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The Social Dimension of the Phenomenon of Suicide in Iraq: Reasons and Proposals "Field Study in Baghdad Police Stations
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There have been many negative phenomena in Iraqi society, especially after the political crises over the last years, such as the spread of violence, the deterioration of the economic situation, the spread of unemployment and poverty, and the disintegration of social ties, divorce, and the entry of the scourge of drugs. Among the most dangerous of these emergent phenomena, the phenomenon of suicide among young people of both sex, which has grown and increased in an unprecedented manner, surpassing all known social norms in Iraqi society and the prevailing religious values. Suicide in Iraqi society has transformed from a simple case to a visible presence in all Iraqi provinces. Suicides cases have registered in all cities of Iraq and of both sex and in different age groups have increased in an unprecedented manner due to social problems and unemployment, economic, social, and psychological reasons for committing suicide. The sociological experts have confirmed that the political reasons are behind all the above reasons, but they have contributed largely to create these reasons.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Electoral appeals and the separation of organic health In the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year (2005)
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تعد الانتخابات بمثابة الطريق المؤدي إلى الديمقراطية كونها النمط الأكثر شيوعاً لمشاركة المواطنين في الحياة السياسية للبلدان واختيار ممثليهم في المجالس التشريعية، حيث أن مطلب إجراء انتخابات حرة ونزيهة لم يعد مطلباً داخلياً فحسب بل مطلباً دولياً يصرّ المجتمع الدولي على الوفاء به وهذا يلقي على عاتق كل دولة أن تضع من الضمانات ما يكفل ممارسة هذه الانتخابات ب

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Impact of supervisory control requirements on the financial performance of Islamic banks in Iraq: Case Study: Islamic Cooperation Bank for Investment and Development for the years (2015-2018)
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Given the importance that the Iraqi banking system in general and Islamic banks in particular, there must be effective supervisory oversight of these banks, as supervisory oversight has an essential and effective role in the development and evaluation of the performance of banks, through the application of legal controls and rules. Banking aimed at making sure that its financial centers are safe, protecting depositors' funds, and achieving both monetary and economic stability. This research studied and evaluates the mechanisms and tools used by the Central Bank of Iraq in the supervision and supervision of these banks. Therefore, the research aimed to measure the type and direction of the relationship between the requirements of supervis

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 13 2021
Journal Name
Palarch's Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt / Egyptology
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Objective: To suggest a weighted measure to diagnose the reasons for the low student success ratios in mathematics concerning the third grade of intermediate schools in light of components educational system represented by: [Students, Teachers, Curriculum, and Environmental reasons (others reasons)] assuming differentiated and interrelated components, Also the effectiveness forming of these components according to the gender variable. Methods: Data collection tools were prepared by constructing two questionnaires for each of (Students and Teachers), which included a number of items that involved some domains for studied components of educational system, which demonstrated a high level of validity and reliability in the pilot study, in addi

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analysis the Expected Profit By the Relation Between the Sustainable growth and Actual growth: Apply Study for Iraq Stock Exchange
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The research aims to analysis the future profits of companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange through analyzing the relationship between Actual Growth and Sustainable Growth, The study was applied to the sample of companies included in the Iraq Stock Exchange for the period (2010- 2014), The Internal Growth Rate has been used as a measure for the Actual Return Rate but the Sustainable Growth Rate has been measured under the Rose model, The research showed group of conclusions, the most important are:1. From the analysis of sustainable growth for the banks sample and the variables involved in its measure shows that investment in the investors amounts have achieved a significant return, which demonstrates the company's efficiency at gene

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The influence of the political and social socialization in the trend towards extremism
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The research deals with the impact of the nature of social and political formation in the orientation towards extremism through tracking the institutions and beliefs that the individual is going through. The role of the family, the group, the school, education, and religion has been touched upon in acquiring the trends of extremism, whether publicly or covertly, Focusing on the social and economic contexts that are an incubator environment for extremism supported by the form of the group and the beliefs it espouses, whether direct through religion or indirectly through the nature of education, this study relied on political literature that addressed this The topic, which focused on the phenomenon of extremism that swept the world recentl

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of public debt on financial stability in Iraq
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Countries have faced the challenges of high levels of public debt and seek to define the optimum limits to reduce risks to which the financial system can be exposed and its impact on the economy as a whole. Hence the importance of research in studying the impact of internal and external public debt components on indicators of stability of the financial system for the period 2005-2017 for the purpose of knowing the extent of the financial stability indicators response to the high level of the public debt from its optimum ratio, as the aim of the research is to estimate and analyze the dynamic relationship of short and long term between the components of public debt and indicators of financial stability using the (ARDL) model that

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Directorates of the Ministry of Agrarian Reform Iraq in 1958 - 1968
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After the issuance of agrarian reform first law of 1958 events social economic
accelerating out of sync with political events on the application of the agrarian reform law
issued a government executive branch law number (74) in May 1959 was the introduction of
the ministry of Agrarian reform and the development of a new system of the ministry of
agrarian reform and its department to determine structural ministry the new work started
department of the ministry ptt.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Means of activating the role of civil society institutions in Iraq
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    The concept of civil society is one of the relatively recent concepts that have emerged clearly on the political and social arena especially in European countries, where it effectively contributes to the process of democratic transformation through the multiple roles and functions that it exercises, and acts as mediator between the state and the individual. Civil society in essence works to bring about change in society whether it is political, economic, social or cultural .The civil society appeared in Iraq after 2003, as is the case with many concepts that entered Iraq and took upon themselves the building of a democratic Iraq .Accordingly civil society institutions are the entity capable of rebuilding the Iraqi personal

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Employment material in the Interior spaces of the directorates of queries in the city of Baghdad: آراء عبد الكريم حسين العبادي
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this research concern with material function subject by using it in Baghdad education in formational places , because it considered as one of the most important spaces which needs a material presentation for the interior consistings that shares with prepairing the right mode for thos who use these spaces, regarding to that this research includes four chapters: Chapter one: concern with the research problem represented by the following question: can we use the material to place the hole spaces of information place ? So the aim of the research seems very obvious in functioning the material these places, and to take a close view on the importance of the research the theory , implementation and objective limits also concerning the terminolog

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Role of the Social Networking Site (Facebook) in the Adjustment of Youth Trends / Community Issues and Problems
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Recent technological developments in the mass media a major paradigm shift in important segments of society, particularly among young people in particular social networking sites including (Facebook) .
it was able to link the sprawling parts of the world and paved the way for all the communities of convergence and exchange views, ideas and desires as provided by their ability to communicate through the use of video clips,pictures,share files, chat, communicate and direct interaction between the audience for this the means. Wondered problem Find the role that can be played using the university youth to the social networking site (Facebook ) to modify their attitudes or their interest in Iraqi society issues, With focused research objec

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