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Neurological Perfectionism in Talented Individuals with Disabilities “Case Study”
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The study aims to identify the neurological perfectionism of talented girls with disabilities and do a case study for one of these girls. The sample of the study consisted of (11) female students at the university level, 5 females with disability and (6) normal female-students. The sample also included (19) secondary school female students in Tabuk region, including 10 students with visual disability and (9) normal students. The case study was limited to one case of mentally superior girls (talented) with kinetic disability. The researcher adopted the descriptive methodology (case study), he used neurological perfectionism scale, Salah Mekhemar interview, Stanford interfacial intelligence scale fifth picture, case study form. The results revealed that there are statistically significant differences between the mean grades of disabled and non-disabled talents in the neurological perfection scale with different dimensions and the total score in favor of the handicapped, there is a statistically significant relationship between the IQ of the disabled and the degree of neurotic perfectionism. To verify the validity of this hypothesis, the correlation coefficients between the IQ of the individuals of the sample and the degree of neurotic perfectionism were achieved in all dimensions and the total score. This was proved by verifying the dynamic factors in the case of the clinical study sample.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Metallo-B-iactamase production by pseudomonas aeruginosa of septicemic patients
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Background: P. aeruginosa remains a important cause of life threatening bloodstream infection in immunocompromised patients, particularly those with hematologic malignancies complicated by neutropeni.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
مدى التزام مديري معاهد إعداد المعلمين بأخلاقيات المهنة من وجهة نظر المدرسين والمدرسات
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What a nation seeking to occupy a prominent place among the nations not and attached the educational process of the great interest from which you can build a conscions generation represented in the culture first, then unable to adapt to modern technology data on the labor market second .

So it was for the administration a major role in the educational process and that all the evaluation of texture development of education in his administration , it is through the development of administrative paper work can be judged or under developed society , evaluation of any system depends on the efficiency of his administration in dealing with the inputs of the education system.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
الأسطول والقوة البحریة في سلطنة عُمان خلال النصف الأول من القرن التاسع عشر
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Development and progress of the fleet and the navy in Oman during
the reign of Sultan Said bin sultan from 1804 to 1856.
It had second level in Arab Gulf and Indian Ocean during the first half
of nineteenth century. The fleet of Oman in this time became after British
Several reasons were behind the development of Omani fleet
- First : The aim of Sultan Said was to built a large navy yard in Arab Gulf
and Indian Ocean to encourage him -to made many ships factories.
- Second: Arab Gulf and Indian Ocean within the reign of Sultan Said
wittinsed the confilicts and wars between different forces it drived Sultan Said
to built agood and strong navy.
- Third The main aim of Oman during the reign of Sultan

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Solving the Hotdog Problem by Using the Joint Zero-order Finite Hankel - Elzaki Transform
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This paper is concerned with combining two different transforms to present a new joint transform FHET and its inverse transform IFHET. Also, the most important property of FHET was concluded and proved, which is called the finite Hankel – Elzaki transforms of the Bessel differential operator property, this property was discussed for two different boundary conditions, Dirichlet and Robin. Where the importance of this property is shown by solving axisymmetric partial differential equations and transitioning to an algebraic equation directly. Also, the joint Finite Hankel-Elzaki transform method was applied in solving a mathematical-physical problem, which is the Hotdog Problem. A steady state which does not depend on time was discussed f

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Solving Linear Volterra – Fredholm Integral Equation of the Second Type Using Linear Programming Method
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In this paper, a new technique is offered for solving three types of linear integral equations of the 2nd kind including Volterra-Fredholm integral equations (LVFIE) (as a general case), Volterra integral equations (LVIE) and Fredholm integral equations (LFIE) (as special cases). The new technique depends on approximating the solution to a polynomial of degree  and therefore reducing the problem to a linear programming problem(LPP), which will be solved to find the approximate solution of LVFIE. Moreover, quadrature methods including trapezoidal rule (TR), Simpson 1/3 rule (SR), Boole rule (BR), and Romberg integration formula (RI) are used to approximate the integrals that exist in LVFIE. Also, a comparison between those

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 07 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Major sins (adultery, sodomy) and their impact on societal groups and their treatment from the point of view of Islamic law
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This research sheds light on the major sins (fornication and sodomy) as two crimes that are prohibited by the divine laws, including its conclusion by the Islamic Sharia. Major sins so that life and the universe are organized, and the individual lives a life of chastity and purity free of filth and filth. The Islamic message included a set of preventive measures and remedial methods that, if the ummah were to apply them, they would live a decent life full of noble goals.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Gender and Supportive Moves of Criticism: Evidence from Iraqi-Arabic and Malay Speech Communities
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This study aims to reveal the similarities and differences between Iraqi and Malay university learners and their genders in producing the supportive moves of criticism. To this end, 30 Iraqi and 30 Malay university learners have participated in this study. A Discourse Completion Test (DCT) and a Focus Group Interview (FGI) are conducted to elicit responses from the participants. Nguyen’s (2005) classification of criticism supportive moves is adapted to code the data. The data are analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. Overall, the findings unveil that both groups use similar categories of supportive moves, but Iraqis produce more of these devices than Malays in their criticisms. Although both females and males of both groups use id

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 27 2024
Journal Name
مؤسسة دار الصادق الثقافية
الجامعة ودورها في الحد من تعاطي المخدرات وتأثيرها على المدمنين (اسباب وحلول ومعالجات)
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ملخص البحث: تعتبر مشكلة تعاطي المخدرات من المشكلات التي تؤثر في بناء المجتمع وأفراده لما يترتب عليها من آثار اجتماعية واقتصادية ونفسية سيئة تنسحب على الفرد و على المجتمع، كما أنها ظاهرة اجتماعية مرضية تدفع إليها عوامل عديدة؛ بعضها يتعلق بالفرد والبعض الآخر بالأسرة والثالث بالبناء الاجتماعي ككل. وتعد ظاهرة انتشار المخدرات من الظواهر الأكثر تعقيدا وبارزة هذه الظاهر ة وإحدى مشكلات العصر، الشاملة في المجتمع، و

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Assessment of Air Pollution around Durra Refinery (Baghdad) from Emission NO2 Gas at April Month
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Nitrogen dioxide NO2 is one of the most dangerous contaminant in the air, its toxic gas that cause disturbing respiratory effects, most of it emitted from industrial sources especially from the stack of power plants and oil refineries. In this study Gaussian equations modelled by Matlab program to state the effect of pollutant NO2 gas on area around Durra refinery, this program also evaluate some elements such as wind and stability and its effect on stacks height. Data used in this study is the amount of fuel oil and fuel gas burn inside refinery at a year 2017. Hourly April month data chosen as a case study because it’s unsteady month. After evaluate emission rate of the all fuel and calculate exit velocity from

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 04 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
آل الاشعث آل الأشعث وموقفهم من مقتل الخليفة علي وولده الحسن (عليهما السلام)
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The research position ofAl-A'shath from ahlulbayt lies theimportance of research to clarify the exten of resentment and hatred which carries these owners of family household and the reason for hatred and animosity dates bach to his place and the hom of the people of the house of god and the prophet and the people the research is divided in to introduction and tow section and the ring included afirstsectionA'shath bin Qais position in the murderof caliph ali the second section has included the role of the girl crumple A'shath in the venom of imam Hassan and the bottom line is that the house  of A'shath proceeded to such acts of the door of hatred and resentment and hostility lal house.

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