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Statistical Evaluation of the Planning Process and Scheduling Management for Irrigation and Drainage Projects in the Republic of Iraq

The Research aims to investigate into reality in terms of planning and scheduling management process for sake the implementation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage projects in the Republic of Iraq, with an indication of the most important obstacles that impede the planning and scheduling management process for these projects and ways of addressing them and minimizing their effects.                                                  For the purpose of achieving the goal of the research, a scientific methodology was followed, represented in the collection of information literacy related to the subject of planning and scheduling management.Scheduling in multiple aspects, the most important of which are factors related to planning, design, implementation, contracting documents, management of the implementing agency, the nature of the project, planning, control and follow-up work.                                                                                        The study concluded that there are sixty-three factors influencing the planning and scheduling management process, including (not calculating the quantities of work paragraphs in an accurate and detailed manner) came in the first place with relative importance (74%), then followed by the second factor (the lack of qualified cadres to prepare time programs) And with a relative importance of (73%), and sixteen factors were excluded because they got a relative importance of less than (50%), and with regard to the factors affecting in estimating the implementation and maintenance periods in the General Authority for the Maintenance of Irrigation and Sewerage Projects, the study reached forty-five reasons, the most important of which are (Availability of financial liquidity) with relative importance (83%) in the first place, then followed by (the efficiency of the machines, machines and equipment used) with relative importance (79%), and in light of the conclusions reached, a set of recommendations were developed to developed the planning process and scheduling management for the implementation and maintenance of projects irrigation and drainage.


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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Technical Construction of Advertisements in Radio of the Republic of Iraq

Studies and scientific research conducted in the field of communication have shown that broadcasting has a clear impact on the ideas, attitudes and behavior of the masses if it is better used in making the media message studied.

The role of this means is not only to present opinions and ideas, but also to influence trends by supporting or changing them. This is of course a matter for the nature of the content in terms of its formulation and the way it is prepared and presented. The power and appeal of a radio message is not complete by simply creating content without creating a distinctive design; and to what extent this content depends on the logic and psychology of persuasion.

The conviction of the cont

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Electoral appeals and the separation of organic health In the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year (2005)


تعد الانتخابات بمثابة الطريق المؤدي إلى الديمقراطية كونها النمط الأكثر شيوعاً لمشاركة المواطنين في الحياة السياسية للبلدان واختيار ممثليهم في المجالس التشريعية، حيث أن مطلب إجراء انتخابات حرة ونزيهة لم يعد مطلباً داخلياً فحسب بل مطلباً دولياً يصرّ المجتمع الدولي على الوفاء به وهذا يلقي على عاتق كل دولة أن تضع من الضمانات ما يكفل ممارسة هذه الانتخابات ب

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Employment cost management tools in the fast-track method Of the constructionindustries for the purpose of rationalizing costs: An applied research in the Shatt al-Diwaniya transference project General Authority for projects of irrigation and reclamation

The important factor in the success of construction projects is its ability to objective estimate of the cost of the project and adapt to the changes of the external environment, which is affected by a lot of elements and the requirements of the competitive environment. The faces of those projects are several problems in order to achieve particular goals. To overcome these difficulties has been the development of research in the last two decades and turn the focus on the role of the cost of project management, by providing information and assist management in planning and control of the budget among the main elements of the project, namely, (time-cost-quality),The research aims at the possibility of developing and implementing mechanisms

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Scheduling Critical Activities of Stochastic Projects Management

In this paper, we consider the problem of stochastic project network when some or all activities are interrupted. An approach has been built to schedule the critical activities, by constructing some expressions based on the project lateness costs due to the interruption activities. Two simple example are presented to validate our approach.

Key words: Project Management, Project scheduling, Stochastic activity duration, Stochastic PERT.    


   Recently, Projects planning and optimal timing, under uncertainty are extremely critical for many organizations, see [19]. Having an effective mathematical model wi

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Development and democracy in the Republic of Korea study in dialectic relationship

After its 35-year occupation of Japan and the US occupation, Korea has set its sights on a long-term goal of building its country and establishing its foundations, unobtrusive and unchecked by the problems and wars that have stood in the way of its goal, surpassing all odds and achieving the best results. The most powerful Asian and global economies, which gained the respect of the world and its appreciation of the experience has become referred to as boys

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 26 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Radio Republic of Iraq and Awareness Promoting of Minorities’ Rights

Proposals to raise awareness of the rights of minorities and secure their freedoms have begun to receive attention Internationally. It is escalated, especially after the increasing impact of wars and conflicts on these situations Minorities, and UNESCO stresses the need to take over information and communication policies Greater attention to protect minority rights.

Hence the importance of our research, the problem of which lies in the main question: (What is the role Radio Republic of Iraq has played in promoting awareness of minority rights at the level : Public and  Social?) . As one of the Iraqi media networks , laws oblige them to pay attention to the rights of minorities and to spread a culture of pluralism , diversity

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Leadership Skills and their Impact on Strategic Planning: Applied Research in the Iraqi Ministry of Planning

The present search addressed the " leadership skills and their impact on strategic planning " Where has the objective of leadership skills and strategic planning of increasing importance at the present time , for being fairly modern topics ,which have a tremendous impact on the success of organizations..                                                                        &n

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Management Model for Evaluation and Selection of Engineering Equipment Suppliers for Construction Projects in Iraq

Engineering equipment is essential part in the construction project and usually manufactured with long lead times, large costs and special engineering requirements. Construction manager targets that equipment to be delivered in the site need date with the right quantity, appropriate cost and required quality, and this entails an efficient supplier can satisfy these targets. Selection of engineering equipment supplier is a crucial managerial process .it requires evaluation of multiple suppliers according to multiple criteria. This process is usually performed manually and based on just limited evaluation criteria, so better alternatives may be neglected. Three stages of survey comprised number of public a

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Political Transformations in The Republic of Turkmenistan During the Period (1991-2021)

After the fall of the Soviet Union, a number of Eastern Bloc countries and Soviet republics have witnessed political transition. However, Turkmenistan, as one of the former Soviet republics, succeeded to preserve the authoritarian nature of the former Soviet regime. This study seeks to answer a number of research questions, the most prominent of which are: How were the political elite in Turkmenistan able to preserve the legacy of the Soviet policy based on centralization of power and individual rule?. The study reaches a set of conclusions, the most important of which are:

1-The roots of the tyranny in Turkmenistan are du to internal and external structural factors. The most important of which are: the former Soviet policies of m

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Scheduling of Irrigation and Leaching Requirements

Iraq depends mainly on Tigris and Euphrates Rivers to provide high percentage of agricultural water use for thousands years. At last years, Iraq is suffering from shortage in water resources due to global climate changes and unfair water politics of the neighboring countries, which affected the future of agriculture plans for irrigation, added to that the lack of developed systems of water management in the irrigation projects and improper allocation of irrigation water, which reduces water use efficiency and lead to losing irrigation water and decreasing in agricultural yield. This study aims at studying the usability of irrigation and leaching scheduling within the irrigating projects and putting a complete annual or seasonal irrigatio

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