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The dynamics of the oil industry in shaping land uses: a case study of the Zubair oil field
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The emergence of oil fields and subsequent changes in adjacent land use are known to affect settlements and communities. Everywhere the industry emerges, there is little understanding about the impact of oil fields on land use in the surrounding areas. The oil industry in Iraq is one of the most important industries and is almost the main industry in the Iraqi economic sector, and it is very clear that this industry is spread over large areas, and at the same time adjoins with population communities linked to it developmentally.

The rapid development and expansion of oil extraction activities in various regions has led to many challenges related to land-use planning and management. Here, the problem of research  arises on the  increase in waste of land use in favor of oil projects, which leads to spatial, environmental, social and economic imbalances that threaten the sustainability of land resources. Based on this problem, the aim of the research was to  analyze the current land uses in the Zubair oil field, and  to highlight the absence of planning principles and evaluation of various impacts.

The research has hypothesized that the application of comprehensive spatial planning principles can effectively manage the spatial,  environmental, economic and social impacts  arising from oilfield activities.

 This hypothesis was tested through a detailed descriptive analytical approach, using remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems (GIS) software.

 The integration of these tools facilitates the analysis and visualization of spatial data, enabling the classification of satellite imagery and the mapping of different land cover and land-use categories.

The importance of research lies in highlighting  the role of spatial planning and the need to apply it in industrial projects such as the oil industry to ensure coordination between industry returns and impacts.

The results of the research confirmed the lack of a coherent plan in land use within the study area,This led to competition for land occupation between different uses, which generated imbalances and inefficiencies. Furthermore, the expansion of oil-related activities raises significant environmental concerns, necessitating an examination of spatial impacts.

The research concludes with recommendations, the most important of which are the development of clear land use plans, stakeholder cooperation, continuous monitoring through GIS applications, the development of regulations for spatial signatures of projects, and adherence to sustainability standards in land use.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Influence of the annealing time on the structural properties for Flash evaporated InSb films
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Indium Antimonide (InSb) thin films were grown onto well cleaned glass substrates at substrate temperatures (473 K) by flash evaporation. X-ray diffraction studies confirm the polycrystalline of the films and the films show preferential orientation along the (111) plane .The particle size increases with the increase of annealing time .The transmission spectra of prepared samples were found to be in the range (400-5000 cm-1 ) from FTIR study . This indicates that the crystallinity is improved in the films deposited at higher annealing time.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Analysis the Surface Morphology of the Porous Media by using Atomic Force Microscope technique
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An atomic force microscope (AFM) technique is utilized to investigate the polystyrene (PS) impact upon the morphological properties of the outer as well as inner surface of poly vinyl chloride (PVC) porous fibers. Noticeable a new shape of the nodules at the outer and inner surfaces, namely "Crater nodules", has been observed. The fibers surface images have seen to be regular nodular texture at the skin of the inner and outer surfaces at low PS content. At PS content of 6 wt.%, the nodules structure was varied from Crater shape to stripe. While with increasing of PS content, the pore density reduces as a result of increasing the size of the pore at the fiber surface. Moreover, the test of 3D-AFM images shows that the roughness of both su

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 10 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
The Impact of Hydro-Politics on the Relation between Turkey and Iraq Since 1980
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Water one of the most important sources Which is no doubt essential for life surviving, water is vital in many sectors of life e.g. ( agriculture, industrial, power and so many things can’t be restricted on the mentioned items, water has become major problem facing the world today. Competition over water resources between nations has made it as a vital commodity and a justification for waging wars against its neighbor’s countries, there are currently 263 rivers that either cross or demarcate international political boundaries. Geographically, Europe has the largest number of international basins (69), followed by Africa (59), Asia (57), North America (40), and South America (38).The absolute numbers of international basins, as well as t

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Separation Worry and its Correlation with Working Memory of the Primary School Pupils
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The concept of the separation worry is considered one of the common disorders in children. The causes and effects of this worry influence the child mental and cognitive ability and the child ability to communicate with others, has friendship and the ability of adaptive with the environment, peers and teachers and it also influences the child's academic and social performance.
The importance of this study is represented in handling the working memory, one of important subject in cognitive psychology. Many universal studies show that the working memory is very important in several daily functions such as continuous attention, followinstructions, implement instructions of many steps, the moment of information remembering and keep focusin

