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Electoral appeals and the separation of organic health In the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year (2005)
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تعد الانتخابات بمثابة الطريق المؤدي إلى الديمقراطية كونها النمط الأكثر شيوعاً لمشاركة المواطنين في الحياة السياسية للبلدان واختيار ممثليهم في المجالس التشريعية، حيث أن مطلب إجراء انتخابات حرة ونزيهة لم يعد مطلباً داخلياً فحسب بل مطلباً دولياً يصرّ المجتمع الدولي على الوفاء به وهذا يلقي على عاتق كل دولة أن تضع من الضمانات ما يكفل ممارسة هذه الانتخابات بحرية ونزاهة وأن تحترم إرادة الناخبين وصولاً إلى نظام سياسي أقرب إلى المثالية قدر الإمكان وبما يضمن لهذا النظام من الاستقرار والديمومة معاً.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Technical Construction of Advertisements in Radio of the Republic of Iraq
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Studies and scientific research conducted in the field of communication have shown that broadcasting has a clear impact on the ideas, attitudes and behavior of the masses if it is better used in making the media message studied.

The role of this means is not only to present opinions and ideas, but also to influence trends by supporting or changing them. This is of course a matter for the nature of the content in terms of its formulation and the way it is prepared and presented. The power and appeal of a radio message is not complete by simply creating content without creating a distinctive design; and to what extent this content depends on the logic and psychology of persuasion.

The conviction of the cont

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Public Spending on Kaldor's Square Variables in Iraq for the period (2005-2016).
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The paper aims to measure and analysis the impact Public Spending on Iraq economy (Kaldor Variables).

 (variables of the magic square Kaldor) and them in after 2003.

The paper adopted econometric Methods to test the stationarity of the Variables under consideration. For the period (2005-2016) by using multiple regression and estimation the Impulse response function (IRF), by adopting Eviews 10 program.

The results of Impulse response function for the following five-years after the period under consideration reflexes that public expenditure (PEX) was fluctuating between positive and negative in all the variables of the research and this shows the fragility of the performance of fiscal policy in Iraq.


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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Public Rights and Freedoms in the Constitution of the Sultanate of Oman and Ways to Protect Them
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What distinguishes human rights issues is their importance to the international community and their importance to democratic political regimes, because they are the axis of any political regime that seeks to achieve a successful democratic path and a stable state. So, countries that are interested in human rights try to enshrine those rights and freedoms in their constitutions and reinforce their concepts in their laws and legislations. Not to mention its involvement in international conventions and treaties concerned with human rights and freedoms, and this is what the Sultanate of Oman has worked on and confirm in the provisions of its 1996 constitution and its amendments

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The reality of corporate tax and its role in the tax Revenues in Iraq: An analytical study for the years 2005-2010
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This study showed the basic features of corporate tax in Iraq by showing what was in the Income Tax Law in force .The study aims of this to indicate the role of tax corprates in tax revenue and then the possibility of strengthening the revenue of this tax as an important source of local funding sources in the form that is with him reduce dependence on oil revenues to finance the general budget in Iraq, the risks and the study found a number of conclusions from the most important: that the corporate tax comes in the introduction to the components of the income tax structure in terms of relative importance and formed a revenue source of prime The gross proceeds of the income tax in Iraq, where it contributed to more than a quarter of that

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 08 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Statistical Evaluation of the Planning Process and Scheduling Management for Irrigation and Drainage Projects in the Republic of Iraq
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The Research aims to investigate into reality in terms of planning and scheduling management process for sake the implementation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage projects in the Republic of Iraq, with an indication of the most important obstacles that impede the planning and scheduling management process for these projects and ways of addressing them and minimizing their effects.                                                  For the purpose of achieving the goal of the research, a sci

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Building Electoral Posters An Analytical Study of the Electoral Campaign's Posters of the Iraqi Representative Council in 2014
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The electoral poster is the most important means and methods of the electoral campaign because of its advantages and capabilities if it is organized properly. It is an intensive propaganda message with psychological figures and semiotic connotations belonging to sub-culture. Its construction depends on a group of elements (logo, photo symbols, color and picture) and their consistency is varying from one to another. Posters must be committed the determinants of attraction, excitement, simplicity and clarity. They are working according to the following base: (fixed audience X moved recipients) and walking towards (moving X moving) due to the technical development of optical screens. These developments require double the force of the impact

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the sustainability of the public debt in light of the volatile oil revenues in Iraq for the period (2005-2015)
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This study deals with the fluctuations of oil revenues and its effect on the public debt. This can be studied through the indicators of debt sustainability, the financial, and economic indicators which express the risk of debt. The study focuses on clarification of the public debt path and its management both domestic and foreign. The sustainability of debt takes an important role according the macroeconomic variables. This study stresses the relationship between the rental economy in Iraq and the risk of the public debt, it is very important to work high oil prices, and on investigating during high work to establish a fund to support the budget deficit. This will reduce future risks arising from the use of publi

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Freedom of movement of capital and its impact on the effectiveness of monetary policy In Iraq (2005-2016)
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The interest in the issue of capital movement as an economic phenomenon has increased because of its effects and effects and its ability to influence the economic balance and the effectiveness of monetary policy. All countries seek to attract capital and benefit from it because of its effects and results such as supporting economic development process and optimal allocation of economic resources. The problem of the financing gap that most countries suffer from, and others, but sometimes the movement of capital creates challenges for monetary policy makers in achieving their goals.

   After 2003, the Iraqi economy witnessed an openness and economic liberalization unlike previous years, which

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Radio Republic of Iraq and Awareness Promoting of Minorities’ Rights
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Proposals to raise awareness of the rights of minorities and secure their freedoms have begun to receive attention Internationally. It is escalated, especially after the increasing impact of wars and conflicts on these situations Minorities, and UNESCO stresses the need to take over information and communication policies Greater attention to protect minority rights.

Hence the importance of our research, the problem of which lies in the main question: (What is the role Radio Republic of Iraq has played in promoting awareness of minority rights at the level : Public and  Social?) . As one of the Iraqi media networks , laws oblige them to pay attention to the rights of minorities and to spread a culture of pluralism , diversity

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Development and democracy in the Republic of Korea study in dialectic relationship
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After its 35-year occupation of Japan and the US occupation, Korea has set its sights on a long-term goal of building its country and establishing its foundations, unobtrusive and unchecked by the problems and wars that have stood in the way of its goal, surpassing all odds and achieving the best results. The most powerful Asian and global economies, which gained the respect of the world and its appreciation of the experience has become referred to as boys

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