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The affective factors on the urban growth for the port cities (analytical study of the growth of the Um Qasr city))

In this paper, the relationship between urban growth, land use, site availability, and impacts on the general appearance of the city generated by functional characteristics of port cities were analyzed. Various data were used to identify patterns of land use change and city growth and expansion. The research aims to analyze the impact of the port on the growth of the city, study the urban growth of the city of Umm Qasr and predicting the growth trends, and to identify the most influential factors in this growth. The study dealt with the concepts of urban growth and the factors that characterize the growth of port cities and the current situation of the city. The practical part included the mechanisms used by the researcher to analyze the relationship of urban growth and the effect of the port in that growth, considering that the port is the functional identity of the city.  The researcher followed descriptive analytical method depending on the spatial analysis of land uses using geographic information systems and IDRISI software during periods of time that were identified and compared with the changes between these periods and questionnaire forms according to the axes that were determined through the theoretical side, The aim of the questionnaire forms was to determine the impact of the port on the city through these axes. In order to obtain a clear and comprehensive vision, two types of questionnaire forms were used: the first is the random one for the residents of the city and the second is intended for experts, officials and specialists in the field of ports. The objective of the separation is to obtain better and comprehensive results. The researcher concluded the most important conclusions (that the relationship between the port and the city experienced a clear fluctuation and this was observed in previous years, but the period between 2012-2018 has seen a rapid development and this is due to the relative increase in trade) This shows the strength of the relationship between urban growth Of the city and the activity of the port. The most important recommendations are (integrating the port function with the city function under a sustainable development framework may help balance the relationship between the city and its port).

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 03 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
دور المرشـد النفســي في المؤسسـات التعليمية لوقاية الشباب من آفة المخدرات

تتنوع الإمراض التي تدعى بإمراض العصر وتتعقد باستمرار والتوازي مع تقدم البشرية في مجالات التطور العلمي والاجتماعي ومختلف مجالات الحياة الأخرى .

فبالإضافة  إلى الإمراض الفيروسية والعضوية والنفسية هناك مرض تعاطي وإدمان المخدرات (الهاشمي ,  2002  ، ص1).

لم يعد خافيا على احد إن خطر الإدمان على الكحول والمخدرات والمؤثرات العقلية أصبح اليوم يهدد امن وسلامة العديد من دول العالم

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
معوقات استخدام الطرائق الحديثة لتدريس مواد اللغة العربية في المرحلة الإعدادية

objective of this research is to identify some of the obstacles that face secondary school teachers of the Arabic language courses in using modern teaching methods in class.

The research focuses on secondary school teachers of the Arabic language courses at the central region of Nineveh Governorate for the school year (2008-2009). 30 teachers out of 792, were randomly chosen to apply the research tool upon.

To fulfill the objective of this research, the researcher first surveyed a number of teachers , he then identified four categories of obstacles; obstacles related to school administrative system and environment, the teacher, courses and pupils, and the nature of teaching method

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
تفعيل دور وزارة التخطيط في تقييم الجدوى الفنية والاقتصادية للمشاريع المقترحة

The success of any work requires the development of prior plans for the success of this work as well as providing the necessary sources of funds for the implementation of those plans, where the start of the research problem of delayed sending project proposals to the Ministry of Planning to do its job oversight in checking the technical and economic of those projects feasibility studies, has sought the researcher to the statement of need activating the role of the Ministry of planning in the study of projects before they are implemented and the trade-offs between important projects and projects the most important as they related to the usefulness of the community as well as the economic feasibility evaluation of them in terms of providin

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
محاولة لصياغة برنامج تمويلي متكامل لدعم المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في العراق

تعمل البنوك والمؤسسات المالية كوسيط مالي بين أصحاب المدخرات والودائع من جهة ومستخدمي هذه الأموال من جهة أخرى، وممارسة هذه الوساطة المالية بين الطرفين توضح العلاقة التي ينشأ عنها الائتمان، فالائتمان علاقة بين طرفين أولهما تزيد موارده على احتياجاته وهم (المدخرون) والثاني تزيد احتياجاته على موارده وهم (المقترضون)، وطبيعة العلاقة التي تنشأ بينهما تأخذ أحد شكلين: مباشر دون وساطة من أي طرف خارجي، أو غير مباشر عن

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mental Health and Its Role in Enhancing Self-Confidence Positive Behavior among University Students

The current research aims to identify mental health and its role in promoting self-confidence and positive behavior of female university students. The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach in this research. The researcher depended on the availability of sources and references, literature, and previous field studies to analyze and study all aspects related to mental health and its role in promoting self-confidence and positive behavior of university students and then expand its importance and identify the areas of mental health, self-confidence, positive behavior, and university. The second chapter included the concept of mental health, the importance of the study, the most important factors of health and psyc

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 08 2022
Journal Name
مجلة حمورابي
العقيدة العسكرية للمنظمات الارهابية الحرب اللامتماثلة في العراق عام 2014 انموذحا

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
استيلاء (هنري تيودور) Henry Tudor واستيلاءه على السلطة في انكلترا عام1485

Some great families in England had competed for the sake of getting authority and power in England.

This competition turned to be a bloody civil war which extended till 1455 and ended with the victory of Henry Tudor whose judgment in England started from 28th of August 1458, consequently a new dynast which is known as (the Tudor)has established

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 29 2019
Journal Name
مجلة متون
البلادة العاطفية لدى طلبة الجامعة في ضوء متغيري النوع والتخصص الدراسي

هدفت الدراسة الحالية التعرف على البلادة العاطفية لطلبة الجامعة وكذلك التعرف على معنوية الفروق في البلادة العاطفية تبعاً لمتغيري: النوع (ذكور-اناث) والتخصص الدراسي (علمي –انساني) ، تآلفت عينة الدراسة من (400) طالب وطالبة موزعين بالتساوي حسب النوع والتخصص الدراسي تم اختيارهم عشوائيا من طلبة الجامعة، استخدمت الباحثة مقياس البلادة العاطفية من (اعداد الباحثة) وبعد تطبيق المقياس على عينة البحث واستخراج البيانات با

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2005
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
عرض اطروحة (نهضة الامة العربية والاسلامية في فكر مالك بن نبي)

نهضة الامة العربية والاسلامية في فكر مالك بن نبي

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 12 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الأثر الوظيفي للإعلام النسوي في الاصلاح السيدة زينب (عليها السلام ) أنموذجا

      The pause of AL-Hawra Zainab(peace be upon her) is a great opportunity to show the Muslim woman in combating injustice and tyranny, but we find the lack of knowledge of the leader of the media AL-Husseini(peace be upon 

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