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The Effectiveness of a Training Program to Improve some Aspects of Sensory Integration Disorder and Its Effect on Self-Direction Among a Sample of Children with Intellectual Disabilities

The present research was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of a training program to improve some aspects of sensory integration disorder and its effect on self-direction among a sample of children with intellectual disabilities. The study sample consists of (10 subjects as an experimental group) were exposed to the training program، and the control group consists of (10 subjects as a control group) were not exposed to the training program. The study included the following tools: A scale of self-direction for intellectual disability (prepared by the researcher). Training program (prepared by the researcher). The Results of the study showed the following: There are no statistically significant differences between the means ranks of the experimental group and the means ranks of the control group (pre the training program) on the sensory integration Scale. There are statistically significant differences between the means ranks of the experimental group and the means ranks of the control group (after the training program) on the sensory integration scale in favor of the experimental group. There are statistically significant differences between the means ranks of the experimental group in the pre-test and the means ranks of the same group in the post-test on the sensory integration scale in favor of the post-test. There are no statistically significant differences between the means ranks of the experimental group in the post-test and the means ranks of the same group in the follow up-test on sensory integration scale. There are no statistically significant differences between the means ranks of the experimental group and the means ranks of the control group (pre the training program) on the self-direction scale. There are statistically significant differences between the means ranks of the experimental group and the means ranks of the control group (after the training program) on the self-direction scale in favor of the experimental group. There are statistically significant differences between the means ranks of the experimental group in the pre-test and the means ranks of the same group in the post-test on the self-direction scale in favor of the post-test. There are no statistically significant differences among the means ranks of the experimental group in the post-test and the means ranks of the same group in the follow up-test on the self-direction scale.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Ecotoxicology And Environmental Safety
Biochemical and molecular alterations in freshwater mollusks as biomarkers for petroleum product, domestic heating oil

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Radon (222rn) occurrence in quaternary deposits, annual dosage and groundwater recirculation in Hashyimia, Babylon, Iraq

Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Relationship between Alpha-toxin production and biofiJm for1nation by Staphylococcus aureus isolated from Eye's infections

Staphylococcus aureus is a common pathogen associated  with eye·s

infections.  S. aureus is capable of biofilm fonnation, which increases its persistence and boots its levels of antimicrobial resistance . A total of 50

  1. aureus isolated from eyes <>f patientwith eye's infection : 41( 82%)

isolates  were positive - alpha tox in production and 37 (74 %)  isolates were  posilive  - biofilm formation .Where as  32 (64%)    isolates were positive - alpha toxin production .and biotilm formation, 11 (22%) Lsolatcs were negative- alpha toxin production and biofilm formation and 7(14%) isolates  were showed &nbs

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2023
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 19 2024
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Discover Sustainability
Groundwater quality assessment and pollution sources identification using statistical analyses at Missan Governorate, Southeast Iraq

The shortage in surface water quantities led to a shift in dependence on the groundwater as an alternative water source in southern parts of Iraq. The groundwater is decreasing in quantity and water quality is degrading due to different factors. Therefore, it is important to assess the groundwater quality of the Missan Governorate of the country by analyzing the physicochemical parameters and distinguishing the probable sources of contaminants in the area. The present study used water quality diagrams and statistical methods such as factor analysis and agglomerative cluster analysis to determine the sources of chemical ions in the forty-four groundwater samples collected from wells in the study area. In addition, the Water Quality Index (WQ

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Diagnosing Water Problem for Asmari Reservoir in Abu Ghirab Oilfield Using Analytical and Numerical Approaches

Asmari is the main productive reservoir in Abu Ghirab oilfield in the south-east part of Iraq. It has history production extends from 1976 up to now with several close periods. Recently, the reservoir suffers some problems in production, which are abstracted as water production rising with oil production declining in most wells. The water problem type of the field and wells is identified by using Chan's diagnostic plots (water oil ratio (WOR) and derivative water oil ratio (WOR') against time). The analytical results show that water problem is caused by the channeling due to high permeability zones, high water saturation zones, and faults or fracturing. The numerical approach is also used to study the water movement insi

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 24 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Bacterial Profile and Antimicrobial Susceptibility in Neonatal sepses, Al -Alwyia Pediatric Teaching Hospital in Baghdad

Background: Neonatal septicemia is a major health problem in developing countries furthermore data on bacteriological profile in early onst sepses (EOS) and late neonatal sepsis (LOS) are lacking in context of  continuous change in bacteriological profile and increasing resistant strains. Objectives: The study done to determine the pattern of organisms implicated in neonatal septicemia in a neonatal care unit and to measure the degree of bacterial resistance to some antibiotics.

Type of the study : cross –sectional study.

Methods: Confirmed cases of neonatal septicemia admitted at Al-Alwyia pediatric teaching hospital for the period from January 20

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Applying Ensemble Classifier, K-Nearest Neighbor and Decision Tree for Predicting Oral Reading Rate Levels

For many years, reading rate as word correct per minute (WCPM) has been investigated by many researchers as an indicator of learners’ level of oral reading speed, accuracy, and comprehension. The aim of the study is to predict the levels of WCPM using three machine learning algorithms which are Ensemble Classifier (EC), Decision Tree (DT), and K- Nearest Neighbor (KNN). The data of this study were collected from 100 Kurdish EFL students in the 2nd-year, English language department, at the University of Duhok in 2021. The outcomes showed that the ensemble classifier (EC) obtained the highest accuracy of testing results with a value of 94%. Also, EC recorded the highest precision, recall, and F1 scores with values of 0.92 for

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Transient Stability Enhancement and Critical Clearing Time Improvement for Kurdistan Region Network using Fact Configuration

The Electrical power system has become vast and more complex, so it is subjected to sudden changes in load levels. Stability is an important concept which determines the stable operation of the power system. Transient stability analysis has become one of the significant studies in the power system to ensure the system stability to withstand a considerable disturbance. The effect of temporary occurrence can lead to malfunction of electronic control equipment. The application of flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) devices in the transmission system have introduced several changes in the power system. These changes have a significant impact on the power system protection, due to differences inline impedance, line curre

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 04 2023
Journal Name
2nd International Conference Of Mathematics, Applied Sciences, Information And Communication Technology
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic public health challenges in Iraq: Current status and future implications

Coronavirus diseases 2021 (COVID-19) on going situation in Iraq is characterized in this paper. The pandemic handling by the government and the difficulties of public health measures enforcement in Iraq. Estimation of the COVID-19 data set was performed. Iraq is endangered to the pandemic, like the rest of the world besides sharing borders with hotspot neighbouring country Iran. The government of Iraq launched proactive measures in an attempt to prevent the viral spread. Nevertheless, reports of new cases keep escalating leaving the public health officials racing to take more firm constriction to face the pandemic. The paper bring forth the current COVID-19 scenario in Iraq, the government measures towards the public health challenges, and

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