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Calculation of the longitudinal electron scattering form factors for the 2s-1d shell nuclei
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An Expression for the transition charge density is investigated
where the deformation in nuclear collective modes is taken into
consideration besides the shell model transition density. The
inelastic longitudinal C2 and C4 form factors are calculated using
this transition charge density for the Ne Mg 20 24 , , Si 28 and S 32
nuclei. In this work, the core polarization transition density is
evaluated by adopting the shape of Tassie model togther with the
derived form of the ground state two-body charge density
distributions (2BCDD's). It is noticed that the core polarization
effects which represent the collective modes are essential in
obtaining a remarkable agreement between the calculated inelastic

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
Pros and Cons of the Transconjunctival Retroseptal Approach to the Isolated Orbital Floor Fracture
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To get access into the orbital floor 3 paths are commonly used which are transconjunctival, subciliary and subtarsal approaches. Each one of these approaches has its advantages and disadvantages. The study assessed the outcomes of the transconjunctival retroseptal approach, which reflects our experience in this type of surgery. Along 8 years, 26 patients received in the emergency room diagnosed with pure isolated orbital floor fractures, all of them admitted to the maxillofacial surgery department and approached by transconjunctival incision without lateral canthotomy. Three types of complications occurred: laceration of the lower eyelid, injury to the lacrimal system and entropion. All of these complications were managed accordingly with n

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
International Medical Journal
Surface analysis of the PEKK coating on the cp ti implant using laser technique
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Objective: Evaluation of the poly ether keton keton polymer (PEKK) coating material on the commercial pure titanium disks (CP Ti) with or without laser surface structuring. Design: In vitro experimental study of PEKK polymer coated material on the CP Ti disks with or without laser surface structuring. Materials and methods: coating the surface of the commercial pure titanium (CP Ti) disks with PEKK polymer was performed via using frictional mode CO2 laser, then the samples disks analyzed by using FESEM. Results: the FESEM reveal good adherence and distribution of the PEKK coated material over the CP Ti substrate by using the frictional mode CO2 laser at 2 watt and 6 ms pulse duration. Conclusion: the frictional mode CO2 laser considered an

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
PDF The effect of nanoelectrodes number and length on enhancing the THz photomixer performance
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Abstract: Despite the distinct features of the continuous wave (CW) Terahertz (THz) emitter using photomixing technique, it suffers from the relatively low radiation output power. Therefore, one of effective ways to improve the photomixer emitter performance was using nanodimensions electrodes inside the optical active region of the device. Due to the nanodimension sizes and good electrical conductivity of silver nanowires (Ag-NWs), they have been exploited as THz emitter electrodes. The excited surface plasmon polariton waves (SPPs) on the surface of nanowire enhances the incident excitation signal. Therefore, the photomixer based Ag-NW compared to conventional one significantly exhibits higher THz output signal. In thi

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The optical properties of C\Mg, nano-rods produced by the explosion wire technique
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Abstract<p>The aim of this research is to study the optical properties of carbon-magnesium plasma resulting from arc discharge with explosive wire technique, where the energy gap of each of carbon and magnesium and the carbon-magnesium bond for three values of the wire exploding current (50,75,100 amperes) was studied. It was found that the energy gap for each of carbon and magnesium decreases with increasing the current, the X-ray diffraction of magnesium and the carbon-magnesium suspension was studied, and FTIR of the carbon-magnesium suspended carbon was studied for three values of the exploding current (50, 75, 100 amperes) and the type of bonds for carbon and magnesium was determined. To ob</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Heat Treatment on the Magnetic and Mechanical properties offe - Ni alloys.
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The aim of this work is studying the binary system ??'??? Ni?)with two ratios (y=36,80) by using casting method for preparing the samples.Magnetic and Mechanical properties have been studidt different httrea^nttem^rature.All the alloys were found a ferromagnetic behavior and sensitive to the heat treatment. Best properties were found at the heat treatment 1100 C°.A significant different results were found above 1100C° for lower magnetic and mechanical values. This is possibly due to the change on the degree of magnetic moment orders, in which most of the moments are started to remove from coupled ferromagnetically.?

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