growth. It found that domestic violence does not depend on physical harm. Psychological violence is sometimes more disruptive, leading to delays in children Primary stage. It also addressed some of the recommendations
Products’ quality inspection is an important stage in every production route, in which the quality of the produced goods is estimated and compared with the desired specifications. With traditional inspection, the process rely on manual methods that generates various costs and large time consumption. On the contrary, today’s inspection systems that use modern techniques like computer vision, are more accurate and efficient. However, the amount of work needed to build a computer vision system based on classic techniques is relatively large, due to the issue of manually selecting and extracting features from digital images, which also produces labor costs for the system engineers.
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The primary objective of this paper is to improve a biometric authentication and classification model using the ear as a distinct part of the face since it is unchanged with time and unaffected by facial expressions. The proposed model is a new scenario for enhancing ear recognition accuracy via modifying the AdaBoost algorithm to optimize adaptive learning. To overcome the limitation of image illumination, occlusion, and problems of image registration, the Scale-invariant feature transform technique was used to extract features. Various consecutive phases were used to improve classification accuracy. These phases are image acquisition, preprocessing, filtering, smoothing, and feature extraction. To assess the proposed
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