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The Social Dimension of the Phenomenon of Suicide in Iraq: Reasons and Proposals "Field Study in Baghdad Police Stations
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There have been many negative phenomena in Iraqi society, especially after the political crises over the last years, such as the spread of violence, the deterioration of the economic situation, the spread of unemployment and poverty, and the disintegration of social ties, divorce, and the entry of the scourge of drugs. Among the most dangerous of these emergent phenomena, the phenomenon of suicide among young people of both sex, which has grown and increased in an unprecedented manner, surpassing all known social norms in Iraqi society and the prevailing religious values. Suicide in Iraqi society has transformed from a simple case to a visible presence in all Iraqi provinces. Suicides cases have registered in all cities of Iraq and of both sex and in different age groups have increased in an unprecedented manner due to social problems and unemployment, economic, social, and psychological reasons for committing suicide. The sociological experts have confirmed that the political reasons are behind all the above reasons, but they have contributed largely to create these reasons.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Econometrics of the impact of financial inclusion on banking stability in Iraq
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        Financial inclusion refers to the access of financial services at low cost and high-quality from the formal financial sector to all segments of society, especially marginalized groups, and then use and benefit from them. Financial inclusion is also associated with banking stability, as well as with financial integrity and financial protection for the consumer, therefore, it achieves a number of objectives, the most important of which is to support and enhance banking stability. This is what made it attract the attention of many countries and central banks recently.

     The study aims to show the impact of financial inclusion indicators on ban

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Strategic audit in detection of financial corruption cases in Iraq - Proposed Framework
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This research focuses on detecting the financial corruption cases in Iraq in light of adoption the strategic audit, the paper deals with the problem of the proliferation corruption cases particularly financial in Iraq and dramatically in the presence of audit and control devices as well as inspection and integrity devices, which indicates the existence of deficiencies and weaknesses in those devices in the implementation of audit and control functions in order to detect the corruption cases in the economic units in Iraq.

Stems objective of this research through the provision of approach of strategic audit concepts and indicate the extent importance of adopting of strategic audit as a means to detect the f

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
الاهاب في الهعراق .. دراسة في الاسباب الحقيقية
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لقد حمَّلت مفردة الإرهاب بكمٍ هائلٍ من المفاهيم والدلالات المُتباينة والمُتناقضة . لذا حاول البحث التأكيد على أهمية وضع تعريفٍ مُحدد لظاهرة الارهاب،ومن ثم توضيح ماهي الاسباب الحقيقية وراء تنامي الارهاب في العراق بعد 2003 ،وما هي المتغيرات الاجتماعية والسياسية التي اسهمت في تصاعد وتيرة العمليات الارهابية في العراق،لاسيما وإن المجتمع العراقي مجتمع متعدد الشرائح الاجتماعية،وبشكلٍ قد يُمَّ

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Market Iraq Securities in activation Industrial sector Special
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The financial market plays an important role in influencing the economic sectors, including the private industrial sector, through the provision of capital and transfer from savers to investors for the purpose of establishing or expanding projects. Therefore, the financial market is one of the important tools in stimulating the economy in general and the industrial sector in particular, Through the inclusion of industrial companies in the financial market and the introduction of industrial shares to the public, and then provide the necessary funding to stimulate the private industrial sector, Iraq is one of the oil-dependent countries on the oil sector mainly, which lacks industrial production, which is from Are the sectors that

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 21 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
SPECIALIZED JOURNALISM IN IRAQ : (After The Events of 09-04-2003)
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The specialized Journalism plays an important role in our daily lives using all of its different ways, including news, caricature, commentary and dialogue. The specialized Journalism deserves vigilance and interest for it is caring about having a new media system. It is meant by “specialization”, first: identifying the areas of work in which the person concerned possesses great knowledge in the specialty resulting from a long experience, it also means being able to continuously develop required skills in that specialty. The specialization is not only a feature of the press, but also a feature of human development; thousands of years ago, the primitive society consisted of people from different specializations: fishermen, farmers, her

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Phenomenon repercussions Globalization on pedagogical action and Educational in Arab society
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Globalization as phenomena has affected   all aspects of life and reflected its impacts to the Arab world politically, economically, and culturally and became a vital field that related directly to our life. This field of searching needs as many studies and Academics as for employing the means that needed to face a national challenge which targeting the Arabic man Character in its ethics and values. This very important thing needs a very important reaction to face that challenge to protect the cultural ARABIC & ISLAMIC characteristics and to take care of education in all its levels and   forms as it is an invincible fort. For that, this field has become as the priority of the studying and researches if the

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
مجلة نسق
Islamic Sharia’s position on the phenomenon of bullying
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The study was enriched by examining (Islamic Sharia’s position on the phenomenon of bullying) becausee bullying is a recurring aggressive behavior that Is one of the types of violence directed by a person or group of prsons; With the intent of deliberately harming and offending anotherr person or group of persons, It has several verbal, physical, electronIc or other formsforms Bullies may follow a policy of Ientimidation or intimidation, as well as ridicule; In order to belittle the victim .The study aims to know the Islamic Sharia ruling on bullying as a modern term for a content that Is as old as man, and the study reached several results, Including: Islam’s affirmation of the prohibition of this phenomenon In word, deed and gesture,

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Investigation of Using Evaporative Air Cooler for Winter Air-Conditioning in Baghdad
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This paper presents an efficient methodology to design modified evaporative air-cooler for winter air-conditioning in Baghdad city as well as using it for summer air-conditioning by adding a heating process after the humidification process. laboratory tests were performed on a direct evaporative cooler (DEC) followed by passing the air on hot water through heat exchanger placed in the coolers air duct exit. The tests were conducted on the 2nd of December /2011 when the ambient temperature was 8.1°C and the relative humidity was  (68%). The air flow rate is assumed to vary between 0.069 to 0.209 kg/s with constant water flow rate of 0.03 kg/s in the heat exchanger. The performance is reported in terms of effectiveness of DEC, satura

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 27 2021
Journal Name
Palarch's Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/egyptology
The social and artistic connotations of the mural paintings of the Iraqi woman in the popular movement-an analytical study
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In the contemporary political history of Iraq, a unique protest broke out on October 1st, 2019. This protest reappeared on October 25th and lasted up to the following weeks making this protest as the most comprehensive and deepest one. It has the possibility of lengthening and the diversification of methods among all the social protesting movements during the century for Iraq. This desperate youth movement presents various images and methods to highlight the image of the protesting movement. The role of the Iraqi woman was clear, which was embodied through the mural paintings expressing her artistic and social role in conveying and expressing the goal of the protest. The aim of the current research is to identify the social artistic implica

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 21 2025
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Time out in basketball and it effect on playing for excellent degrees in Iraq
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The value of time out as a time not count of official time form the game like four periods and extra time also it considered a great interest if used well thru the game , the importance of this problem is not using well the time out and when the coach ask for time out and how to invest this time legally to make good results also there is no observing system as the researcher see gives the reality image that the coach is successful lead the game when he takes time out . The goals of research that knowing on numbers of time out for excellent teams in Iraq (first &second) stages and putting special inventory reverse reality of asking time out (positive &negative) on playing basketball , the hypothesis of research that tell the time out effect

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